4/26 Kansas City Current Match Preview
Brr ner brr ner ner ner, brr
ner brr ner ner ner, brr
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: right,
everyone get ready for a long episode.
Welcome to Casual FC and
Angel City Preview Pod.
I'm your host Mario Salazar with my
task managing co-host Angela Morales.
I'm more like a list maker these days,
I don't know how many of those tasks
are actually being crossed off, but are,
The list just keeps growing.
honestly, there's 50 now.
It's all right, my list doesn't
even start most of the time.
So this is our preview for
our match on Friday, April 26.
It's going to be Angel City
versus Kansas City Current.
Again, so soon,
So soon.
it is what it is.
We will be at BMO and
the game will be at 7 p.
It's going to be streaming on Amazon
Prime since it's a Friday match It will
also be broadcast on iHeartRadio, so
listen to our favorites, Isaac and Tracey.
And it will be broadcast in Spanish on
the radio also on 980 AM, La Mera Mera.
And it's the special college night, so
you have to have, if you've seen the ads
for it, you have to have a special ticket
to get that, I think it said Silicon
Tumblr which I'm interested to see that
I'm not exactly sure what that means.
angela--patty-melt-_1_04-23-2024_210728: I
It's a college night Tumblr.
they're trying to do a whole
thing of whatever college gets
the most like registrations
will get a thing on the screen.
I don't know what they're doing
but there's a cool Tumblr.
People want it.
You need a special ticket to get it.
If you are a season ticket
holder and you want one, contact
the tickets at angelcity.
com email address or the
season tickets at angelcity.
Look at their posts.
We asked, they responded.
and email them as a season ticket
holder and say, Hey, I'd like one.
They'll tell you how much it is.
I believe someone said it was 15.
and that's how you can get it,
but you do have to register.
It's not one of those like
giveaways at the gate.
so just be aware.
there are other college nights
that are going to be happening
in June and in September.
They may not be the same promo
item, but those are coming.
If those are the things you're into.
I'm into those things.
I need to email my ticket rep actually
the second we finish recording.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: I will,
yeah, I, unfortunately, it's a Friday.
I would have made it to the game
because I work, we both work
fairly close to the stadium.
schedule this week got a little
wonky, so I am actually going
to be working from home that day
and I won't be able to make it.
I will be watching.
I'll be there with family and
will have stickers and my last
three packs of Parkside cards.
I think I have three.
I don't
think I have one more.
I think I have one more pack, yeah.
Yeah, big shout out to Parkside.
so much for sending us a
million packs of cards.
We made a lot of people happy.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yes.
kids happy.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Made a
lot of people aware of the cards.
the people I was giving them
out to, had no idea there were
trading cards for the NWSL.
And I'm like, yes, they do.
And I'm like, yeah,
and it's usually this
guy and his daughter.
Occasionally, I think it's his son that
comes, but it's usually his daughter.
And she is just my
favorite in our section.
Like the, my favorite little kid,
because she's just so invested.
Like it's along the same lines where.
don't know how soccer invested she is.
I think she's more like Maddie's level of
this is the coolest thing I've ever done.
And so I like swung by their seats.
They sit like a row down and over
some for me and gave them trading
cards and stickers and like a pin.
Cause she has a bunch of different
like ACFC pins on her little
season ticket holder clear bag.
And I
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: nice.
I got you.
And they were both like, Oh my gosh.
So it was very fun.
I'm very glad I did it.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: That's great.
don't think people realize that.
I get very nervous talking to strangers.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: I have handfuls
of stickers in my pocket ready to like,
give out, but then I get so nervous to
be like, here, listen to the podcast.
you know what, if anybody wants to
help out, I will gladly give you
a stack and if you have friends
around you, yes, I, please.
100 percent 100 percent dole them out.
I'll give you like 20 stickers to give
away, to put on your own stuff, whatever.
But yeah, we both get really
nervous and it's very funny.
Like it's funny to me knowing that.
I can get up in front of a room of a
thousand people and give a presentation
and it doesn't faze me, but talking
to a stranger about this podcast,
nope, hard pass, really quick,
before we get into too much, I want
to give a shout out to Dustin who
recognized me outside of a coffee shop.
On Saturday,
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Oh, yeah.
the game, yeah, Eva and I were walking
up and across the street, and I'm
just like half asleep, just zoned
out, okay, we got a lot of stuff we
gotta do today, game's tomorrow, okay.
the last couple weeks have been
really, stressful, and so it's just
this, I just want a coffee from, my
favorite coffee place in the Valley.
And we're walking up, and I just
hear, Hey, Casual FC, right?
And I was like, Huh?
And Eva was just like, yeah.
This, she's been hyping me up
to everybody that we've seen.
But thanks for saying hi.
They got, I pulled out like stickers.
I was like, take these
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yes.
definitely go to Coffee
Fix in Studio City.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
coffee, fantastic people.
And more stickers there too.
So there you go.
Yeah, I'll probably drop some more
off this weekend if they're gone.
All right.
getting into the Chaos Award.
Match day five, all of last weekend.
My voice is still like this from Sunday.
FYI, I'm not trying to be
all, sultry on the pod.
I just sound like this.
but the Chaos Award
could have gone to many
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: MANY things.
the debut of Barbara Bonda
versus Caelan Sheridan.
That alone,
that was, there was highlights
after highlights of that match.
absolutely, there were goals on goals.
There were 28 this weekend.
Claire ended up scoring the 100th goal
of the season our match on Sunday.
We, unfortunately, as a collective
fan base of the league, lost two
more players to ACL Terrors, Alex
O'Hara from Bay FC and Ava Cook from
the Red Stars and the National Team.
is the I hate it.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
I hate it.
I, there's research
that's already been done.
I just want to know how
it's being implemented.
I have questions folks in charge.
A lot of questions.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
this is bad.
There's over, since the of the year,
or like the end of last year into
now, there's over a dozen players.
are down with ACLs and
other injuries as well.
Bunny Shaw also went down
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Bunny Shot!
I just saw that.
Yeah, broken foot out for
the rest of the season.
Like this, I'm mad.
