2024 Paris Olympic Footy: Group B feat. Gal Pal Sports - Lesley

Ang: Hi, everyone.

Welcome to Casual FC, an
Angel City preview pod.

I'm your host, Angela Morales, with
Dad of the Year, Mario Salazar, and a

very special host who we've been hyping
up because I'm so freaking excited.

We've got Leslie from Gal Pal Sports
because Emily is being Dog Mom of the

Year and providing much needed, just
attention, attention battery refills

to both of their dogs and, taking a
break, which is good because the Euros

ended today and that was quite a game

Mario: Yeah.

Ang: I saw.

God forbid you leave your
house and leave your dogs just

Lesley: How dare

Ang: un yeah.

Mario: And then Copa America
is coming up like in an hour.

And yeah.

So much,

Ang: bonkers, apparently.

Mario: Oh yeah.

Ang: Yeah.

Oh yeah, so today we're going to be
previewing the amazing Group B, so

USA, Zambia, Germany, and Australia.

I don't know who's gonna make it
out of this group, I don't know

what the heck's gonna happen.

There's so much to talk about on
many different levels, and ooh.

I'm excited to get into the soccer of it,
but I'm also just excited to, to talk Gal

Pal with you because you, the two of you
have done so much cool stuff for women's

sports in the last couple of years.

When you were at the World
Cup, you got to like travel.

You've been, the two of you have
been taking pictures and videos and

you've become this like mainstay,
at least for me, on Twitter.

I joke that's like the only thing
I deadname is Twitter because

I refuse To call it anything,
I've been there for 15 years.

It's Twitter.

Elon, be damned.

but the two of you, Gal Pal Sports,
your respected, personal accounts,

I've been following you forever.

So it's just, I'm so excited to see
the two of you grow Gal Pal, grow your

following and just see what's coming next.

But for those who don't know,
can you give us a little history?

Yeah, Mario is those who don't know,

Mario: I'm new to a lot.

So when it comes to it, it's
you're talking to me proxy

Ang: Yeah.

Mario: a

Ang: Definitely.

But how Gal Pal happened and how you
two happened and give us the fun stuff.

Lesley: the two of us happened through
the magic of, a little application on

an iPhone called Tinder that, managed
to match us up together in the vast

and glorious city of Los Angeles.

We managed to match with each other
and did not swipe left, even though

we were at least 10 miles apart,

Ang: I know we were talking before
we started recording about distance

and everybody knows like Eva and I
joke that we're in a long distance LA

relationship because we might as well be.

And you two basically were as well.

Lesley: Dating

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: a thing.

Ang: It's yeah.

Lesley: like she wasn't like West
of the 405, but, her workplace was,

so when we initially matched, it was
just like, Oh God, she's really cute.

She's really nice.

but I live in Hollywood
and she works in Venice.

That's a

Ang: Yeah, that's a trick.

Mario: That is a Trek.

Lesley: we, we met, we
started with just the date.

Ang: Mmhmm.

Lesley: we would see where that would
go, and honestly, it was just like,

you're really cool, you're really
funny, and, maybe I'll just get a

friend out of this, and, what, you
know what, I got a wife instead.

Ang: think you got the bonus
end of the deal, both of you,

in that end where it's oh, yeah,

Mario: Yeah.

Ang: out all

Lesley: But Yeah.

as far as gelt health sports, goes,
we You know, we dated, we met each

other, we finally moved in together.

we did long distance for a minute.

we checked all the boxes,
all of the gay boxes in LA.

And, by the time we moved in
together, we ended up watching

a lot of soccer together.

She got me to like arsenal of all
things as I am wearing the jersey today.

And we ended up going
to the 2019 World Cup.

in France and we went to Nice actually
where the group games will be for the U.


and we had a lovely time and we went
on this journey to the World Cup we

noticed that there wasn't really much
going on as far as the conversation goes.

the, I think the like motto or
branding of the World Cup was like Oh,

it had something to do with dreams.


Ang: Yeah,

Lesley: or be

Ang: It was really basic.

Lesley: And she's listen, I'm an adult.

I I want to have fun with it.

And that's where we started
with Gal Pal Sports of just like

making silly videos at France and

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: we came home and yeah,
we were having, we're having,

we were having fun with it.

We, we still are, even though
sometimes as I learned, the

soccer, the news around the soccer.

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: it's not fun

Mario: Yeah.

Lesley: as we're seeing now
with the San Diego stuff and

Ang: Oof.


Lesley: yeah,

Ang: I'm assuming soon to be
Angel City stuff at this point.

Lesley: guess that Wall

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: was something

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: see women's soccer go from this
one thing of it's great and it's fun and

it makes lots of money to, now we have
power struggles just like men's sports.

Mario: Yeah.

Ang: oh, these some
problems are universal.

Lesley: exactly.

Mario: I will say that there's there's
a bit of the, like there's a bit of,

and this is me coming from like being
new, newer to women's sports and the

NWSL, but there's like honeymoon period
of seemed fun, and then we get to the

Yates report, and it's nah, shit's real.

they, it's not all rosy and, gumdrops,
because, just because it's women,

it's no, that are going, there's
some BS things that are going on.

There are some just normal, BS things.

Normal business things that
need to get figured out.

It's not

Ang: Right.

Mario: a women's sports issue.

It's an issue that every, team out
there, any type of organized sport

or any type of business in general
has to go through with, personnel,

salaries, who's in charge, when

Ang: there's some stuff that's across
the board, normal growing pains and

weird and just business related things.

And then there's, How
do I say this nicely?

There's things specific to women's
sports in, on the abusive side that

are across the board in women's
sports and it's just a matter

of when and how they come out

Mario: Yeah.

Ang: at this point.

It's not even if it's happening, it's
just when are we going to find out?

Mario: the double edged sword of it being.

successful to the point where
everybody gets to put that microscope,

like all of women's sports under a
microscope, but it's not and everybody

else is streaming, we've been here.

What are you talking about?

But I think it's a matter where
it's hit that point for like

mainstream quote unquote mainstream.

I'm doing it while we are
an audio only podcast.

But there's there's this

Ang: Yeah.

Mario: where it's now become so
ubiquitous that annoyingly the

talking heads on like ESPN and whatnot
have to fill the 24 hour media.

And so it's okay, like now we're
going to put them under a microscope.

then when you look deep enough or hard
enough, you'll find the same stuff.


Unfortunately, it's just the new
topic for right now, because it's

fresh, but it's not old, it's not new.

Ang: Right.

Mario: but there are really good
things that are coming out of all of

this too, the kind of amazing power
badassness that is Michelle Kang.

I remember

Ang: Yeah.

Mario: at the draft, just
her walking effortlessly in a

Ang: She looked like she floated
across the room at the draft.

Lesley: a presence

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: in, in a room.

Mario: Yeah.

Ang: Yeah, it was really interesting
seeing, because they had all these tables

with the different ownership, it was
like owners, coaches, and like team ops

people, like the folks who were picking
the next player, and you, she would

walk by, and it would just get quiet.

