5/12 Houston Dash Match Preview

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: All right,
everyone, if you liked what you.

If you like what you hear,
hit the subscribe button.

We're not done yet.

All right, welcome to Casual
FC and Angel City Preview Pod.

I'm your host, Mario Salazar, and this
techie riddled struggle bus of a show

right now because of the Internet.

Here with my co host Angela Morales.

Hi everybody.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: and if
Angela sounds particularly fancy

today, it's because she got a fancy
new mic, which we're super excited for.

my fantastic co host and my wonderful

fiancee decided to, find themselves in
cahoots and plan a lovely little surprise.

I met up with Eva after work.

Tuesday last week, the day before my
birthday, and were going to go to dinner.

I was just having a bad day.

It was one of those where I
was like, everything's stupid.

It's hot.

I don't know why I'm hot.

And just the sky is a little too
bright that nothing was right.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: The
sky's the wrong color blue.

yeah, exactly.

That's exactly what it was.

And she like, she picked me up and
she was like, OK, so Are you hungry?

what's the plan?

I was like, what is going on?

And she's it's nothing bad.

It's just a surprise.

And I was like, okay.

And she was do you want to go
eat or what do you want to do?

And I was like, can this
surprise happen right now?

cause I, the second I sit
down somewhere, I was done.

Like I was not going to be
able to like, have a good time.

And she was like, let me see.

And so we're sitting in the car
and she faces away from me and it's

Trying to text all like secretive.

And I was like, what are you doing?

She was like, nothing.

I just have to coordinate something
to see if that's possible or

to see if we have to wait.

And I was like, okay, whatever you weirdo.


So we start driving and she's
okay, and she's very much a,

I don't text and drive person.

So for her to be texting at
red lights is a big deal.

which I appreciate given my high level of.

car related PTSD from
a whole mess of things.

But, yeah, it was great.

We went over to Mario's and he surprised
me with her, obviously, but with this

fantastic microphone and I didn't cry.

news alert, breaking
news, Angela didn't cry.

Came really close.

and then Mario's kids made birthday
cards for me and it was real nice.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: which was,
I just, we realized it after the fact,

but, Maddie made Angela a card where
she actually wrote that happy birthday

song inside the card all the way
and then there was a box where I was

supposed to, a blank box, yeah, where
I was supposed to write Angela's name

because I just bought the card from her.

We realized that.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: cute.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: We realized
what she was doing is that it was

a, she has a birthday book that
my parents gave her a couple years

ago, more than a couple years ago.

and it's basically like that.

It's every page where they
sing happy birthday and they

sing about a different thing.

these presents are for you, these
balloons are for you, there's a spot for

her name, and my parents wrote it in.


my god, that's so special.


mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: I
had no clue where she was, like,

where she made this thing up.

And then I was like, oh, that's fun.

And then, and then when I was
talking to Jen afterwards, it hit us.

We were like, oh, it's the book!

Oh, I love that.

She was like adamant.

She handed me the card and I opened it and
I look at it and she looked at it and she

goes, wait, can I please have this back?

I need to do something.

And after Mario.



mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

have to fix this.

I forgot to do this
really important thing.


mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

Cause she was finishing it, she was
finishing it up as you showed up.

So she was like, furiously
trying to finish.

She did great.


mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.


Everett's card with lots of ones.

That was the best.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yes,
he wrote a bunch of ones, yes.

And those are all him too.

circles and it was yellow,

orange, and purple, and then
all the ones are in, in yellow.

And I was like, what are these?

He goes, these are ones.

Yeah, that's all they were, huh?

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: a lot.

And I go, why?

He goes, how many years you
are, how many years are you?

And I tell him, oh, I'm 38.

And he looks at me and
he just goes, a lot.

like the innocence there's nothing worse.

Like the sinking feeling of when a
three or almost four year old just

drags you and you're like, thanks.


mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

Cause they don't realize they're

like, why do you look like that?

And you're like, Oh, it's just my face.

Like my bad kid.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Nah, it's not
that, it's more like, 20's a big number.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: a big
number to him, so he's it's a lot.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: know

Oh, that was so good.

I get it.

We get a paper with more scribblies
every single day coming from preschool.

I'm just like, yeah!

many scribblies.

That is so good.

No, I just greatly appreciate it.

And I super, super appreciate
the fact that you both believe in

this and to do, I'm going to cry.

I'm going to stop.

I'm making myself cry.

Thanks for

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: didn't
cry when we gave it to her, when

we gave her the mic, but now
she's crying thinking about it.

talk about soccer.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: It
was definitely from the heart.

It was very much, Eva and I
were on the same wavelength.

I text her and I was like, hey, are
you thinking of a present for Angela?

And do you want to go
halfsies on something?

and and we were all, she was already
like looking for something like that.

So we were like, yep, let's go for it.

so yay.

and I hope the rest of your
birthday was awesome and great.

I know you went to the Natural
History Museum, Butterfly Exhibit.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

we had a blast.