This is bad.
Overall, knee injuries.
Ban them.
Nobody wants them.
We're sick of
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah, it's.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: It's upsetting
to know how many of these happen
and how often and frequent they are.
So knowing that there is, although
we do know that there needs to
be a lot more research on it,
but like knowing that there is,
much that's already been done.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: yeah,
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: yeah.
and again, like you said, wanting to
know how it's being implemented or how
things happen, right?
Like it's an active impact type sport.
Like you are going,
you're pushing the limits,
you're pushing the limits on what your
body can do and also what it can, absorb.
but how frequently this
happens is, very concerning.
So it's just no more, please.
deadline as an Angel City fan.
I have big thoughts as
the of the fan base.
We were jokingly referring to
it as disgruntled fan club,
fan base FC this weekend.
Everybody was just so grumpy at BMO.
I'm so happy that so
many people showed up.
We sold out BMO and like fully committed
to supporting our players, regardless
of how people feel about the trades
that happened at the nth hour last
week, for those who somehow missed it.
We traded Amandine Henry to
Utah for 7 and some change.
we also traded the, our beloved Paige
Nielsen to Houston for not enough money.
50, 000 allocation, 50, 000 transfer.
And that's where people are mad.
And I think a big part of the reason
why there's not as much hullabaloo
around Bandy's trade is because
people are more just confused.
And we didn't have the same
amount of time with her on the
team that we did with Paige.
Paige has been a
Day one, she's, yeah.
She gave up a rip.
almost we've talked about it.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
that we, I had the wherewithal
to mention the two of them in
the last episode against Kansas
City, actually, which is weird.
I'm very happy that I decided
to do that as early as I did.
I just had a gut feeling
no, it's Paige, man.
like this is who I want to
talk about this week early on.
there were people calling.
For boycotts of the team and talking
a whole bunch of smack to players,
that's not cool, people.
don't do that.
It's not the player's decision.
It's whether it's the players being
traded, the remainder of the team,
they are very rarely involved in
the big business part of the trades.
Be grumpy at the FO.
be grumpy at the front office.
deep down, I am.
I'm trying to be really cool about it.
But My feelings got hurt.
I, yeah, I think, I'm not as,
I'm not as, upset as you are.
only in that, to me, I've
always understood the business
side, or chess game that is any
sport, any team sport, right?
not to be disrespectful, but
the asset of the player, right?
the player is, they're building up your
team, or if they're not working, then
you find someone else to trade them.
And to, the other piece that
needs to fit within the team.
So you play this chess match, right?
And it's, it works, Sometimes it doesn't.
There's been many reports of, players,
in the, in the Premier League and
things like that going for tons
and record setting money and then
they're complete trash, right?
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: sometimes
it's they're complete trash because
they were and, they were just
weren't great.
they weren't great.
Or They just got put in the wrong system
and so things weren't quite working out.
And I think one of the reasons
that everyone is upset, it
was because Paige was working.
Paige was
also a very loud statement
made by the team the jump.
And then in a documentary we're not gonna
trade players who don't want to be traded.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: but
wasn't that only like year one?
that was the anything of it was
like, we, so I took all of that.
From and that was from, that was one
of the initiatives any put in, So when
we did the expansion draft, when we
did our regular draft, when we started
signing players, it was like, look,
this is the team that we're building.
We want them to.
to work together as best they can.
And so we are giving them the
confidence of you're not being traded.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: But I
believe that was only for a year,
it was to say this first year, don't
worry about being traded in the middle
of the year, because something's
not working, we will make it work.
And unfortunately, that's one of the
things that kicked us in the butt.
Yeah, because we because of so
many injuries that we couldn't,
and we already promised that we
weren't going to do anything.
yeah, I
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: and
forgot about that part and I don't
know if it was only for the first
season, but I think that's what a
lot of people are holding on to.
It's you told us this and there
wasn't like a clear definition,
so to say of we're just going to
hold on this for the first season.
Then after that, all bets are off.
But I think it's the
difficult part for me is.
I don't like Texas for a lot of reasons.
The bugs and humidity are like, top five.
Hehehehehehehehe, yeah.
of it is very political.
I have a bunch of family in Texas, and
I'm just like, nah, you can come here.
but it just, man, it also really
frustrates me that we're trading a
very openly out player to A team,
one that's in Texas that is in
a very like hostile environment.
Whether or not Houston is or is not, isn't
necessarily what I'm concerned about.
you can't move freely around the state
very easily like you can go to big cities
and you're fine, but it's questionable,
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Hehehe,
And as we get closer to the election,
it's going to get harder regardless.
but on top of that.
We're trading one of our best players to
a team that is sketchy at best right now,
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: they,
okay, coaching wise, okay.
I was gonna say, they
big questions about WTF, like big capital
WTF is happening in Houston because
they haven't held on to a head coach.
Their interim isn't getting hired
as their head coach, even though
she's been the interim like twice,
three times, whatever it was.
Like, You have a goalkeeper coach who is
dating a player who's no longer on the
team, who's playing in Chicago, but is
now dating another player and is getting
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: oh
that I have.
there's, oh, we have to keep players safe.
Are you?
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah, I,
angela--patty-melt-_1_04-23-2024_210728: a
lot of hand motions because it's like, Oh,
what is, what more do we have to beg for
at this point to keep players safe and to
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: this,
in an environment that is conducive
to keeping them safe and healthy
and like mentally in a good place?
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: for everyone,
I wish you couldn't see, I wish we did.
Do video at this point, because this
was definitely like the millennial
zoom of we, you pause and you like
zoom in and out and you're like, huh.
Like that's a lot of what was going on
because it understandably, I will say that
since the trade deadline, there's been a
flurry of news and signings for Houston.
the biggest signing of
the season for their team.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: yes.
at one point had the largest
contract in the NWSL and the largest
contract of any Mexican player.
She's now playing in San Diego, which I
have thoughts about as well, but whatever.
but overall, don't boycott the players,
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: No.
the actions they're out of,
that are out of their control.
If they're making bad decisions vocally,
like the players themselves, sure, do
whatever you want, but If it's a trade,
there's only so much people can do.