Like she's got more money than
all of us in this room combined.

it was that feeling of Oh my
God, her shoes cost more, like

her shoes are my whole salary.

But yeah, Michelle King's different.

And she, her mindset around team
ownership is also really interesting.

So I'm curious to see how that pans
out of like multi team ownership

to really uplift women's soccer.

Lesley: Yeah, I think that
will be interesting to see.

I don't know that we've necessarily
seen it on the women's side before,

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: there are definitely ownership
groups on the men's side that of transcend

leagues and countries and time and space.

Ang: Yeah, truly.

Lesley: yeah, I'm just, I'm curious
to see how it all plays out.

Ang: Yeah.

All right.

Mario, where can we watch
all the group B things?

Mario: are we done with Gal Pal?

Cause I feel like I just got the very top

Ang: Oh.

Mario: what Gal Pal is.

Ang: That,

Mario: I

Ang: I was just Oh,

Mario: ha.

Ang: no!

Lesley: that's fair.

let's see, where were we?

Lack, lack of things

Mario: Lack

Ang: Yeah.

Mario: after

Ang: of coverage.

Lesley: yeah, we just ended in a space
where we were like, where, if there was

a place for grownups who like sports to

just talk about how great
that is and have fun with it?

And I think what we tried to do is, make
that space, whether it's, on Twitter, on

Instagram, what have you, to just, We just
have that conversation of how is the U.


Women's National Team right
now and just go through that.

Mario: Yeah.

Lesley: I feel like at the last World Cup.

it's not necessarily a conversation
that has a broken through.

the wider conversation and I think
that is something that we're working

towards in, more people who, women's
sports and talk about it regularly

and have that exposure to, to be able
to just keep calling attention to it.

I don't know.

I think my the dream of it for me is
like what Samuous is doing right now.


Ang: Yes.


it's one of those things where
it's I look for the places.

I listen to the people who you can tell
have been part of the, for me, it's like

the soccer and basketball communities.

Lesley: Mmhmm.

Ang: I follow so many people who have
been within the women's soccer community.

community, the women's basketball
community, like W Twitter,

women's basketball, college
basketball, Twitter for ages.

Lesley: Mmhmm.

Ang: So when new voices
come in, I'm just like,

Lesley: Hahahaha.


Ang: I feel sad for you.

And that's where I'm like, do I do this?

do I venture it?


Do I venture into, to women's basketball
land, but it's dicey right now.


Mario: said at the beginning
before we recorded that one of

the only ways to like, move things
forward is create the empire.

that's part of it.

Ang: Yeah, that's part of the empire.

Mario: it on the recording right now.


there, there are breadcrumbs
in the path to the empire.

And I'm like pushing Angela to be

Ang: He's the one that's dropping them.

you have to pick these up.

And I'm like, I'm not hungry yet.

Like I'm okay.

I'm nervous.

Lesley: Hahahaha!

Mario: between like helpful and pushy

Ang: as any good friend would,
like, why haven't you done this yet?

Mario: Yeah, I'm

Ang: Yeah,

Mario: Here's three names.

What do you think?

Maybe you have a jumping
off point from here.

Ang: it's funny.

I'm getting peer pressured in the
best way because I want to do it.

I'm just scared.

That's all it is.

it took me a million years to
get this podcast started because

I've been wanting to do something
along the lines of this for years.

And it's, now I don't have an
excuse because I have the platform.

I have the resources.

So we'll see what happens.

I'm going to the all
star game next weekend.

So we'll see what comes out of that.

Who knows?

Lesley: Yeah,

Mario: okay,

Lesley: that's half the battle, letting
yourself take up space and be like,

I want to say something about this.

And, that's something I've been,
fighting back and forth in my brain

for the last year as we've gotten a
little more, reporter y and, capital

J journalist y with being in Chicago.

And you're like, there's a team that is.

That is welcoming us to games and into
the press box and giving us access.

So it's just

Ang: Oh, that's awesome.

Mario: yeah.

Lesley: we cover the Red Stars now.

and just like finding the
confidence to be like, I'm here.

I see the games.

I see what's happening.

maybe I know something about this.

Ang: I think that's what it is.

It's not do I

Lesley: that

Ang: know the things I know?

Lesley: down

Ang: Yeah.


Mario: there's the, the, Like seriously
about the, you're developing this,

you're getting these cool opportunities.

What do you, what has been the kind
of surprising, maybe you're not fully

there, but maybe there was a moment that
you were just like, hey, this is legit.

what was the event that you
were just like, people know us?


Lesley: it was, going to the World
Cup last year, I, I, we, we just set

the GoFundMe up, just I don't know,
we'll try it, and then people donated,

and then we hit our goal, and we're

Ang: And you hit it fast.

Lesley: my

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: you guys are picking up
what we're putting down, really?

So that, that was definitely moment of a
little touch of validation of just okay.

I think people are liking what we're
doing, and think we should try to just

be there for the exciting things in
this game, and that was definitely a

strange moment that I am, Only just
processing, really, a year later of, I

was just like, all right, damn, okay,

Ang: I think so much of it, yeah, so much
of it is that you two are so authentic

in your love of the sport, your love of
women's sports, and it's a safe place

for so many of us because sports, online
communities are not always welcoming.

They're not always like
enjoyable to be part of.

And I think WOSO, like WOSO in
general has Maintain that a lot

longer than other sports has.

Lesley: Yeah,

Ang: And how, I don't know, but
I'm so grateful that it has.


Lesley: of, no, I saw this, the, there's
a woman on TikTok who, just had like

that kind of typical, I'm a straight
white girl and I like sports, thing where

she was just like, I thought I, I hate
sports, but it turns out I just hate

Ang: I saw that.

Lesley: Yeah.

Ang: saw that last night.

And she's I went, she went to a
Liberty game or something like that.

And she goes, and now
I need season tickets.

It's the best night of my life.

there wasn't this underlying threat.



Mario: that's the

Ang: And

Mario: take of,

Ang: yeah.

Mario: I hated sports.

No, it's just been sports.

Lesley: Yeah, it's just dealing with
men's sports and the men who attach a

little too much of their personality
to men's sports like really drunk and

really angry and really belligerent
while they watch sports and have to yell

and be, racist and homophobic things.

that's, I hope that is something that
women's sports can keep doing to set

themselves apart in, in creating the
space that's, friendly and welcoming.

it doesn't, it, it doesn't have
to a thing where, you can't

cheer for your team and you can't

Ang: Right.

Lesley: them on.

I think there's a difference between the
two, but yeah, I don't know what that is.

between like good old fashioned
family fun and like no, we're

Ang: we can be, like, you can
go into a women's sporting

event and it can be contentious.

Lesley: Yeah.

Ang: in 2022, was it 2022?

Yeah, I went to a playoff game in Phoenix
between the Phoenix Mercury and the Aces,

and I'm friends with Chelsea Gray's wife.

we went to college together, and
so I'm there cheering for the Aces

in Phoenix, which is, whoo, you
don't go into Footprint Center and

not cheer for the Phoenix Mercury.