We just had quiet day,
which is rare these days.

And I highly recommend to any of our
listeners who are in the LA area, I

highly recommend getting a membership
to the Natural History Museum and the

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Oh, yeah.

because they are, connected.

And it's for two adults, it's
40 bucks or something like

that to go the museum anyway.

And the memberships are like 100 or 120.

So go three times.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

No, it's awesome.

And you get,

Admission to

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: or
the, to the first Thursdays?

first Fridays.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

Yeah, it's cool.

There's a lot of stuff.

They're rotating exhibits.

It's just nice.

And if you don't want to go and all
the field trips are there, get there

about 1 1 30 and they're all leaving.

They're all leaving, and then
you just have a lovely, quiet,

gigantic museum to yourself.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yep.

And also dinosaurs.

many dinosaurs!

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: yeah.


ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: I'm, I
will say, the diorama rooms, the Night at

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: the,

kind of rooms,

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: yeah.

freak me out.

But I'm trying really hard.

I love you.


mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: All
the taxidermy animals in there.

Ivo was like, you want to go in there?

I was like, not right now.

can come back another day.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Well,


mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: favorite room
is the Gems, the Gem Vault downstairs.

we didn't do the whole museum

because we're like, we can come back.

So we went, we did dinosaurs.

the, they have a current history of
Los Angeles exhibit, which is have

that and then went to the Gem Room
and just putzed around, got lost and

then we're like, looking for, and
the cafe is also very good and you

get a discount if you're a member.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: yeah,

I will hype up the Natural

History Museum for a while.

Butterfly Pavilion is included.

Normally it's an extra 8 10 bucks,

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: yep.

And come October, it's gonna
be the Spider Pavilion, so.

for the people who want to go to

that, but I'm not that person.

Spiders can stay outside.

I don't know, we might try and go and see
if we can handle it and then be like, bye!

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Alright,
back to the podcast, this is our match

preview of the Sunday, May 12th, Angel
City FC will be hosting Houston Dash

at the beautiful BMO Stadium at 4.


The broadcast schedule is going to
be Broadcast schedule is going to

be on NWSL Plus and Bally Sports.

Watch it while you can.

I sent Angela an article about
Bally Sports being dropped

by, I believe it was Comcast?

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: pram.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: I don't know,
some network, some cable network dropped

them, so if you don't have Bally Sports
anymore, just know that it's on NWSL Plus.

Radio, it will always be with the
amazing Isaac and Tracy on iHeartRadio.

And, it will also be on
1330 AM Tuliga Radio.

And it's Mother's Day.

So happy Mother's Day to all the moms
and mom figures in your life, to all

of those who have stepped up to be
that guardian for someone, or, you

know, whether you are a chosen mama, I
don't know where I was going with that.

adopted mom,

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yes.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: a
brother from another mother, I don't

know, if you stepped in and filled
those shoes, You deserve the world.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yes.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: all

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: single
parents, pulling double duty, you get,

moms who worked two jobs who

loved their kids and never stopped

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Okay, Reba.

in the world.

Immediately I was like, huh, yeah.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: yeah.

To all the reba's in the world.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: One
of those redheads over there?

so yes, it is the Mother's Day, match,
so if, have fun, and there will be a

special giveaway that is not a Mother's
Day giveaway, it is a Captain Arms

Band, that's going to be a giveaway,
not sure if it's going to be a pre

thing, as you walk into the stadium,
or be one of those things where as

you walk out, they give it to you,
but that will be the main giveaway.

Also, it is the AANHPI, so the
Asian American, Native Hawaiian,

Pacific Islander Heritage Night.

There's a beautiful scarf

so pretty.

that's available online.

I don't know if it's going
to be available in the store.

We will message through Instagram.

on their post and find out from the
team if it will be there, but go ahead

and order it online if you like it.

It has beautiful, art inspired by,
the, Asian American, Heritage Night.

And go online.

Pick it out.

It's awesome.

I have the Hispanic Heritage scarf
and it's beautiful and I think

that thing's going to look amazing.

So get yourself one.

there's also an exclusive hat.

Now just remember that hat
is with a special ticket.

So as a season ticket holder, you
don't automatically get that hat.

You need to message your season ticket
rep and have them reserve one for you.

I believe it's 15 or 16.

16, so just email them,
have them hold one.

It is for pickup though.

I don't believe they're going
to ship any of these or they're

not going to ship it to you.

You have to be at the game to
pick it up if you reserve one.

So just letting you know that.


And it's, I just looked at it again.

And the scarf is gorgeous.

The hat is really nice.

Just get it.

Just do it.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: yeah.

All right, so Chaos Award for Match Day 7.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Chaos
Award needing to calm down this season.

Mario put in here.

I put in that.

My chaos award was going to,
goalkeeper errors that result in goals.

It happened, two times over the weekend.

Alyssa Nair and A.


French, who, excuse me?