I have, I know somebody who was a
huge Dodger fan when we were younger.
Mike Piazza got traded to the Mets and
he never traded for the Dodgers again.
And he, I'm like, Okay, sure.
But that's a team decision.
I get it.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: but yeah, like
the team.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: these,
like Angie and like Angela said, The
team has nothing to do with this.
It wasn't like there was like the team
said, we're not playing with her anymore.
No, that's not what happened.
And so there's no reason to attack
the players or boycott the players
like that's not what it is.
And yes, you're upset with
the FO, be upset with the FO.
I'm doing air quotes with boycott
the FO if you want, but also realize
As I was saying, it's a chess match.
It's a process.
There might be something on the horizon.
I, we have no clue.
I'm just trying to say things happen.
am I upset with the trade?
is there anybody else I would have
thought would have been better?
I want, I don't want anybody
to leave on our team.
I love our team the way it is.
And I'm like, We have a nice
little bow wrapped on it.
Can better things happen?
Possibly, right?
And I think the big sticking point and a
big hard part for a lot of us is that in
so many of these trades and movement that
happened in the last few days of trade
window and coming up to the deadline.
We got cash?
We didn't get players.
And there's speculation as
to why it's opening up roster
space because that's two spots.
We were at 26 of 26 spots.
We're now down to 24.
Rumors be swirlin
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: We're, you know
what, those, you can look those rumors up.
We're not going to push those rumors.
It's, it is what it is.
want to break my own heart.
Two, I don't want to get my hopes up.
I just can't.
But overall, I'm just, I'm
so bummed about these trades.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
are weird for so many reasons.
And as much as they put our,
heartstrings through the ringer, they
put the players through the ringer
as well, just to do what they love.
the least we can do is continue
to support our favorites.
There's I love women's basketball.
We talk about that here all the time.
I no longer have a favorite team in
the WNBA because I've been following
it for my whole life, like for two
thirds of my life, longer than that.
I don't even know how old I am.
75 percent of my life, And it's
was 10 when the league started.
I love these players.
They are role models.
They are me, I should say, not obviously
for everybody, but they're people I look
up to in the way they carry themselves and
the way they handle different situations.
And I've learned so much through
sport, both playing and watching.
So do the same thing here.
I'm not going to stop following Paige's
fantastic career because she's in Houston.
I'm not going to buy a jersey Because
I don't like the color orange.
I don't even let Mario highlight my notes
in orange because I don't like it, but
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: notice that.
Yeah, it's also, like I said, I
went to Long Beach State, it's Cal
State Fullerton, they're orange
and blue, and I'm not about it, but
that's a big part of the reason.
I've just never been fond of orange.
And for Mandy, I'm not buying a Utah
jersey, because, their jersey sponsor?
Not great.
There's a lot of, very not great iconology
and, situation going on with that sponsor.
But does that mean that I hope
that they have a horrible time?
Maybe when they play us, but not overall.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah,
no, have, I hope you have an amazing
season, you break records, you
achieve what you want to achieve,
but just know that when you come back
to BMO, you are playing Angel City.
We are Angel City.
So good luck with that.
to much more heartbreak than
anything else at this point, but
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Very
much I will clap for you at the
beginning, and then from whistle
to whistle, you're going down.
and I hope like we, had made plans
to meet up with Paige's sister.
Like this last weekend.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: yeah,
I hope in May when Houston isn't down
and she's there, I hope like we can still
extend that invitation because I would
love to at least get her some casualty
merch and let her know, the Nielsen family
is forever part of Angel City, I think.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: as I
posted in on the various posts about
her, Once an Angel, Always an Angel.
She is an angel.
Always gonna be here.
everybody was super excited for
Mandy to be here and the times that
she was out on there was amazing.
And so we wish you both the best.
We love you both, but not in our house.
But I hope, I hope we play very
well whenever we play against them.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yes.
Now, quick roundabout, changing
gears, quick roundabout for
puts away her soapbox, says get your
shit together, everyone, stop being
weird, don't piss off Sarah Gordon,
she was big mad, rightfully so.
don't forget, if you're tweeting
stuff, if you're posting stuff,
the players are gonna see it.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: They see it.
They see everything.
don't be weird.
Remember, yes, you're anonymous
behind a name, but they see it.
And you're not really that anonymous.
So just don't be an a hole,
Although, I did repost today.
There was an awesome Gift, a
fan in the supportive section.
I believe she was part of, the Pandas.
gifted our Iron Woman
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: an Ironheart
helmet and it's a pink helmet.
It looks awesome.
let me look her up real quick.
It's somebody named Sarah.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Sarah.
so cool.
Why can't I click on the
Oh, and they put in on the back, it's like
Sarah Gordon, Iron Woman, Angel City 2023.
Oh, I love this.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yes.
Sarah, that was freakin dope.
It's just awesome and more to you
for doing something like that.
She deserves it.
Okay, so back to our
roundabout of the NWSL.
round the league scores.
Surprisingly No draws this week,
No, just big goals.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: just big goals,
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: yeah.
we had, we started off with, Orlando
versus the Wave and they won 1 0.
Spirit won over the Gotham 2 0.
Racing over Utah 5 1.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Bay 5 2.
Portland finally coming back to life.
Four to one over Houston, and then,
Chicago over Seattle, two to one.
Funny enough, just looking at
all of this, like, all the home
teams except for Chicago won.
the only traveling team that won, that
picked up points this weekend was Chicago.
Which brings us to our match.
Rockus super fun match of the weekend.
It was the last one of the weekend.
Angel City versus the North
Carolina courage at BMO 2 to 1.
I missed two of those three
goals, but luckily I saw one
of ours, so that was great.
Tyler Lussi scoring in the 73rd minute,
for the courage, and Emslie, Claire
freaking Emslie with the brace, 23
minutes and 55 minutes, both amazing.
you know how much I the
first goal, the free kick.
I missed it by a minute.
My son had to go to the restroom.
So I took him to the restroom.
As soon as we were walking
out of the restroom, bro, like
literally we passed the threshold
I hear and I'm like, man.