And I had, people were talking to me,
I'm just there by myself, hanging out.

And, at halftime, I went down and
talked with Tepesa, and they're

like, was that Chelsea Gray's wife?

And I was like, oh yeah, we went to
college together, we've known each

other for a long time, whatever.

Because she's just my friend,
it's not like this big, exciting

thing for me, but it's cool.

And, this woman's are
you cheering for them?

do you want the Aces to win?

I was like, I'm not
Listen, I've watched the W.

Yeah, I got found out and I was
like, oh crap, I'm here by myself.

I have no fun.

I'm not wearing any team gear.

I went in very neutral
because I'm just there.

I was truly there for the basketball.

I just happened to know someone, like
it was one of those oh crap, here we go.


And it was like, the lady next
to me stopped talking to me.

People in front of me were like, wow,
because it was like in the 10th row.

And I'm just like.

Lesley: Yeah,

Ang: and someone finding out that you're
not necessarily there for their team.

And they're just like,
and just let you go.

But that it wasn't threatening.

It was just like, oh, so
you make bad decisions.

Got it.

I don't need to be part of that.

Lesley: one's throwing beer at you,

Ang: Exactly.

Mario: yeah, but I think the most
fun I've had at sporting events has

been when And it's sad to say that
this is the low bar of it, right?

But when you find the other people
that are, like, decent human beings,

that understand, this is a game and
we can have our passions and stuff,

but you're still a person, in the
end of it all, you're still a person.

my brother and I went to the, The
MLS final, the MLS Cup final last

year, cause it was in Columbus and,
flew last minute, did the whole thing

to like really much of a 24 hour
kind of trip you can do to Columbus.

That's essentially what we ended up doing.

but everybody we met was so cool.

Was so nice.

even at the game, like pregame.

and it's what we talk about, like Angela
and I, it's once the whistle blows,

don't know you, you're dead to me, right?

Ang: Yeah.

Mario: the end of that other whistle.

And then it's oh, cool.

What'd you think of the game?

And it's oh, do you need
some space right now?


Yeah, I get it.

But everybody was cool.

And then yeah, we went to go
drink our sorrows the match.

But like the other Columbus
fans we met, Like at the bar,

like they were just super chill.

And we were saying congrats
and they were super happy.

They're like, you guys did great.

Like it was a good time with
good people, good humans.

Whereas, you get into some other
situations where you're like,

guys, it's just the goddamn game.

like why?

there's, and it's silly
at times, but that's the

Ang: that's why I'm recruiting
you to women's sports, Mario.

Because it's way into your vibe of
just I just want to watch a good

sporting event and then go home.

Mario: Yeah.

Lesley: yeah, Mario, as the man
on this podcast, are men okay?


Ang: heard it here first.

Men are not okay.

Mario: No, I, unfortunately, I think
it's just one of those things where

it's like the machismo or The you gotta
be a man thing that's like usually

ingrained into you as like a child,
boys don't cry that whole BS and then

like you that compounded by thousands
of people and then just mob mentality

of like you're in a match and angry.

And then it's just you're angry
with them, and then everybody's

more angry, and then it's just

Ang: Yeah.

Mario: and then, I totally get
it, because I am not, I am one

to enjoy a couple of drinks.

Lesley: sure,

Mario: I do, there's no way I
want to be blackout drunk in

a mist of 30, 000 people, no,

Lesley: God,

Mario: that doesn't

Ang: That seems so anxiety
inducing, of just no thanks.

Mario: but then there are those
people, there's Especially for

big rivalries, I've seen people

Ang: Yeah.

Mario: into the stadium because
they're just, done by the time that,

even the game's about to start and
they're being, like, wheeled out.

It's just like, how did
you get it to that point?

How, why?

the people around you let it

Ang: Yeah, that part.

Mario: yes, you were, yes, your
actions are your own and you're

Ang: friends?

Lesley: system.

Mario: where, yeah,
where were your friends?

where was someone to be
like, dude, slow down.

Ang: Yeah, you want to
make it to the game.



Lesley: are expensive,

Mario: exactly.

Lesley: see it through.

Mario: Exactly.

And that's the other kind of point
is just look, especially for the big

matches, like the Copa America and things
like that, where like they're paying.

Hundreds of dollars, thousands
of dollars for those tickets,

and you go to and get banned?


Ang: is that worth it?

Mario: Your team still lost, it,

Ang: you got kicked out.

Your team lost.

it's just all bad.

Mario: that, and you getting kicked out
is not going to change the result, I

don't know what you were doing,
alright, I think, let's bring it back

Ang: know, we could soapbox.

Lesley: a man.

Hug a man.

Mario: yeah, check in with your local
man, see if he's okay, he's probably not.

all right, back to Olympic talk.

All the Olympics are going to be on
NBC as usual, but the great thing

about it this year is that NBC now
has a pretty solid streaming app, so

it's going to be available everywhere.

So if you want to watch.

It on TV, on broadcast TV,
check the NBC Olympic website.

They have the whole schedule there.

The cool thing is if you let it, it'll
give you your times in your own time zone.

for the soccer matches in particular,
they're going to be on Telemundo and

Universo in Spanish, and they're also
going to be on the USA network in English.

But the best part of everything is
you have the Peacock app, Every single

match, regardless if it's being broadcast
or not, will be available to stream

and will be available, to what they
say, immediately re watch right after.

Ang: And that's every match,
every event, every everything.

Every Olympic


Oh, it's the best.

I'm so excited.

Mario: if you are like, ride or die
for that Badminton team, because

that's what you did in high school
and, or in college, and that's

Ang: Yep.

Mario: it's gonna be available.

So that's the great part of all of this.

but today we are talking about Group B.

Like we said, USA, Zambia,
Germany, and Australia, and all

the matches actually start the
day before the opening ceremonies.

on Thursday, July 25th, Group B, 10 a.


will be Germany vs.

Australia, 12 will be the U.




Sunday, July 28th, we also have a 10 a.


match with Australia vs.

Zambia, and a 12 with Germany.

USA versus Germany.

All these times are Pacific, by the way.

And Wednesday, July 31st, we have
both Group B matches will be at 10 a.


It'll be Australia versus the U.


and Zambia versus Germany.

And who's coming out of this?

I have no clue.

and I'm hoping that Leslie
and Angela can clue me in.

And if we still come out of this
thing, not knowing at least you

Ang: We don't know.

Mario: players.

Lesley: Listen, this crop of, pre
Olympic friendlies are not helping.

Ang: No, they're really not.

And I feel like all four of these
teams right now are in this weird

transition phase of their dominance.

Lesley: huh.

Ang: Because, I'm gonna, I'm
gonna, we have it listed out.

I'm not gonna go backwards just because
I feel like we should end with the U.


to hopefully get all of the stuff out.

But, Australia's there without Sam Kerr.

Lesley: Yep.

Ang: Which is just a bummer in
general, because who doesn't

love watching Sam Kerr?

There's backflips, there's goals
from places you didn't even know

she could score from, there's
goals from another country flying,

she's just so fun to watch.