They don't do that.

I don't know what shifted, I don't know,

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: And why
couldn't that happen when they were here?

honestly, why couldn't, Chicago,

that's fine, we were fine against
Chicago, but, against Kansas City,

that would have been great, A.

D., if you had done that, a week
earlier, but yeah, goalkeeper errors

that resulted in goals were all over the
place this weekend, and on Wednesday,

When there were, what, four, three,
three games, but then also crazy

weather, mega rain delay in Houston.

And now there's like crazy tornadoes
heading towards Oklahoma, like major storm

situation happening in the middle of the
country, but it delayed the game so long.

the teams went in at halftime and
they couldn't come back out because

there's lightning in the area.

And then, the broadcast window ran out,

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Oh no.

two hours, you're just like, doo,

watching, we, replayed the championship
match, Eve and I are like, oh, I don't

want to watch this again, watching
Pino's injury sucked, we were like,

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

how this one ends, but then, Yeah, we

were tuning into the game on the way
to the season ticket holder event,

which was insanely cold and very
windy, and we ended up leaving after

an hour because the It was a lot.

I saw the pictures of it.

There was a lot of people, which is super

yeah, I'm not a small person and

the wind was like making me move.

That, and it's 40 mile an hour
gusts of wind coming off the water

and you forget how strong the
wind is because you can't see it.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: But the
pictures of all the people there

on the pier were pretty impressive.

It was very It was very cool.

The lines were just really long
and that's where we were like, I

don't need an autograph that badly.

to see friends.

We got to watch the first like
10 times Julie fell in the

dunk tank or got, and it was

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: yeah.

little kids too.

And it was funny.

She was just talking
smack and it was silly.

got a caricature picked up our
season ticket holder lunch boxes.


mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: I still
need to pick mine up at something

what'd you say?

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: I say I still
need to pick mine up at some future event.

'cause Yeah.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: my
will probably house my fancy microphone

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: that's
gonna be your storage case.

Yeah, it's gonna be my storage bag.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: I love it.

perfect size.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: And.

So yeah, and then, our quick roundabout
for the NWSL, there was, this was a

interesting week because it was our
first week with mid week matches.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: We
had four or I keep saying four because

there were so many friggin goals scored.

I feel like there should be four,
but there were three games on

Wednesday on my birthday, which
I didn't watch because we were.

I just wanted to go have a
day away, and it was nice.

The pride beat the courage, 4 1.

RIP to every team, including us,
that has to play Orlando now that

Barbara Bond is in the league.

just wrecking folks.

the Spirit beat Chicago 4
2, Portland beat Bay FC 3 2.

So across those three
matches, 16 goals were scored.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: It's insane.

I don't know if that broke a record.

I feel like it should've.

We didn't check it because I
just thought about it right now.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Oh, but I mean,
the To the people that say, or the critics

that say oh soccer's a low scoring, and at
the beginning of the first like week one

and week two when there was like all these
like crazy five to one or what and we're

like and everybody that's been around
you're just all let's temper that's not

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: That's

what will happen all the time.

Apparently it's normal in the NWSL
now that the scoring's going crazy.

We get 16 goals scored on a Wednesday

and then over the weekend, 12 goals.

across six games.

It doesn't make sense.

It's bonkers, but here we are.

everybody made a big deal about how
many goals were scored that first.

weekend, we're like, oh yeah,
it's never going to happen again.

Don't worry about it.

Just kidding.

our bad.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Just watch us.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: yeah.

And just Barbara Bonda is about to
just wreck this league in the best way.

I was

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

that Like, all of the women who are

now in the league from the African
federations are just like, ha, silly.

ha, this is fun.

we're, it's just, ugh, it's so
fun to watch them play, though.

But Seattle beat the Wave 2 1.

There were two red cards in that game.

Sierra King got carded in the 10th
minute and sent off, so Seattle played

one person down the entire game.

McNabb on the Wave was red carded
in the later parts of the match

or stoppage, I don't remember.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: 90 plus 15.

I just looked it up.

It was

This game is

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: 105
minutes and then got a red card.

I'd want to go sit down at

that point too, honestly.

Gotham beat the Courage, won nothing.

Portland played again and beat
the Spirit, who played as well,

Two wins back to back.


the Current drew at one.

The Pride beat Racing, won nothing again.

Low scoring game after they scored 47, 000
goals three days prior, and then Chicago

beat Bay FC 2 1, which brings us to dun.


trip to Sandy, Utah.

We had, we flew, the Angels flew over
to Sandy, Utah to grab us three points.

The result was two wins.

Two to one.

let's see.

You're going to have to
help me out on this name.

I think it's Fodorer.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Fodorer.



mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Fodorer.

Like my tongue, like my mouth
can't like make this shape.

It's weird.