And I'm holding him, we're
looking at the, TV that was right
there, we got to see the replay.
that's good.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: And then,
her 55 minute goal, my, like I said
last time, my daughter's, school had a
mother daughter, day, at the stadium.
She went to go sit with all her friends.
After halftime, I went up there, I was
huffing it up there, although I really
do the view up there, it was amazing.
but once I got up there, I
literally was, like, walking through
the aisle to get to the seats.
I turn around and I just see
Emslie running and I'm like, yeah.
And then everybody blows up.
It was just amazing.
little chip and dip of a goal was
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: oh,
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: good.
so good.
It was so much fun watching her connect.
this is what I've been waiting for.
Not to say she hasn't had goals and total
bangers, but the last couple seasons,
but like this Claire Emslie is different.
I'm going to stop talking
about this because I'm going
to talk about her later, but
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Okay.
So with all of that,
a tour de BMO, running around.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: oh, yeah.
Oh, I
was in like four different sections.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: okay.
I went on a mission to look for churros
for the kids because they really
want it like the churro guy came up.
He his machine didn't work.
So we couldn't pay for it.
I ran around my watch.
I was moving around so fast and like
around the stadium so many times
that my watch logged it as a workout.
I got it.
I got 0.
6 miles of just running around
this stupid stadium looking for
churros and never found any.
But, beyond the point,
that win, two weeks ago now,
it was an ugly win, but a win.
It was three points, so no
matter what, and then guess what?
This was a win.
This was a stamp it, send
it off, that was a win.
Angela found a crazy fact by
someone named Maggie on Twitter.
We'll have to repost it and show the
handle, but the North Carolina Courage
have never actually won at BMO and has
always been a two to one scoreline.
So the last three years,
whenever they've come here.
whole, the season or the
Angel City home opener.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
game of ever at BMO.
at the bank at the time was when
we beat them the first time.
then the second time it
was just like, Oh my gosh.
And then now, but yeah, every
single time it's been two to one
and I went and I double checked it.
Cause I didn't think it
was true, but it's true.
everybody was excited.
I, yes, there were some sour faces
in the, at the beginning of the
game, but by the end of it, it
was just like, and me and all the
casuals in the stadium were excited.
like there was a, I'm going to say
there's a good portion of the people
that didn't know what was going on
with the trades and stuff, but yeah.
know what, that's, you
let them get there, right?
You let them get to the point where
they're like, what happened to my player?
Right now they're enjoying
it and let them enjoy it.
So, it, it was amazing.
this win felt like the team telling,
Eva said this in the middle of the
game, this feels like this team bonded
together over this even more and said,
this sucks, but we're still here.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
And if you show up, we show up.
And that's exactly what it felt like.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Now, do you, we
were talking about the yips last episode.
Oh, and I remembered
what it is in gymnastics.
It's the twisties.
Ah, the twisties where you
can't get your bearings.
Messes up.
It was
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: appropriate,
very appropriate name for not
being able to get your bearings.
okay, so question to you is, can
the YIPS be cured with an assist or
does it have to be the actual goal?
Because, Thompson, Alyssa Thompson got
the assist on that second Emslie goal.
Was that enough?
That was that a good enough play?
A good enough run?
A good enough set of passes
to be like get your confidence
back and get rid of the yips?
Or was that like step one?
I think it was step one
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Okay.
she knows she can, if there's
somebody running, she can
connect with them and boom.
it, she can be the person to
start the chain of events or
not necessarily start, but.
Get, be a catalyst in that.
But I think her goal scoring has to
actually, happen, has to happen in order
for the yips to really settle down.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Okay.
that's totally what it is.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
oh, you got this.
there's glimpses.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
We all see it.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Do
you know what your name is?
Yeah, exactly.
Do you know who you, what is it?
Um, do you know who I am?
Do you, one of those,
don't you know who I am?
It's yeah, we do.
But do you remember?
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
I think this game is gonna be,
like a turning point for Alyssa.
Because of how well she played,
she was better on the ball.
She got bodied off of it a
couple of times, but I think
it's just cause she's small.
I want her to put some muscle
on and when somebody knocks
her, she can just knock them
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
but that's going to come with like age
and access to things and stuff like that.
But yeah, I really think that the second
she puts a ball in the net, as long as it
doesn't get called back, Knock on wood,
it doesn't, but I really think that's
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: It's
not going to be one of those.
Oh no, that's going to be what
really changes the game for her.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
the second she connects it and then
it's all gonna settle in her body
and be like okay cool we're good
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
And I'm so glad the way the game ended.
my, like my daughter's group
was, they were all excited.
They were all being loud, which I love.
A lot of them, it was
their first game, ever.
Poor, poor them.
They, their bus was late, and then, to
pick them up, and then, the bus couldn't
find a spot to, stop or whatever.
So they were actually circling,
Expo for a little bit, and they
missed part of the first half.
Luckily, they saw the goal, like.
that's great.
and they saw all the great action
and they heard, La Fortaleza going
and the smoke, and it was exciting.
I heard a lot of the parents say
that they would definitely come
back or they thinking coming back.
They saw me and they, half of them knew
that, we had season tickets, we were
there all the time, and they started
asking me about, like, where would we,
where should we buy our tickets next?
And I'm like, buy them wherever you want.
these, these tickets were awesome.
They are, like, they were nosebleed,
the very last, row on the east side.
But when I was up there, I was like,
dude, this view is actually pretty dope.
i saw your picture from there and
i was like oh this isn't so bad i
just don't want to sit in the sun
the overcast came.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: So luckily
they weren't all like baking in the sun.
There was like overcast and
then it got super windy and
really cold up there, but yeah.
All right.
And then, like we've been doing this
season, we've posted our, thoughts
and feelings and definitely on the
uptrend here, we got the most responses.
And also the most emojis we've had,
so thank you for everyone that's been
listening and responding with the emojis.
Alicia came with just, yay!
and an exclamation point.
so true.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: yes, yeah,
and also the first one to respond,
angela--patty-melt-_1_04-23-2024_210728: I
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Nicholas
came with, Angel Gritty FC is back.