Lesley: Yeah.

Ang: that's not to say that they
don't have other great players,

but that's your big ticket item.

Lesley: she's, she is it
when it soccer in Australia.

And think Australia is in this they
have all the momentum coming off of

the last World Cup and might be Tony
Gustafson's last tournament with the

Ang: Right.

Lesley: And so there's from my seat,
there's definitely a feeling of this

is the last chance for this group.

makes it just so unfortunate
that Sam Kerr can't be there.

Ang: Yeah.

Yeah, I completely agree.

Lesley: her so much.

Ang: me see.

I'm just looking at the roster right now.

I'm glad Alana Kennedy's still
there because she's so fun to watch.

She was fun to watch in the NWSL.

she, Eva calls her, she's
that's my string bean.

She's just so tall and,

Mario: String me.

Ang: thin and, but she's so
crafty and so fun to watch

Lesley: also is just
like a little stinker of,

Ang: yeah.



and they're four words to have Kaitlyn.

Is it Ford or Fo Ford?

Do you know how to
pronounce her last name?

Lesley: I,

Ang: It's two O's,

Lesley: Ford

Ang: know.

I would assume it's, yeah,

Lesley: so I

Ang: okay, perfect.

And Hailey Rassa, you have fantastic,
there's nothing in this team

that says that they're lacking

Lesley: No.

Ang: and that's the hard part because
they've always been on the cusp.

They'll make it out of the groups
and lose in the next round or

just squeak by and not make it
out of the groups in a tournament.

So it's, they're always on the cusp
of a big run and I think the World

Cup on home soil got them there.

Like it helped push them through.

So I'm curious to see what they
do with, like you said, with that

momentum and really like what
are we going to do with this?

can we make this push?

they have fantastic keepers.

Mackenzie Arnold's moving to, to, the
Thorns after the tournament, so we'll see.

Lesley: Yeah.

I feel like Australia has the
pieces, but, I don't want to

say Sam Kerr is the glue, but

Ang: Sometimes.

Lesley: she's important.

She's so important to this team.

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: I think this group
in particular is tricky.

I, there are games here where I don't
know who's going to win and, I have my

hopes, for the United States, but when
I look at that second spot, I can't say

Ang: I, there's a, there's a universe
where every option is checked off.


Lesley: Yeah,

Ang: it's U.


Zambia or U.


Germany, U.


Australia, and then
every option after that.

There's, all of them make
sense out of this group.

Lesley: absolutely.

Ang: It's, I feel like this whole
conversation is gonna be like,

we don't know what's going on.

This is stressful.

Lesley: though.

Ang: Yeah.

Mario: okay.

so we've talked, in the transparency
of the magical world of podcasting.

this is the last episode we're
recording for, the group stages.

and we have others, but since you,
you get the opportunity of being the

last, the privileged last one here.

Do you, when you look at the other
groups, are you thinking this one's

the most, not only because the U.


is in it, but it's is this the
one, the most unknown, so might be

the most fun to watch just because
it's like, it's going to be chaos?

Or are you still feeling like,
oh, group A or group C is going

to be a little bit more fun to
watch because of the particular

matchups they have on those sides?

Lesley: I'm trying to remember,
the group that Spain is in.

Ang: Oh yeah.

Spain, Japan, Nigeria and

Lesley: gonna,

Ang: Brazil.

Mario: C.

Lesley: are, I think we are in an
embarrassment of riches right now.

of good.

opportunities to watch matches that are
going to be, like, the opportunities are

not to say they're endless, but they are.

I, just the nature of the
Olympic tournament is also

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: to this, but I think the
beautiful thing about this tournament

is that there is so much up in the air.

There's no,

Ang: This is the first
time in a long time.

Lesley: yeah, there's no,
gimmies on the board right now.

Ang: because I think it,
that group, the Spain, Japan.

Was that group C you said, Mario?

I don't know.

yeah, group C.

They, that's gonna be the
most prolific group, I think.

Goal scoring wise, just crafty
soccer wise, I think this one's

gonna be the most stressful.

Just for all of us.

Lesley: yeah.

for us, this is just, I do,
I look at these teams and the

possibilities are all there.

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: do think U.


is better equipped going into
this tournament than they

have been in the last two.

I think.

we saw, we've seen, the opening
games of the last two tournaments

and they've been shaky.

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: and the, if they can
play like they did even yesterday

in their first game, great.

I love it.

Give it.


Ang: We're starting to look closer to U.


soccer again, I think.

And that's one thing that we've talked
about here is that the Vlatko era of the

women's national team is just confusing.

Lesley: It's

Ang: It's so confusing to so many of us.

It was a bummer.

Lesley: what's not helping
is seeing Kansas City at the

top of the table, just be

Ang: And

Lesley: are

Ang: that's Vlatko.


Mario: That was

Ang: Yeah, it's,

Mario: that was something that me for
a loop because, like I said, new to

the league, new to everything, and so
Angela's really been the one teaching me.

And then, we when we started this
was last year with the Olympics,

and then I'm like, Whoa, Blacko,
what the hell is happening here?

okay, very much the Discord that's
happening at the moment with, new

commentators in the women's sports space,

Ang: yeah.

Mario: I'm seeing the top level
surface stuff, and then so I'm

like, What the hell, Blacko, who

Ang: He's like this.

I was like, no.

Mario: and then Angel's no,
club wise, he was amazing.


Ang: Yeah.

Mario: It's just, what's going

Ang: Yeah.

Mario: he goes back, and
we were joking, right?

He goes back, he's named head coach,
Freya, who, got fired from Angel City,

gets named assistant, and so we're like,
there we go, team no sub, all, like,

Ang: Yeah.

Team no subs.

Mario: then lights out.

They are

Ang: Yeah.

Mario: matches and it's just

Lesley: cookin on the pots and pans.

We are top of the league.

that is

Ang: Yeah.

it's whiplash.

Lesley: either, if that

Ang: yeah, it's a big whiplash, I think,
for a lot of, for basically everyone,

probably including the players on the
national team, of just we couldn't

put it together, what was happening.

Lesley: Yeah.

Ang: So

Lesley: Yeah, I will say, in the
three short games that we've seen

with Emma Hayes, She's someone who
came into the program with just

a lot of purpose it sounds silly,
but just like purpose and ideas.

Ang: And I think having,

Lesley: of self coming think
that was necessarily how

Vladko Anonofsky was coming in.

Ang: Yeah, I think to her having a
lot more international experience

Lesley: Mmhmm.

Ang: and moving around in different,
situations, like in the U 20s, in, the

WSL, being in different places, you're
looking at things differently, not

just Oh, I'm just coaching this team.

It's no, you're picking and
choosing and playing chess while

you're watching a soccer match.

But we'll get to the U.


in a second.

Germany is a team that I equate to the U.


right now is to like their transition
because they're a powerhouse.

Germany in general, in sports, if
you're playing Germany, it's oh dang it,

like they might not be the best team.


They're going to play like
they're the best team.

they show up.

Lesley: Yeah.