But, so for Utah, we have Fodorer at
the 51st minute scoring, but Angel City,

we got a beautiful header from Leroux.

at the 29th minute to start the scoring
and then we got a earned penalty and

of course Emsley's been our star right
now she's been just hot on everything

on the ball you know just everything
the connections passes everything

and you know she's in the race for
the golden boot so let's give it to

the golden boot race racer or athlete
or Whatever we want to say, I'm like


mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: over my words
because I'm just so excited over this.

but MZ scored in the 34th minute and
It was a stressful game to watch.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Just a

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: just a smidge.

this was our first match
after Anri was, traded.

She's playing for Utah now.

Of course, she started.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: as

She was, she looked big mad.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: big.

Mad like she

she was playing aggressive.

had something and prove,

and I don't blame her.

And we don't know the
reason for the trade.

If it was just like, sometimes
players don't fit in a system.

of their skill, regardless of their
talent, sometimes it just, it like, it's

frustrating for the team and the player.

there's different reasons
why people get traded.

Maybe you.

I don't know, but, Mandy, we've said it
plenty of times on this show, she's great.

She's a world class footballer.

She's won in Portland.

She's won with France.

yeah, don't sleep on Amandine Henry.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: No, but

you into the ground.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: yeah,
she was playing pretty aggressive.

there was a handful of times that
there should have been a card.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah,

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: have been
multiple cards on Reeve, but they,

the ref was just letting it go.

Overall though, I think our team
was being physically dominated.

just across the board, a lot of our
team was just getting pushed around.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: saw
Jasmyne Spencer do like a 270 in the air,

honestly, at one point, she got hit in a

Low, low X Games action.

like that's not, not, I mean she's small

and compact but she's not like feeble,

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

not a slight person, she's

gonna knock right back into you,

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah, there
were, there, and besides that, there

were a couple of other moments, like
there was a moment where, just, Jasmyne

completely off the gas and got run down
by one, one of the Utah players and

late in the

picked her pocket and just,

it almost resulted in a goal.

I'm just like, I'm pretty
sure it almost resulted.

I don't think that one did.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: came
real close, there was a lot of build up,

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.


but yeah, so there, there was things
that were working, but overall

it was a very frustrating game.

But you know what, like
we said, a win's a win.

Three points are three points,
ugly or pretty, it doesn't matter,

but that Alyssa and Syd connect.

Alyssa's been, like, Okay,
we're still saying she's got

the yips on her own finishing.

But the assists,

yeah, I was gonna say the assists,

Eva made a good point, she was like,
Alyssa, not quite there scoring again

yet, but she's making sure other people
are open, or she's making sure that

she draws a defense and gets somebody
else open, or she can place the ball

perfectly, and honestly, if you aren't
at the point where you feel confident in

your own scoring, or if you don't feel
confident in one part of your game, if

you're allowing other people to succeed.

you're doing everything
you can at the moment.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: And,
there's plenty of examples of players

that started their careers playing a
position or playing a certain way, but

adapted for multiple reasons, whether
it be the system, whether it be injury,

whatever it may be, and then But

Please do it before you retire, Becky.


For the love of all of us.

Please just score.



mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: I will

like, I've done it.

It's fine.

I'll go do something else now.

And it's oh, what?


mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: But overall,
I think if this is Alyssa's new role,

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: not mad
at it, like she doesn't have to be

that assassin type striker and she,
hopefully she finds it again and

can get there, but also, she wittle.

she's been getting bodied a lot
when she like gets in there, but.

Her precision from outside and getting
it to different, two players, getting

it to Syd, getting it to Emsley, like
that in its own is worth a bunch,

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: And

if this is her new role,

Yeah, and if she can keep drawing

penalties, like she did this weekend,
that's the gritty Alyssa we saw last

season, of oh, you're gonna push me?

I'm gonna fall.

oh, you're gonna nudge me?


Strategically fall.

gonna strategically make sure this is

very well displayed, what you just did.

And your actions have consequences.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yes.

overall, stressful.

in a certain way also fun,
but you know what, it,

also very stressed.

Like they were also frustrated.

Like both teams.

We're playing to each other's
strengths and weaknesses,

so everybody was frustrated.

Everybody was, like, frantic on the pitch.

If we pulled it out, that's what mattered.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: yeah, you
know what, let's see what, let's see what

comes of it when we play back at home
and we get to be in front of the home

crowd, so yeah, as we do on every match,
we've been posting up on our IG stories,

letting fans, Give us their two cents.

Give us their feelings.

Sometimes it's good feelings.

Sometimes it's bad feelings.

Whichever way it went.

This time I actually gave like
a prompt and I appreciated that

everybody went for the prompt.

And I'm like, yeah, okay.

I almost thought my prompt was
like a throwaway and people

were just gonna still respond.

But the prompt was from 1 to 10, how
much of a 10 are you at right now?

we Like I said Pretty or Ugly, 3 points
is 3 points, and we're flying high on

it, and Alicia came in with, let me see,
I gotta do the decimal points, 10, 000,

000 of a 10, and then also, when are
we planning that, Valley Watch Party?