Did he say la or did he say ha?
Okay, eh, either way.
We're looking better each game.
Love Didi, but the
distribution was concerning.
That was something I messaged you during
the game where I was like, she wasn't
nothing new.
Yeah, that's nothing new.
it's a known quantity, right?
It's a known factor.
Dustin came with just EMSLIE, all
caps, exclamation point, right?
Then we got muscle arm.
We got fire and we got the Scottish flag.
Ethan just Claire with
multiple exclamation points.
six, five or six.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah, I
did copy these Verbatim were like
how they were so like yes, they
were that many exclamation points.
we got a fire emoji.
We got the dynamite emoji.
We got the celebration emoji.
We got the which I had to look
up because I had to look up what
the emoji was and to type it in.
It is the confetti emoji.
It looks like a little so it's actually
a ball of confetti being popped
open and the confetti coming down.
what that
That's what that is.
And then, Ethan ended it off with,
need to mark defenders better on
set pieces, but happy three points.
KJ came with dancing woman in the
red dress, muscle bicep, angel
wing, and soccer ball, which, yes,
all we
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: heard, got it.
Relentless ladies, Very poignant,
feeling relentless with the fist.
So exactly.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
Myrna was elated.
Double exclamation point.
So proud of the team.
Still missing Paige.
We feel you.
It's you.
We are too, but very proud of the team.
Jaimie came with excited exclamation
point, relieved exclamation.
WTH, can we stop passing to the
keeper and just clear the ball?
we were doing a lot of moving the ball.
again and I think a lot of
us are having major Season 1
flashbacks and none of us like it.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: yeah.
But, there's strategy there, I know,
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: I know.
of it's like time wasting, some of
it's making sure the midfield and
the forwards can get in the right
position, but it is stressful.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: he did,
Zack did continue with, also Didi
looked hurt bad at that one point.
There was like a point where
she was down on the ground.
Hope she's okay.
What a game for her.
super excited for her.
they were checking out her knee, I
hope she's fine, I swear to God, if
it's, if there's a knee, and I'm hoping
it's like a quote unquote strategic
Injury more than anything else.
she finished out the game.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: yeah.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
all right.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Jaimie
came with, my body feels like I played
the full 101 minutes of that game.
Listen, so we're actually recording this
on Tuesday night because we recorded
a different episode last night, which
I'm so excited for everybody to hear.
But yesterday, I felt
like I got hit by a truck.
Like I, with Jaimie.
Jaimie was in one of the capo boxes
in La Fuerte so she was hurting.
I know that much.
She's standing, you're standing on metal,
you're like swinging back and forth.
But yeah, I feel like a lot of us felt
like we also played that fall game.
there was a lot of relief.
There was a lot of jubilation.
There was a lot of everything, right?
There was just a lot of
feelings and it was great.
Jeff came with feeling like
getting an Emslie jersey ASAP.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: I say do it.
I am not a, I am not a
proponent of player jerseys.
Mara's a no name dude.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah,
I know.
I'm thinking about
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: but go for it.
next week.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: yeah.
I will.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
treat yourself.
And then Yesi Feeling like we really
needed this smile back on our faces after
the devastating bomb that was dropped
on the fans about Nielsen's trade.
expletive, mad face emoji,
sad emoji, and broken heart.
it's a dual edged, sword
comment, but we feel ya.
We feel ya.
See, it's true.
I think if we had dropped this
game, or if the team came out
discombobulated or something weird.
I would have been so worried.
Like morale is in the tank.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
Like it's just in the gutter,
but it didn't feel like that.
It really felt like the team rallied
together and said, okay, this has
been a really hard emotional week.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: I
still here.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: and I
still feel Becky has the locker room.
She still has
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: the team.
comeback, a something?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I just, I need a something.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: then our
last comment was Alejandra coming in
with bicep, triple clap and bicep.
So I like to imagine those two
biceps being the two arms and
then clapping in the middle.
And then, yeah, and so one last
thing, checking out the standings.
We decided that for the first week we
did this, and then now we're going to be
doing these every week 5, 10, 15, and 20.
And then the end of the season,
we're going to be doing our
playoff spot standings recap.
Right now, in first place, we've
got Current, then The Spirit, then,
yeah, then Chicago.
The eye roll Mario just gave me!
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: you know what?
we gave the courage their first loss.
We'll give the current their first loss.
It's fine.
Chicago's in third.
Courage is in fourth.
Pride, 5th.
Racing, 6th.
We're in 7th, baby!
And Bay FC rounds off the
playoff standings in 8th place.
We're in 7th.
We're still within 6 points from the top.
The field is starting to spread.
So two weeks ago, there was like a spread
of like 4 points from like top to bottom.
Like it was still really tight.
At this point, we're starting to
see the spread and this is where
we're starting to see the spread.
Get to the point where these
games really do matter.
The beginning games we can consider
them an extended preseason, right?
Now we're starting to get into These games
are gonna start adding to the spread.
So right now there's a 10 point
difference between top and bottom.
that thing's just gonna keep growing
and Both the Wave and Gotham have a game
in hand They have one game less played
than everybody else, but the best either
one of them can do is tie us on points.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: possibly,
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: as it
stands right now, and possibly if
they get a better, goal differential
beat us, but you know what?
That means we goody.
That means they can't, jump ten, ten
spots ahead of us and then, knock us
out like we've always had issues with.
Thank you, that was my rant.
I feel like I needed to go bow.
a bow, a curtsy, I'll give
you some, canned applause.
Alright, so getting into the nitty
gritty of Kansas City and this matchup,
and I feel like we just played them
two seconds ago, because we did,
but schedule this season is weird.
There's an Olympic break,
it's a whole thing.
overarching situation.
Is that Lola Bonta, Dabinia, and Nichelle
Prince are all on and off the injured
list right now because of stuff that's
just happened in the last couple weeks.
Dabinia and LaBonta were active
in training and someone retweeted
the tweet I saw about it and
was like, No, they can sit out.
They can just come back next week.
Which I agree with
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah,
They just should
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Don't rush it.