And I think what was so surprising
last was that they got grouped,

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: the runner up of
the European Championship

Ang: Mhm.

Lesley: minutes away from,
a penalty shootout against

England and they got grouped.


Ang: Yeah.


Lesley: they still have been
on the, they've been shaky.


Ang: situation after the World Cup.

They ousted their coach their
interim coach was the interim

coach before their last head coach.

So he's been, it's like Houston.

Yeah, it's like Houston Dash where
they just have the same interim

coach and nothing, and they just
bring in a new head coach every

couple years for I don't know what.

But it's, and then they have
a new permanent coach taking

over after the Olympics.

So I'm like, I'm curious, is this, are
they treating this as like practice?

Or I, I don't know.

Lesley: I don't really know what to make
of the German team, if I'm being honest,

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: I feel like their results
over the past year haven't

really been that encouraging.

Like lost yesterday or Friday

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: and

Ang: In a friendly, like in, in a
game that's set up for them to win,

Lesley: yeah,

Ang: which is interesting.

Lesley: yes.

and in this group too, like lost to
Zambia before the World Cup last year.

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: think, Barbara Banda
got a hat trick, as she

Ang: As she would.


Mario: shown already

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: and they just, lost it
at the end of the match, and

Germany, where, what are you doing?

Where you been?

You okay, buddy?

And it seems like the answer is no.

Ang: Yeah.

And it, it has to be
weird for the players too.

They're two time World Cup, like
back to back World Cup championship

champions, 2016 gold medalists.

They've won the Euros eight times.

So it's this isn't a team that doesn't
know how to get to the next level or

a federation that doesn't know how
to get their team to the next level.

it's just transitional.

I think we're going to see this.

I feel like there'll be a resurgence
within the next couple of years,

probably before the next World Cup.

They're going to really
start building and.

Recalibrating and locking in again,
but I'm, I have no idea what to expect.

Lesley: No, I don't, I Like, before,
before the game on Friday, when they

just lost, I, going into it, I was
just like, oh, Germany could be fun.

they could be having

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: And then they lost, and
I'm just like, ah, maybe not.

Maybe they need more time.

Ang: Yeah.

it's really interesting.

I feel like so much of women's
international soccer last year and

this year is a whole bunch of I
don't know the pair, there's big

parody talk all the time, but like
that's gotten so much smaller.

There's so much.

There's not as much of a discrepancy
between a lot of the teams.

The discrepancy is now in the federations.

Lesley: Yeah.

Ang: Like the skill level is there.

Lesley: you ask, what's going

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: that they're
allowing this to happen?

Ang: Yeah.

And it's really interesting too, because
I looked up their roster to see where

their different players were playing.

And I think it was all but
three and one of the reserves

plays in the German leagues.

they don't.

They don't venture out and I'm
wondering if that's part of it.

But who knows?

Who knows?

Lesley: But it's I also feel
like the German league is is

Ang: Great.

Yeah, I

Lesley: And yeah, I don't
know what the answer is.

I feel like would have said maybe
Germany could put up a fight in

this tournament, but I am not sure.

Honestly, not sure.


Ang: know.

Lesley: I need you to show me something.

And that's not what they've been doing.

Ang: Yeah, it's blink
twice if you're okay.

If not, just get do your
best to get through this.


Yeah, then you mentioned the one,
the only Barbara Bonda, like just,

Lesley: Oh, she loves a
big tournament and stage.

Each tournament better than the last.

Ang: Zambia is just, I think
they're going to be the darling

of the Olympics this year.

Lesley: is my hope.

I feel like the bigger the
stage, the brighter she shines.

maybe this is the year that she goes three
straight games with three hat tricks.

Ang: I know.

Lesley: and, yeah.

Yeah, I think there's just
going to be no fear in that

Zambia team, especially against

Ang: They have nothing to lose,

Lesley: they know the NWSL.

Ang: Not at all.

Lesley: Yeah, it's definitely a team
that you absolutely cannot count out.

I a really unfortunate group draw in the
World Cup, like they have Japan and Spain

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: their group

Ang: The fact that Japan and
Spain keep getting paired up is a

detriment to the rest of the teams.

split them up, please.



But yeah, I think Zambia's gonna be it.

A little bit of a, of an instigator,
an upsetter, a troublesome

team to try to play through.

Lesley: Yeah, I like, I wouldn't
be surprised if they make it to the

knockout rounds and then if they do
we can all say, yeah, no, I knew that.

I told you

Ang: We told you they were good.

what did you expect?

Lesley: It's Barbara Banda is just,
she is a one woman wrecking crew.

She can do it by herself if she has to.

but, as we saw on Friday or yesterday
when they played New Zealand,

it's tied New Zealand without
her on the field for most of the

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: So it's they have options.

Ang: we're seeing that now more NWSL
as it becomes more international.

we joke that Orlando is just Brazzalambia.

it's Brazil.

Yeah, basically, you have half the
Brazilian national team, two players

from the Zambian national team.

They're going to be very good, and to be
recruited, I fully believe that Marta had

a big hand in being like, we need her.

Lesley: Oh, yeah.

Ang: I'm no longer in my prime.

I'm in the twilight of my career.

you need a prolific scorer.

Lesley: Yeah.


Ang: And they,

Lesley: if you're a young, Brazilian
player who's been looking up

to Marta your entire life and
she's, her team is calling, yeah,

Mario: Yeah.

Lesley: I'll

Mario: Yeah.

Lesley: don't wait.

I'll be there.

Ang: when's my flight?


Mario: yeah.

And then with the way Marta has
been this kind of pipeline, I feel

now with the zombie and players,
like now that there's two, it's

Ang: three.

Mario: we can three.

Ang: two in Orlando, one in Bay.

Mario: yeah.

Ang: Yeah.

Mario: but like on the, on
Brazzalambia, basically,

we can, it's going to start becoming

okay, maybe that's another pipeline.

And then it's okay, now we get


Zambian player, like another one.

And and then it's just going to
be like a true Brazzalambia, team.

and I think that's a lot of it, right?

That's a lot of, when it comes to
especially international players, It's

the reality or the truthfulness of job
seeking, and it's like word of mouth.

It's hey, this place is
nice to come play for,

Ang: Yeah.

We have a practice facility
and our coaches are cool.

you give them the intel.

There's snacks in the break room.


I, Zombie is just going to be
so fun to watch in general.

They're just a fun team.

I'm hoping, similar to the World Cup,
that we get a lot of behind the scenes

footage from them the way we did.

With the World Cup and like you just
get to see how joyful they are as a team

Mario: Yeah.

Ang: Such a high pressure environment
so stressful and they're just

dancing around having fun and
it's such a difference in culture

Mario: thoughts

Ang: of that Sports as a
whole need to remember the joy

Lesley: No.

Mario: Maybe

Ang: to transition a little bit.

I think the US is getting back to that

Mario: two hasn't

Ang: Big thoughts.

Mario: put together?

Ang: I think we'll be fine, generally.

I think we'll, I think we'll
make it out of the group.