Alicia, I am with you, we need to
have a watch party out here in the

Valley, because, sometimes trying to
get to like downtown to a watch party.

I really do want to get to one of
the SG watch parties out there, but

It's hard, especially on a Friday.

Friday matches, trying to get out
from the valley to like anywhere.

Okay, all right, let's table that.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: let's

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Let's
table that, let's table that.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: right
now and we'll come back to it later.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Alright, Dustin
came in with, loved three points, wish

we, wish I didn't need extra tequila
to get me through the second half.

I feel that.

It was

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: posted
up, like a gif of Spongebob freaking

out and I'm like, this is me watching
the last three minutes of this

game when we're only two to one.

hold on.

Eva and I were sitting on the
couch, like just, or no, I was here.

I didn't end up going to her place on
Friday, but like we were texting, I

was texting the two of you, Richie,
who sits in my section, Doug,

who's a friend of the pod as well.

And it was just like, all of us
were just like, I can't handle this.

I had to keep texting people
because I was so stressed.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: yeah,
Zach came in with, three party emojis

with the, frrrr, little party thing.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: little

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: yeah,
the, no, the one that unravels,

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: the,
paper one, that's not a horn, is it?

I don't know, little

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: I don't know.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: thing.


mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yes, three
of those, two exploding hand emojis,

and then another three party emojis.


if I were to redo this one, I would
say it's more we do three to three to

five of the party emojis and then just
like head exploding for the rest of it

because it was stressful towards the end.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Yes.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Max.

So again, the prompt was from one
to 10, how much of a 10 are you at?

Max comes in with seven.

Because a

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: I need a win.

I need a win that doesn't
scare the hell out of me.

And you know what?

It's super effective.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

I'll give him that.

Jeff came in with 12 with three
exclamation points and said, going

to my doctor tomorrow to get blood
pressure meds for the rest of the season.

I feel you, dude.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

Kay said 6.


I'm difficult to please.

With the shruggy emoji, Kay and I have
actually been messaging because we,

Kay actually sits like two sections
away from you downstairs, but we like

met up at the season ticket holder
thing and were both just this was a

lot, like this week has been a lot.


Along the same lines, like six
and a half I think is solid due

to the high levels of stress.

Myrna said 10 plus, Jordan said 10 that
was some soccer, two soccer ball emojis.

Vero, who's also my seat neighbor,
nothing else, this podcast has

allowed me to meet my section.

We have new people, I've got
like Sam and Tim, who I met at a

watch party, sit a few rows back.

more people, new people just came in
behind me and forgive me for forgetting

your names right now, but they're
in Rebellion, they're super great.

Vero, our section is repopulating.

It's solid for the most part.

There's a few

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Nice.

Oh no, you didn't give

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: fine.

We'll live.

Alejandra said, ooh,
how many ones is this?

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Vero's score.

said 13.


I'm guessing points were
taken off the dismount.

We got to get ready
for the Olympics, guys.

It's almost like gymnastics.


So 11 billion, 111 million, 111,
111, dot was where Alejandro was.

So many ones.

Ones are the theme of this episode.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yes.

made me a card with a bunch of ones?

It's just, it's, what up?

It's, what's up?

our guide J'Anthony.


Just dropped the 100 percent emoji,

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yep.

which, yeah.

will never not call you Janthony.

I know I said it before, but it's
like permanently stuck in my head.

Mario sent me something.

I was like, oh, it's from Janthony.

So sorry, dude.

I hope it's not, I

I hope that's okay.

I hope it's okay.

If it's not just DM us and be
like, please stop, you weirdos.

B, who we shortened because it
was a whole bunch of numbers

and we did, sent of the confetti

Confetti, cone things.

It's a lot of zeros.

the math, but lots of zeros.

Yeah, I think everybody's really excited.

Overall, I really think this was
the gritty one we needed to right

the ship and turn the season around.

No, I say turn the season around
like it's the end of the season

and we're just like in the gutter.

We're not.

speaking of, as of right now,
are in seventh place, which

is above the playoff mark.

We At 10 points.

So if the season were to end
today, we would be making the

playoffs in roughly the same spot
we made last season, right above

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

but I'll

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

If we can just stay right

here, I'd be very happy.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: We're getting
to the point right now in the season 2

where there's with these midweek games
and things like that the standings

aren't going to be a hundred percent even

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Right.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: at the moment
though a bunch of the spots above us They

are where they are and we're in seventh
place but we have one game in hand which

means we can jump up to possibly I think
like third or something like that yeah

who played twice this week, We have

that ability to say, oh, you already,
like you've played eight games.

We've played seven.

Ta da!

Look what happens when we play eight,

yeah and then I'll

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: really
like to say, ta da, look what happens when

we play eight with another three points.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: And then,
along those same lines, I don't

want to always sugarcoat everything.

although Gotham and The Wave are behind
us in the points, they have two games

in hand on everybody because they played
that opening, Challenge Cup match.

they've got six, possible
six points on everybody.