Don't rush it.
those are all solid big players
for Kansas City, but holy cow.
Can this team score
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
I said last time we talked about them that
Vlatko said, be humble in your scoring.
was like, screw that.
You can do that in BMO.
You don't have to, you don't have to
pull up and pretend your hamstring
is messed up and then twerk.
You don't have to do that.
You don't have to do that.
So last time we dropped the game four
to two, we had two goals called back.
So effectively it was a draw in my brain.
I have to keep reminding myself we
lost that game, I have a feeling it's
going to be a very hard fought match.
And I hope that like
training goes well this week.
time goes well this week for Angel City.
Like we have to come ready on Friday.
BMO has to come ready on Friday night.
Yeah, I'm, like, I hate to say this in the
same way I said this about Asa Oshawala.
I'm so excited to see her play with
my own eyes, but oh my god, I hope
you have the worst game of your life.
10 1 Chawinga is a revelation.
And it's so great, but
Sarah's gonna have a workout.
Megan Reid's gonna have a workout.
Maddie Curry, like our whole backline.
They're gonna be tired.
They deserve someone to take them
all out to dinner, give them massages
after this game, girls be ready.
Cause y'all gonna be
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: mean,
and runnin
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: they,
they gave, Templa the, a pretty
hard time the first matchup.
So I think having seen or
having played against her and
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Getting
that knowledge, I think it's just gonna
help us a little bit more, and then,
hopefully that just gives us the edge.
with that, we have to
keep this pressure on.
We are playing a lot more
offensively minded from the jump.
Which has been very helpful
the last couple games.
Obviously, we pulled out two wins.
we have to keep this going.
Alyssa, like we said
earlier, is getting there.
She's starting to cook.
She's starting to really the
feel of the ball again and feel
comfortable out on the pitch.
So I'm hoping, oh man, if she
connects this weekend, She,
BMO's gonna, just freak out.
Nobody's gonna know how
to handle themselves.
I really hope we get to see Messiah
get more reps and get more minutes.
not sure if there's, a lingering
knock still or she's on limited
time, but, I wanna see her play.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yep.
we need more offensive oomph.
We got it out of Claire this weekend,
but we need more of it from everyone.
we need to get the ball to our
forwards into the attacking third.
the more we do that, the more
comfortable we're gonna be doing it.
And the easier scoring will come.
So I'm really hoping this weekend,
this last weekend was like a turn
and we're on that route again.
We got to see Rocky make her debut at BMO
like Angel City, not playing for Portland.
So that was super exciting when she, when
she got announced and everybody's like
yelling out the last names of the players,
it was significantly louder for Rocky.
Significantly, it was really cool,
really cool to hear because it's
we've been waiting for this and she
had a concussion and she played on
the road because we were on the road
for what felt like a hundred years,
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
So for the current, as I said
earlier, they are currently undefeated
sitting at the top of the table.
they have a few folks on the
bench, but a few folks who are the
injured list now and coming back,
one of them being Michelle Cooper.
Those of you who were around last
season for Hotshot Weekend of back
to back GIFs of Alyssa and Michelle
Cooper may remember her as the number
two draft pick last season, or of
two seasons ago, so the 2023 draft.
Alyssa was our number one pick,
and Michelle Cooper went second.
She is fantastic.
She is along the same lines of Alyssa,
of just being a offensive player.
She also just came off the injured
list, so she's still simmering.
She's not quite cooking yet.
we can keep it that way.
like I said, all of these players are so
fantastic, and I want them to play well.
I just don't want them to
play well against my team.
And that's across sport.
I will love players on other teams.
And I'm like, no, thanks.
Not today.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah,
always just keep an eye on her.
Even if you're watching other games when
Kansas City isn't matched up against
Angel City, keep an eye out for her.
Michelle is number 17, she's a forward,
she will be a menace towards our defense,
and whoever is in goal, if it's DeeDee, if
it's Angelina, if it's Hannah, who knows,
but a menace, truly, to, to the defense.
Another menace is Vanessa DiBernardo,
another forward, number 16.
She's one of those players that, You feel
the difference when she subs out, or you
feel the difference when she subs in.
The energy on the pitch changes, energy
changes, and everybody kicks it up a step,
which is great, when she's on your team.
That's it.
great for them, not necessarily,
The one good thing in our favor is
that she's still working on getting
back to being 90 minutes fit to
play the duration of the whole game.
She's averaging about 65
minutes per game right now.
So expect her to either sub on later or
sub out around the 65th, 70th minute.
But regardless, she is a menace.
it's gonna, yeah,
I don't like it.
I want my team to have a
clean sheet every game.
If we, oh my god, if we shut
them out, I will probably cry.
am not emotionally stable enough for a
shutout against the number one team in
the league this early in the season.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: oh,
how, if we can just give them
that little notch in the L column,
I know.
I want everyone to know
how dangerous our team is.
The way we know they are, it is.
And I know I said this some last
season too, like I want people to
see my team the way I see my team,
especially when we're struggling or when
we're, Maybe not having the greatest
starter or start that we anticipated.
Like I know it's all there.
I know those pieces.
I watched them last season.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: yeah.
All that's still there.
The chemistry is still there.
I'm hoping, fingers crossed, we
have a fantastic outing, And then
last but not least is AD Franch.
Who is their keeper of keepers?
Number 21.
Most of you guys I think, have.
Seeing AD in her stint with the
national team or in previous Kansas
City games, she's like their keeper.
The way Alyssa Nair is
their keeper in Chicago.
AD is just bonkers in the goal.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
Another version of a wall.
the way that Alyssa Naeher and
Kailen Sheridan up more space than it
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
They make,
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: yeah,
they make it look a little small.
You're like, is that the
regulation size gold?
Are we sure?
Yeah, and some of that is just
their energy, like the confidence
that when you walk in they're like,
oh no, you're not getting past me.
It's okay, I'm sorry.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: That, that's
definitely something you need in a
keeper is like just that rock steady.
Like you have one to five players
barreling down at you, getting
ready to kick a ball with legs
that they've been training for
years to just kick that ball hard.
And you're like.
Go for it.