I wasn't, I wouldn't have
said that two months ago.

But, after the last couple
games, I think we'll be alright.

Lesley: Yeah.

I do think the way Emma Hayes has
come in and the team she's selecting,

I think it's been a short amount of
time, but she has a good handle on.

this team is

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: how they work.

it takes time sometimes and

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: opportunities for the
team to, finish and do their jobs.

But I, yeah, like how many times
did we see Sophia Smith and

Trinity Rodman even play together

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: under Vlatko Anonofsky?

I feel like they, they replaced each other

Ang: like, let's get these two
hotshots on the pitch together.

It was like, one for one.

Lesley: Yeah.

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: And I feel and even just
having Mel Swanson back, like

she, she loves scoring goals.

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: feels like her reason for
living is putting the ball in the net

Ang: Absolutely.

Lesley: like running at the
perfect angle to from the midfield.

Like it's, like it's, I think it shows
How much we missed her last summer.

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: she has a way of bailing
out the teams that she's on.

And, as a Chicago person, it's

Ang: Yeah, I was going to say,
as something you see a lot of.

Lesley: in the past few years and,
a little bit in the present tense,

but yeah, she has, she does have the,
this way of putting the game on her

back and just being like, all right.

I'll do it.

Ang: Yeah.

Yeah, if you guys are going to do it, just
get me the ball and I'll take care of it.


Yeah, I, to, to navigate towards more of
the women's national team lore, I feel

like this transition is such a weird one,
for so many of us in so many ways, it's a

transition away from the equal pay team.

It's a transition away from.

The go gays of it all, the 11, or what is
it, 10 lesbians and Alex Morgan, there's

so many significant women's soccer moments
that have happened over the last 10 years

with players who are now officially off
the team and have gra I say graduated,

whether it was by choice or not, but
it's the window has passed and moved

on and I think this team has a lot of.

soul searching to do to find their
identity and like figure out if

they're gonna keep fighting the
fight that this team is known for.

I'm trying to be very graceful
because I can be very, strong

willed in my words like

but yeah,

Lesley: I think.

When we look at just like the last,
I guess it's the last five years now

of World Cup cycle, the Olympics, the
World Cup, and again, the, like the

team has almost had a full changeover

Ang: yeah.

Lesley: and it's happened in a way that
Is overdue in some cases, in, still

jarring, I'm sure, like to come to an
international tournament and see that

Alex Morgan is not on the list, like

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: you, you look critically at how
she's over the last couple of years and

you think, it's right, but it still hurts.

And I think.

I don't know how much of it is just
like the change of leadership at U.


Soccer, the change of coaching, like a
lot of this could have happened in that

period between France and Tokyo and the of
just like, all right, let's change it up.

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: there were perhaps some
lost opportunities there to bring in

younger talent in a timely manner.

For more UN videos visit www.


org so we ended up going to a tournament
last year with a couple of, substitutions.

like I, I adore Alyssa Thompson
and I think she will have

a very robust future, but

Ang: It was rushed.

Lesley: I think I was a little confused

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: how we were close to the
World Cup and we had no seasoned

alternate for Mal Swanson.

Ang: Yeah.

There was a lot of,

we waited too long on a lot of decisions.

I think that we needed to make very
quickly after the World Cup or after 2019

to be like, okay, What's our pipeline?

Who's coming in?

Who are we developing?

And I think that's really what it was.

There wasn't enough time for any
player development at that level.

let the team cook enough.

Lesley: No.

the kitchen was bare.

The pantry was empty.

There was no, no prep happening

Ang: Yeah, no seasons to use, nothing.

Lesley: it was.

And I, to, to our detriment, it last

Ang: Absolutely.

Lesley: I do think we're still
building back from it, but yeah,

Ang: Yeah, it's Yeah,

Lesley: didn't think that maybe
during that time we could have been,

Putting in a replacement player?



Ang: no,

Lesley: do the extended goodbye in a World

Ang: yeah.

Lesley: It's fine.

It's fine.

Ang: she blocked you on
Twitter or anything yet?

Lesley: me personally?


Galpel Sports?


Ang: Wow, the honor of being blocked.

Lesley: Ah, yeah.

although I'm surprised she hasn't blocked
us, as a, as a, a company, It's like we

Ang: She's definitely a personality.

Yeah, maybe

Lesley: we did a couple of,

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: and, a couple of very direct call
outs and she, graciously did not block us.


Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: can see what she writes.

Ang: For better, for worse,
I think at this point.

Lesley: yeah.

Ang: I'm super bummed about the
Kat Macario news because I think

everybody was just really hoping.

And it's hard because I'm super
bummed about that, but I'm so

pumped that Lynn, like Lynn Williams
is now no longer an alternate.

Like it's one of those where.

Why can't I have both?

Lesley: Yeah, I, Cat, you look
at Cat Macario, Kristen Press,

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: ACL tears are just
not this straightforward thing

Ang: No.

Lesley: to nine months.

you really don't know how it's gonna go.

And with Cat, it's like her
other knee too, isn't it?

Ang: I think so.

Yeah, I think and I think
a lot of that standpoint.

I have a lot of them.

It's what like I medically retired
from track and field all that.

So I have I've got new parts in my ankle
kinds of things but one like everybody

heals differently, but I think we're
finding out more now that ACL tears

aren't as cut and dry as they either
used to be or we thought they were.

Lesley: Yeah.

Ang: that's why they're doing these
like micro surgeries instead of one

big situation, which is great, but
it also prolongs the healing process

Lesley: Yeah.

Ang: and messes with your body more
just from anesthesia standpoint.

And then regardless of the
severity of your injury.

The other side of your body is
overcompensating in general.

It has to.

It's taking on more stress because
you're on crutches or you're on a

stupid scooter that messes up your hips.

I have no personal feelings about that.

Not at all.



And, and it's one of those things that I
think we're having to look at injuries as

a whole in a way, way more nuanced manner.



Lesley: could see them.

I just.

it's it's such a bummer to see
Kat Macario miss another major

tournament because of a knee injury,

but, you hope that taking this step
leaves open an opportunity further

down the road, maybe because of
this rest, we can have her again.

Ang: Yeah, it's all, I feel like we're
sacrificing to, the soccer gods of,

you can have her for the Olympics.

Can we, only if we can have
her for the next World Cup.


Lesley: please let us

Ang: Please.

Lesley: Katerina Macario for a World Cup.

Ang: Yeah, and honestly, part of
it is selfish, obviously, she's

on my team, but she is amazing
to watch and just let me have it.

Lesley: Yeah.


Ang: Let me have it.

Lesley: of 2021 were not enough.

Ang: No, not at all.

Not at all.

And for folks who are newer to women's
soccer, like we're unfortunately

missing such amazing, prolific players
like across, across soccer right now.

There's so many knee injuries,

Lesley: Yeah.

Ang: but yeah, it's a big
bummer, but we get to see Linnie

Lesley: We do get

Ang: and I have a feeling
she's going to go on a tear.

I just.

Lesley: I

Ang: I have a, an inkling.