But, you know what, it's all good.

We just keep doing what we're doing.


mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: get those
wins, get those points and we're goody.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

I have a feeling if we can make
up the goal differential and get

positive on that, like having scored
more goals than we've allowed,

I think we're going to be okay.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yes.

close to that.

We're narrowing that margin more and more.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

I think at the moment we are at a, we're
at a negative two goal differential.

So yeah,

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: We

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: I
think we can definitely close that

up, get a couple of clean sheets

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Ooh,

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: from either,
Angelina or from Didi, and we're good.

We're solid.

A couple wins with some clean sheets.

that would, that'd be so great.

would, that, I think that would
calm a lot of people's nerves.

The team included to be

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

we had a clean sheet.

We have a really good opportunity
that this could happen on Sunday

and just putting it out there.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: And so
now we're up to the mean potatoes.

So let's preview the match
with Houston Dash at BMO.

We're talking Claire Emsley on her streak,

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: it going.

Golden boot race at home.

With a full week's rest, we're gonna be

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: so I can't
wait to see Claire just take the

pitch again, she's been doing so good

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: that,

in the season that I think

she just looked different.

It's paying off.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: yeah,

she's doing differently, whatever

changed in the off season, whatever
shift that she made, working.


mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: whatever food
she's getting, her husband with the fancy

food, whatever you figured out that,
Claire's let's go, let's keep it going.

And then we've got Alyssa who I know
we've mentioned just before that

she's not getting up to the front and
being that goal scorer, but she is

playing a completely different role
in being that connection and being

that passer and being that playmaker.

That's getting me excited about that.

And we said it last pod
when we featured them, we're

waiting for that Thompson time.

We're waiting for both of them to
come onto the pitch at the same time.

I think it's coming.

And I really think there's something about
a team plays win as a team versus Oh,

I'm going to carry this on my shoulders.

one person is the person
that carries the team.

something that's said about the
sacrifice that comes with passing the

ball when you are normally the shot
taker or that you're not having the best

game, you're going to make sure that.

You, like maybe offensively you're not
doing so hot, but you can, your defensive

matchup, you have the advantage on.

So that's what you play into.

The more this team does that and
the more this team is willing

to put aside their own stats.

The more we win, and this
is like a cross sport.

It's why, South Carolina
won the college tournament.

they sacrificed so much.

It's why the aces are running
the table in the W right now.

teams that are willing to put
themselves Like, individually aside

and say no, we're here for the team.

Whatever the team needs I'm doing, whether
that means sitting on the bench, whether

it means showing up in garbage time to
just shut the offense down, whatever

it is, those are the teams that win.

Yeah, yep, it's the teamwork.

and then we've got Rocky
getting on the ball more.

Which I

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: We've got,

She was so Like looked like Rocky

again, but we'll talk about that We'll

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: yes.

talk about

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: And this will
be the return of our beloved Paige back

to BMO, which, it happened so short,
such a short while ago that, you know.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: People,
there's probably people out there still

mourning, but she will be back at home.

are big mad still.

Yeah, folks are big men, but

that I overheard this weekend at

the season ticket holder event.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: but
everyone remember, chess match.

We've, hopefully there's
some, things on the horizon.

let's give Paige the flowers.

when she gets here, but remember
from that 90, from that whistle

to the whistle, she's in orange.

know her.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.



We don't know you.

You don't go here.

So just remember that from the
whistle to the whistle, she's

going to be wearing orange.

And orange is not the new pink here.

Or black.

No, it would have worked with black,
because our whole kit is black.

Ugh, Jesus.


really bad puns at this point.

People know it's late.

We're tired.

thanks for dealing with us.

But yeah, Houston,

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: so
who are we watching that out for?

Houston is interesting.

There's been a lot of upheaval,
a lot of trades, a lot of

movement, coaching, just, A lot.

And I looked back at our previous
matchup against Houston last season

cause we, we only had one matchup with
them after we started the pod cause

they had already, we'd already played

Played the first one.


ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: notes
are like, what is going on with this team?

they have an interim coach again?

And it's the same thing.

I'm just like, what is happening here?

But we got players to watch out for.

And Paige being one of them, which we
all know, we know Paige's strengths,

we know, ah man, we know Paige.

But, Diana Ordonez.

If you haven't been paying attention
to the league as a whole, I want

to say it's sneaky, but it's sneaky
outside of like the Houston fan base.

Because she was a rookie last season.

broke the rookie scoring
record with eight goals.

she's just a striker.

She's gonna,

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: What?


ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.


And I remember early on this
season, I was like, Oh my gosh.

And I don't know if she had gotten
hurt and was out some games or

something like that, which like
why she wasn't, it's just insane.

She's so good at scoring.

She's from Riverside.