Like that takes a certain amount of
steel that like, you just, when you see
that confidence in a keeper like that,
you're just like, okay, yeah, no, scary.
And that's A.
gives off this vibe of ice in her veins.
Just so chill.
at her job.
She also has the most adorable family.
She and her wife, they posted
pictures of her wife and their kid.
In the AD Franch fan club, like
homemade shirts a couple of weeks
ago, and it was cutest thing.
I'm just happy for her.
She just seems really
happy on and off the pitch.
And it's a good environment
for her there in Kansas city.
And, it's the kind of thing where, these
players have been through a lot, both on
the national team and with different clubs
previous years, moving around, having
things funded, having them not funded.
And I'm so happy to see players who have
been in league for a while, actually,
Settle into a club that's investing in
their players and like in the environment,
Kansas city just announced today on
Tuesday that now that they have the
stadium, they're now investing in like
the ownership group is building up
like high rises local to the stadium,
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah.
use buildings, all kinds of stuff.
So I'm really hoping that these apartments
and situations around the stadium
will allow for more parking and allow
for their parking situation to not be
Not be ridiculous.
And for them to offer parking
permits that are discounted for
their season ticket holders.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Oh man.
we've said before, parking's expensive
at BMO, but our, if you get a parking
pass for the whole season, it's
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: It's
less per game than if you buy it day of.
They're hard to come by, but if
you can get them, you get them.
But those rates aren't set by the team.
They're set by the
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Expo Park,
located on a state park.
It's a whole thing.
There's a lot of reasons there.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: but
their parking set by the team.
Yeah, they're definitely set by the team.
And their parking passes are
not discounted and they were
like 800, which is insane.
I'd be like, nevermind.
more than my ticket.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: and
they put a name on a sponsor
on their supporters section.
So lots of things, but you know what
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: they're
learning, but also they have
results and that's something
that you can't argue with.
So yeah.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Good job.
hope that I said it earlier this season,
but I hope that their stadium is.
Expandable because they deserve
more than whatever 11, 000
people, something like that.
But yeah, that's Kansas City for you.
They're great this season.
They, as M Wood said, when we played
Chicago, like those Midwestern
teams were struggling last season,
bottom of the barrel for everybody.
This year is different.
very different.
Players returned, players came back.
It was a good, it's a good
vibe for soccer as a whole.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: And just to
recap, that's AD Franch, the keeper,
number 21, Vanessa DiBernardo, which
is a forward, number 16, and Michelle
Cooper, who is a forward at number 17.
All right, let's talk home team.
Who are we looking at?
Who do we want to give
a little spotlight to?
I'm going to start with Claire because
I have enjoyed watching Claire since
she playing with us, like in season one.
I think she's fun to watch.
She's very crafty on the ball,
but this season is different.
This season looks and feels
different in the way she's playing.
She's playing with a
different sense of urgency.
In a different level, like she's competing
differently, if that makes sense.
She got married in the off season.
I was joking with Eva that maybe it's
because wedding planning is over and
she's not planning a wedding halfway
across the world and she can be a
little, stress free in that sense.
Like it's one thing off her to do list.
Her husband is actually
a chef and is on TikTok.
And his recipes are great.
I've made a couple, like he's
making them very accessible.
He's a very high end chef, but
makes them very accessible for our
home cooks and they're very good.
So you want to know his TikTok, hit us up.
I'll send it over.
But yeah, this season's different.
I don't know what part of her training
changed, her mentality changed, whatever.
It's very much a, I'm going to do
whatever it takes to win mindset, which
I will never Or, I shouldn't say never,
I will very rarely have an issue with,
if you're gonna punch somebody in the
teeth, maybe calm down, but if you're,
if you're going to force a team to
play you, to play you as that forward
or that attacker, to play you, double
team you, triple team you, whatever.
Cool, because all that does is open
up your other team and that's who
Claire is going to become this season.
A little backstory for her.
She is a Scottish national team member.
She's been down.
She got her first call up, I want
to say in 2015 or 2013, but because
she was living here in England.
to school out here in the States,
they were like, okay, we'll
just give you time to come back.
She was living in England.
It was a whole thing.
but she has since gotten called up many
times for the Scottish national team.
I believe she wears the
armband occasionally.
that alone says a lot about her
the super, super cool thing is she
scored Scotland's first ever goal.
In the World Cup in 2019, in a match
against England, which Scotland won,
which if you know anything about
the United Kingdom, the British
Empire, what have you, that's a big
friggin deal in soccer and out of
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: yeah,
Yeah, it's a very big deal.
I'm just so excited to
see her play this season.
fantastic and so much fun and the way the
team has embraced her and hyped her up
during the games, after games, all that.
I'm very excited to see her play.
that's Claire Emslie.
She's number 10.
She's a forward.
She's gonna, gonna hurt some feelings,
I think, this season, which that's fine.
That is fine.
And then we have Jasmyne Spencer.
I think she's officially
listed as a forward.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: yes, just
she can play Anywhere you
drop her on the pitch.
She has played every position
I think now for Angel City, or
if not, she's very close to it.
She's played defense
her some gloves,
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: give her
some gloves next, and that blue kit.
she can play anywhere you put her.
And I think we've rarely seen her in
her natural position, which says a lot.
She has filled in some big shoes.
She was fantastic on defense on Sunday.
And just, she can, you,
she can play anywhere.
She's played every season of the NWSL.
She's one of, I think, 10 players.
That has been in since the league started
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah, we
she hit 175 caps, last match, yeah,
she's, when you're talking about
veteran knowledge and soccer IQ.
She has it,
She has it all and she
has her own clothing line.
That's super sustainable.
She's very into, environmentalism and
making the world we live in better.
And she just does that.
I think she, like I said, she's got hops.
She jump so high.
really want to know what her vertical
is, so if anybody from the training
staff listens, please send it over.
It's easily a 36 to a 40 inch
vertical jump, at least, from
what I can see, up in 227.
Yeah, Jasmyne Spencer is different.
She can match up against
just about anyone.
She has no fear it comes
to who the matchup is.
can score, she can defend,
she can clear the goal line.