Lesley: She hasn't really had.

of time this season to
really spread her bat wings

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: I look forward to seeing her
really tear it up and yeah, I feel

like she's another player who you
give her a big stage, she'll shine.

Ang: Yeah.

And she's so fast.

Like she I think was the fastest
in the NWSL a couple seasons back.

And that's on par with
Kriegs of how fast they are.

Lesley: Yeah.

Ang: And as somebody who came
from the track and field world,

I'm used to watching fast runners
and soccer runners are different.


Lesley: game is that she uses
that speed in both directions

Ang: yeah,

Lesley: she'll come back and and win
the ball back and just be like, yeah,

I'll run it, but let's do it again.

Ang: I'm, yeah, I'll just
run up and down the pitch a

million times, it's no big deal.

Lesley: gas in my

Ang: Lynn?

I guess we're at the point of having to
talk about the Corbin Albert of it all.

Lesley: Hold on, if I
can just, yeah, it's,

it is,

look, I am a human being who has a heart,

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: so I feel for the kid
for getting booed, I'm like,

that's, it's something that.

when you're a little kid and you dream
of playing for the national team,

you, that's not how you imagine it.

You don't imagine that the people
boo when your name is called.

on, on the other hand, as a queer
disabled person living in the

Ang: Yep.

How dare you?

Lesley: the, that is, not to
say it's a similar experience,

but it is, in a lot of spaces.

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: There are people who cannot go
about their day entirely who they are

because of the homophobia in this country.

for me personally, I understand
that Emma Hayes wants the fanbase

to embrace her and support her.

And, just really take her as a
member of this team, but as a human

being with thoughts and feelings,
I need to see more from Corbyn

Ang: It's, for me it's
this was a public thing.

You have to prove it to me publicly.

it's not oh, so and so said this, and
then they said that, and then, it trickles

out that a weird conversation was had.

It was like, no, we saw
what your actions were.

We saw the intent of those actions.

Whether or not you had the
wherewithal to understand that,

you have to take this like an adult.

And being in the same grown adult
with thoughts and feelings as a

queer disabled person, you Nah.

I don't trust it.

And it's I need you to show your work.

We will try.

We've tried, we've done
it with other players.

We've done it with, there were people
in Angel City of this came out.

What about that?

Lesley: Yeah

Ang: then it was very quickly learned
that there was nothing to do about that

because the person didn't want to do
anything about that and that decision

was made and that contract was ended.

Where is that part?

And I think the hard part for me
with this statement from the team

and from Emma is that it's like,
she's not necessarily the victim.

Lesley: No

Ang: Stop treating it like that.

Because that was an active decision.

Whether it was taught to her
that was the right belief set

or she embodies it herself.

there's a lot to unpack there as well.

Lesley: Yeah,

Ang: But we are attacked on a daily basis.

I don't know, I'm worried that I
don't get to get married in a year.

Lesley: Yeah

Ang: I'm worried that I
lose rights in a year.

And you think it's okay to post things
that are detrimental to our community

because It's quote unquote wrong based
on whatever the hell you believe in

and then to post something about a
player being happy they got hurt and

this is taking out who the player was.

That is abysmal in sport.

Yeah, it's offensive in sport.

Injuries are like the last thing
anybody wants, even for your

toughest of competition, because you
want to compete against the best.

You don't want a star player to get
injured because then what's the point?

like you, you're automatically
playing against a lesser team by

accident, of course, but you don't
get to play to the highest level.

you still should, but
it changes the dynamic.

And then to add in that it's PINO,

I don't know what to say to that, it's
so stressful for us as a whole, I think,

community, because it's this is somebody
who put their career on the line for

the greater good of our community, and
this child came in, said some shit, we

don't know if there were consequences.

Because based on the staffing of the
team right now, I don't think there were.

Based on other statements
that have come out.

was there any re repercussions?

Was there any, anything?

Or are we just supposed to
say, oh, you said sorry?

Because that's not how that works.

Lesley: Yeah, and I think that is a
big part of it, I'm, I'm reasonable,

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: I'm open to someone growing
and bettering themselves, but as

far as we know, everything Corbin
Albert has been doing to recover from

this, has been in the background,
has been behind the scenes.


Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: happening in
places where we can't see.

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: is she reading books?

Is she talking to, the queer community in

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: of way?

Is she volunteering with, with

Ang: she learned?


Lesley: learned anything?

Has she met a gay person

Ang: has she ever had a full
conversation with, Jane Campbell?

Lesley: Yeah, like

Ang: any

Lesley: much of it is just it
comes out of ignorance not knowing

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: and like the most gracious way
for me to give this to her is just okay,

you just weren't raised in an environment
that was welcoming to gay people and

now you're in one and you can on board
with that and be cool with that or.

Suffer no consequences, cause

Ang: Yeah.


Lesley: thing we're seeing right

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: And

Ang: I think, too

Lesley: for people.

Ang: Yeah, it was super difficult, too, to
see her in Pino's number that first match.

then to have it, to have her in the next
match in Kelly O'Hara's number, and then

the next match in a different number.

I'm like, Ooh.

ooh, what is happening?

Lesley: Hot potato.

Ang: Yeah.

It's oh.

'cause I if it were me, I would've made
a phone call and said, if she's in my

number ever again, like I, I would,
I don't know what I would threaten

something like, do not, that's no.

Lesley: No.


Ang: No, I just, I want to be positive
about this and I appreciate how much

you and Emily have been vocal about
it through Gal Pal, through your

own accounts, all of that because I
think it needs to be talked about.

It needs to be talked about a lot more
because this team has been so inclusive

and so welcoming and so accepting of
so much while fighting for so much.

It feels like it's not
that, in general, anymore.

And that players have forgotten that equal
pay was like legit in the last five years.

this just happened and we're
already forgetting our history.

Lesley: Yeah.

Andre Carlisle just wrote about

that, where it's

like the us the US is losing
their, is losing recipes.


Ang: hmm.

Lesley: it is kind of strange to
think that it really is just like

these last five years have been a
pivotal time in the sport and it

feels like we're in this weird after.

A time of like, no, no, everything
was always great all the time.


Ang: And we're like, Nuh I
was there for the strife.


Lesley: Not here.

This team?

This team had strife?

You're thinking of someone else.

I'm just getting gaslit.

Ang: Yeah, that's totally what it is.

I feel like collectively, those of us who
have watched the progression of women's

soccer, specifically the national team,
and followed it outside of the sport.

Those players were so pivotal for
so many of us, like they brought us

in for so many different reasons.

The crashland of it all, the preeth of
it all, the, like, all of the things,

the generational, torch handing,
it's just, there's so much and now

I'm just like, alright, go team.

I don't, granted it's just because
I'm older, but it's difficult to

see players who have what they have
because of folks who have Just retired.

last season.

Just be like, oh yeah,
it's just like this.

And I think it was Naomi or Sophia.

I don't remember who said it,
but I think, Alex got one of the,

equal paychecks of, the back pay.

And they're like, dang, I
wish I had checks like that.

And they were like, no, you don't.