So it's a little bit of a
homecoming for her, but we have

to shut her down offensively.

it's like you have a, you have players,
everybody does scouting reports,

everybody's looking at that, and she's
always going to be on that list as the

offensive threat, no matter what team
she's on, where she's playing, nothing.

so yeah, number nine, Diana Ordonez,
she is going to be a threat.

Just, That's it.

good luck.

Good luck to and Megan and whomever else
is on our backline because rotating.



could be coming back this match for
a little bit of time at the end.

who knows?

We'll see.

She's like on the mend,
almost ready to, come back on.

we'll see.

We'll see.

But Diana is, she's also their
leading scorer this season

already with three goals.

in a two year career, she scored 11 goals.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: man.

Yeah, it's wild.

And then the

That's all right.

Cause Claire, it's all right.

Cause Claire has five.


Jane Campbell is their keeper.

She will most likely look familiar to you
if you are following the women's national

team because she's our current backup
keeper, She's been on and off, but part

of that was because she just got married.

She married Christine Nairn, who's
also a fantastic soccer player

in December, which is so cool.

Jane's also one of the only or first
goalies to be drafted out of college.

A lot of times goalies are picked up later
because it's like a different system, but

she was like scouted and no, we want her.

we want her, please.

Thank you.

and it's partially because
she was involved with U.


soccer and the coaches there at the time
with Houston, but she's a lifer on the

dash and, I want this team to do better
by her because she just seems cool.

And she's also very good.

She was a 2017 finalist for Rookie of the
Year, which is rare for keepers because,

I feel like Rookie of the Year goes to
forwards, sometimes attacking midfielders.

Or, ridiculously good defenders.

Rarely do you hear talk about
a keeper, so Jane's just cool.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: that's
going to be for Houston, Diana

Ordonez, who is a forward number nine
and Jane Campbell, who's the goalie.

where to find Jane number one,


And now, on to Angel City.

For those who either didn't listen
last week or forget that I do this, I'm

at the point of the season where I'm
slowly starting to run out of players

to watch, and I need to gather the last
few brain cells I have back and, really

look at our roster and plan this out.

I'm just gonna talk about Rocky today.

Because Rocky's freaking great.

Rocky Rodriguez is a midfielder who is
beloved within the Costa Rican community.

She plays for the Costa
Rican national team.

she played for Sky Blue when
she first came in the league.

She's known mostly for her
work in Portland on the Thorns.

We picked her up in an off
season trade from Portland, was

earth shattering, I want to say?

Like, when that

it was big news.

they're good at what they do at


I woke her up.

It was one of those.

I, ran outside at work, but, yeah,
it just, she's one of those players,

like I said earlier with Mandy.

They, think they overlap in Portland.

Maybe not, maybe by a year, they
don't, but won in Portland as well.

Portland is very good
at winning the Shield.

yeah, at what cost for a while,
but they're a very good team.

And they have the experience,
they have a very cohesive unit.

So to pick up someone from that unit and
say, no, thank you, you come here now,

you come play with us, is just fantastic.

She started the season off this year.

With a knock, with a concussion,
so she didn't play the first couple

games, people are freaking out.

Concussions don't necessarily show
themselves or their severity immediately.

Sometimes it takes time, and I really
feel like we're just now starting

to see Rocky come back into herself.

Brain injuries are no frickin joke,
and I appreciate the fact that the

team takes them very seriously.

the league does as well sometimes,
but, that's a career ender.

That's, CTE, brain injuries, TBI's, no
thank you, they're a big deal and you

have to treat them right so that you
can have a decent, rest of your life.

If Abby Wambach talks about amount
of concussions that she knows she

had versus the ones that she doesn't.

That she doesn't know she has,
but she knows they happened,

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

and people who put their head on

the line are a different breed.

It's part of the reason why I
didn't like to play soccer as a kid.

don't want to hit the ball with my head.

No, thank you.

yeah, I really feel like Rocky is
now the Rocky Rodriguez we know.

And it's good.

We are seeing her on the ball more.

We're seeing her kind of
push the offense more.

The more we see that, the more we're
pressing, which is always good.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: And
I see her, I notice her, talking

a lot out there on the pitch.

she's directing traffic.

She's, she's getting everybody
aware of what's happening.

And, again, we've talked about
these, veteran players or these

players with high soccer IQ

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: invaluable to,
To the team, to other players that have

high soccer IQ, but they're also super
important for all the young players that

are in, so having her Kind of talking and
directing and, might even, you might even

say like barking out orders or whatever
to like players like Alyssa or, or Kennedy

and just the experience they're going
to trial by fire experience are going to

learn are already showing kind of leaps
and bounds when you start seeing them

play with all these other veteran players.



on there is just another.

Amazing ace in, in, on our team
and that's super exciting to see.


that cool neck thing.

Oh yeah,

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: I
don't know exactly what it is.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: band?

Cue, it's cue some, cue color.

That's what it is.

It's a cue caller.

Megan Reid wears one too.

And, I'm going to get real
science nerd on you for a second.