She can do everything.
So just be prepared to see her
more, probably all over the pitch
because she's just going to cover
ground wherever she's located, but.
Man, she's so cool.
She's number three.
She's officially listed as a
forward, but we all know she plays
everything, she's in every woman.
And then last, but certainly not
least, is Megan Reid, who was our
first Iron Woman in the 2022 season.
she came in and filled the shoes
of Gordon when Sarah Gordon went
out with her knee injury, her ACL.
And Megan Reid kind of came out of
nowhere for the majority of people, even
within the soccer community, because she
was like a paramedic, she's out there
saving lives literally and figuratively.
She's just
Yeah, that's right.
she played college soccer and then it's
there's no real option for me to go pro.
So I'm not, there's, there's
no teams out here really.
She didn't want to leave home.
They just did a special on her.
Not before the Courage game,
but the game before that.
I have no idea who that game
was against at this point.
Gone from my brain.
That's who it was.
NWSL did a spot for her on ION about
losing her parents early, going into
firefighting and paramedic life.
And how, her firehouse really rallied
around her, and would put, they'd play
pickup soccer, and her fire chief was just
like, Why aren't you playing professional?
what are you doing here?
Why are you here with us?
you're abnormal.
You need to just, go
play professional soccer.
She's LOL, yeah, She goes, she gets picked
up for training camp with San Diego.
San Diego waves her, and we
say, thank you very much.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
And Megan Reid has been
so clutch for this team.
Very much that same clutch version of
Megan Reid that we saw in the first
season is exactly who we saw on Sunday.
Like I, everybody misses Paige,
but the skill level we didn't
necessarily lose with Megan.
and some of its personality, some of
it's the icon of Paige Nielsen in the
league, her biceps, all the things,
but there's so much we get to see
with Megan Reid being on the pitch.
she plays differently, obviously,
but she defends like crazy.
a big foundation of our backline.
So expect to see her a
lot more this season.
We didn't see her too much the
first few games, obviously.
With that opening in the
backline, expect to see her.
She's number six.
She's gonna be hanging out right
next to Sarah, probably filling
in at that center back position.
yeah, Megan Reid, man,
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah,
Different to all these
three women, different.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: just
Pee Wee Herman word of the day.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: So just to
recap, Megan Reid, defender number six.
We've got Jasmyne Spencer.
Forward number three, and then we got
Claire Emslie, forward number ten.
Those are our players to keep an
eye out for this next matchup.
Our history between the
teams, to wrap it all up.
How are we looking against them?
across the years, we have three wins, one
draw, and one loss against Kansas City.
Remember what I said?
They were bottom of the
barrel last season and a half.
They're different.
Yeah, they, yeah.
But it was a very hard fought loss.
It wasn't one of those where we
just got steamrolled and laid down.
We fought like hell for that.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yeah,
I still feel that the losses we
had weren't steamroll losses.
None of them were steamrolls.
Like we.
There were glimpses, there was,
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: of things
moving in the right direction, just
things just weren't quite working.
And now they are.
And I'm calling it, we're getting that
fourth win against them on Friday.
Man, that'll be freaking fantastic.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: And if they
do, I'm going to be so bummed that I
missed it that I wouldn't be there.
I'm going to be watching it
from home, but it's all good.
It's all good.
You'll listen to Isaac and Tracey.
I'll be screaming and making my voice
sound even raspier over the weekend.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: will most
likely be listening to Isaac and Tracey
while watching the prime broadcast,
because the prime broadcast looks good,
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: so
reminder of where to watch and listen.
The game is on Friday, April 26th.
Angel City versus Kansas City
current at home BMO Stadium 7 p.
Just remember Friday traffic people
are gonna want to get home and you're
gonna be going away from home towards
the stadium so like account for traffic.
People in downtown are leaving.
but if you're going to stay home,
like I am, the streaming TV option
is going to be Amazon Prime.
you can hear it on the radio
with, iHeartRadio, listen to
the amazing Tracey and Isaac.
do what I do, sync it up with
your Prime, viewing and just
make it that much more exciting.
Also in Spanish, it will be
broadcast on 980 La Mera Mera.
And once again, it's college night.
So if you want that special
Tumblr, you're going to have to
have a special ticket for it.
Or if you're a season ticket holder,
contact your rep and they can hook you
up with one for however much it was.
I believe it's 15.
And if you like, if you've come all
the way to this really long episode,
You probably like what you're hearing.
So hit the subscribe button
wherever you're listening.
If you need a new place to
listen to it, check out casualfc.
We have all the pod links there on any
platform you care to listen to us on.
best ways to support them.
Speaking of iHeart, we are
now officially on iHeart
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yes.
That's one of the pod platforms.
there now if you listen
to anything on iHeart.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yay.
Isaac Tracey.
We'll see you at the Christmas party.
Best ways to support the pod,
share, comment on any post or on the
actual episode on iTunes or Spotify.
It's all about the engagement,
doesn't cost you anything, takes you
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to it, It helps us out, and it helps
more people find the pod that way.
if you would like to buy some of
our merch, we do have stuff at shop.
We've got lots of fun stuff in there.
We still have our, Becky
Sparkles concert tour shirt.
we have our Sid Bicycle Shop shirt.
We have a bunch of fun stuff,
more planned during the season.
Don't rush us.
It's hard to think of cool stuff,
but we want to think of really
cool stuff to actually get to you.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: keep watching.
the trade line, we had to
scrap a whole bunch of ideas.
mario_1_04-23-2024_210728: Yes, that too.
And if you feel so inclined and want
to help support the pod, you can
support us by buying us a coffee.
You can check out our link on
socials or go to buymeacoffee.
com slash casual fc pod and
throw us a couple bucks.
It helps us keep the lights on, as they
say, follow us on our socials at casual
fc pod on Instagram, Twitter, threads,
and Tik Tok, most likely Instagram.
The others will follow and
tell a friend about the pod.
It brings us good luck and we bank
that and send it off to the team.
It definitely worked this weekend.
So we're going to do it again.
thanks everyone.
This has been a long one
and have a good night.
See you on Friday.