They actually

those, magnet things, right?

the chakra magnet thing.


compresses your, like the

blood flow to your brain.

So if you do hit a header, there's
not as much, there's more space.

It's it, the science behind
cue callers is so cool.


I've seen a couple of M


mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: players,
yeah, wearing those and I've

always wondered what they were.


it changes the circulation to

your brain and it allows for
more, swishiness in your head.

A little bit more,

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Better that
than what I call the new version of

the puka shells, which is like a bunch
of players, baseball players wearing

that braided, like necklace thing.

it's basically the like,
puka shells, come on dude.


the Q collar over the, Bethany

Balser, concussion headband thing.

Just because I don't, I never liked
running with stuff on my head, wearing

like a headband or something like that.

I would have 75 clips and bobby pins and
stuff in my hair with a bunch of gel and

hairspray before I would wear a headband.



mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: you go
running, you're saying that you're

not going to, you're not going
to wear anything on your head.

So you're going to come running with me.

that's what you're saying.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: not.

I'm not saying that at all.

I would play basketball for days
before I like ran just to run.

it's not fun for me.

It doesn't do the thing it's
supposed to do to my brain.

I was like, okay, great.

My body hurts.

I have short, I have like fast
twitch muscles, not slow twitch.

I, I burn out real quick.

but back to Rocky.

She is also Costa Rica's first
ever Women's World Cup goal scorer.

So like Claire, who scored the first
goal for Scotland in the World Cup,

Rocky did the same thing for Costa
Rica, which I didn't know until today.

So that's dope.

So there you go.

If you're new to all of this or just
trying to keep an eye on who you're

trying to keep an eye on, Rocky will
be in the midfield, number seven.

Playing for us, so playing in a black kit.

It's late, y'all.

alright, history between the two Yeah.

leave your brain.

Yeah, so with our matchups
with the Dash, we have won one,

lost none, and had three draws.

we've gotten six points off the Dash.

Let's make it nine.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: yes, we
gotta, you know, Paige can only do so

much when the entire team is attacking.

the only downside is that she knows what
our entire team does when we're attacking.

Yes, she knows probably better than

just about anybody else how this
team works and who's good at what

and who's not good at other things.

shall see.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah.

All right everyone, so reminder
of where to watch and listen.

On Sunday, May 12th, Angel City FC
will be hosting the Houston Dash at

the beautiful BMO Stadium at 4 30 p.


If you can't make it to the actual
stadium, it's gonna be broadcast

on NWSL Plus and Valley Sports.

It's gonna be on the
radio, on iHeart Radio.

Just listen to the amazing Isaac
and Tracy, the last two episodes.

Game, I posted up how I was listening
to Isaac and Tracy synced with the

TV Because I literally do that and
it's also gonna be broadcast on 1330

Tuliga radio and Again Mother's Day.

So one more time.

Happy Mother's Day to
all the moms out there.

Happy Mother's Day to
my wonderful wife and

Happy Mother's Day to Jen!

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Happy Mother's
Day, Parents Day, Single Parents Day,

every everything, you all the parents
out there deserve the praise that, it's

it definitely takes a village to raise
a little one, and, if you have that

village, that's amazing, and if you don't,
The villages around you in other ways.

some more on ya.

And then, there will be a special
Captain's Armband giveaway and it's

also the Asian American Native Hawaiian
Pacific Islander Heritage Night.

And if you want any of that extra
stuff, go check out the online

store or the exclusive hat.

You gotta email your season ticket
rep if you are a season ticket holder.

it's a special ticket thing,
so go take a look at that.

If you like what you hear,
hit that subscribe button

wherever you're listening.

Check out the Casual FC.

com for all pod links and the best ways to
support the pod as always is share, like,

or comment on any of our posts or episodes
directly on like Apple or Spotify.

It's all about engagement.

It's free.

It's free 99.

So do it.

And just He did a nice little
deed for someone that day.

Grab some merch on our store, shop.


com, and we have some, we have
two really good ideas right now.

So they are coming,
they're coming right now.

actively working on them,

talked about them today.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Yeah, and
I've already got sketches and mock

ups and ready, so they're coming.

Those are coming.


by Wednesday,

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: yes.

by Friday.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: And if
you feel so inclined, help support

the pod by buying us a coffee.

Check out our link on our socials or go
to buy me a coffee.com/casual FC pod.

We appreciate any version
of support to the pod.

It makes us super excited and super giddy.

Anytime we see any of that, follow
us on all the socials, casual

FC pod on Instagram, Twitter
threads, TikTok, basically all the.

And tell a friend about the pod, it brings
us good luck and we bank that good luck

and send it to the team every single game.

let's keep it going.

And with that, have fun at the match.

We'll see you guys at BMO and
Happy Mother's Day everyone.

ang--corn-dog-_2_05-06-2024_214031: Bye.

mario_5_05-06-2024_214031: Bye.

5/12 Houston Dash Match Preview
Broadcast by