And Alex was just like, no,

Lesley: this

Ang: you don't want this.

This is because I didn't get paid.

You're getting paid now.

this is because I made 10 and
I was supposed to make 3, 000.

this isn't, this is an accomplishment,
yes, but it's not the cool

thing it is perceived to be.


Lesley: bigger because of this one.

Ang: Yeah.


And it's just, it's going to
be such an interesting chapter.

this is officially like the
next chapter of this team.

Lesley: Yeah.

It's weird to think about

Ang: Yeah.


I saw the, what is it?

the TikTok video they just did
with Alyssa Nair at the end of it.

A, cargo pants and a t shirt, that
whole thing, and everybody being

like, we're gonna, we're fine.

Alyssa Nair's in a TikTok, we're
winning the table, we've got this.

And I'm like,

Lesley: gonna win!

Ang: got Uncle Alyssa
out there, hell yeah.

And I'm like, that's
fair, but it's different.

It's different now.

Lesley: It is.

It is different.

I think there are a lot of good
things still to come with this team.


Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: having a squad just
be unburdened by all the

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: with an equal pay fight, I

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: is ultimately for the
better, and, I don't know, I, I, I

have no, I, I've, I'm not attaching
myself to a possibility this, this

tournament, I am okay with the U.

S., not even meddling if it

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: the World Cup in a couple
years, they have their shit together.

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: even just the way they've
been playing the last three games.

It's just no, I think
they're gonna be okay

Ang: Yeah.

I, watching that first friendly with
Emma, I was like, oh, there we are.

Like, it's that, that feeling from
the movie Hook where the littlest

lost boy goes up to Peter and
squishes his face, pulls it back

and he's there you are, Peter.

that felt like.

I'm like, oh, okay.



The magic is still there.

the great soccer is still there.

We were just, we just had
some issues for a little bit.

Mario: think that's your
second hook reference.

Lesley: is

Ang: I think it is too.

It's my favorite scene in
Hook too, cause it's so sweet.

Lesley: Emily loves that movie.

By the way, she's I

Mario: which is great.

I love.

I love that we have the same references.

we had a rookie of the year
reference, like a episode or two

Ang: Yeah, not too long ago.

Mario: yeah.

Some I know I've been
quiet for most of the U.



Lesley: Hehe.

Mario: the same way.

Like I, like it was like, what the hell?


As I've, we've talked about this
before, it's just, lived experiences

and it hits different, right?

for the community at large, the
entirety of the LGBT community or

the just most women's sports fans.

Ang: Yeah.

Mario: look, do you not
understand like what

Ang: We know you're young, but you
were alive five years ago with a

like you had conscious thought.

Mario: yeah, and so yeah, and part of
me is okay, this is probably, think

of big corporate entities like that.

They're just going like crazy PR, you

Ang: Yeah.



Mario: because we don't
want you fucking it up.

we're working on you, don't fuck it up.

And they're just keeping her away from,
and to a certain extent, it's like, cool,

I understand what you're doing, and if
there is behind the scenes work being

done, cool, but you're not reassuring.

Your fan base.

You're not reassuring, the people that

Ang: The people who were hurt.

Mario: the people that were hurt, and, the

Essentially, you're bread and butter.

you're, there's a very different it's,
we all bleed red, white, and blue when

it comes to the team, but it's also a
very different demographic from Star

Crest to the No Star Crest, right?

Very different demo,

Don't, also, hey, US, you're
trying to, not let her fuck it up.

You should also not fuck it up.

Ang: Yeah.

Mario: it's gonna,

Lesley: it is a wee happening here.

Ang: Yeah.

Mario: yeah, I am with you all on this
and I know hard to try to look past

the quote unquote Corbin Albert
of it all, and look at the rest

of the team and be like okay.

the Olympics are happening.


that's always going to
be, like, the big downer.

Ang: Yeah.

Mario: I do appreciate the fact
that, like, all of us, at a certain

point, can get just a little bit
past her to be like, look, right

now you're still an awful person.

But, But 99 percent of the
rest of the team is not, and

we're gonna cheer for them.


Ang: Yeah.

Mario: boo Urns, right?

that whole thing.

But we can still cheer
red, white, and blue.


Ang: And honestly, like I don't think
she's going to see too much playing time.


Lesley: mostly come off the bench,

Ang: Yeah

Lesley: yeah,

Mario: yeah.

Ang: just like 75 minutes up.


Mario: and it

Ang: we'll see.

Mario: part of, I, I honestly don't know
if, and I could be completely wrong on

this, but it could be just, we've talked
about the ACFC side of Tweed's team,

not exactly being fully Tweed's team.

It's been

Ang: Mm hmm.

Mario: of Freya being kind
of patchworked a little bit.

So it's not really all
the pieces she wants.

And in this sense of like the U.


team, it's you were saying, like
you were just like, you were saying

about, the World Cup where, you know,
putting Alyssa in, or putting her on

the team, like last minute, also as
an ACFC fan base, we were just like,

why the hell didn't she get to play?

But it probably, things

Ang: Yep.

Mario: differently if she did,

Ang: Same with Ashley Sanchez.

Like why are you bringing
somebody you don't plan to play?

Mario: Yeah.

Lesley: God, she

Mario: But.

Ang: then to tell them that, yeah,

Mario: Chelsea.

the kind of qualifiers and
everything started up already.

So you have the team you have, right?

so deal with it.

And then, then you've got, then you've
got three years till the next World Cup

or two years to the next World Cup before,
to mold the team the way you want, right?

so You know, hopefully some good,

Ang: I think there'll
be some changes made.

Mario: Someone?

Lesley: overall, I am feeling much
more optimistic than I was a year ago.

Ang: Yeah, same.

I have a lot of hope for this
team and the future of this team.

It's just right now.

I feel like everybody has
a bad taste in their mouth.

Given the personnel side of things, the
soccer, I think we're doing all right.


Lesley: fixes a lot.

It's you come back with
a gold medal, great.

Ang: Yeah, absolutely.

Yeah, if you're in America, coming home,
gold is a lot different than silver.

And yeah, we do like to win
and this team likes to win.

So I think we'll be all right.

I think we'll make it out of the groups.

I think we'll make a
good showing at least.

Lesley: yeah, this is gonna
be You know, knock on wood,

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: gonna be a good, it's
gonna be a good tournament.


Mario: you're like,

Ang: If you're not first, you're last.


Lesley: ain't first, you're last.

Ang: I just watched Talladega
on 4th of July with Eva.

We were just like, she's
I want to watch a movie.

I was like, do you want?

And it's one of,

Mario: How did

Ang: honestly,

Mario: Day?


Ang: weeks has been bonkers.

But, She was like, I
want to watch a movie.

We're scrolling through.

I think it was on Disney plus and I was
like, do you want to watch Talladega?

And she was like, I don't think
I've seen that in 10 years

and it's top 10 movies for me.

And she's you're going
to quote this thing.

I'm like doing dishes, quoting the
movie, like just, Oh, it was fantastic.

But yeah, if

Lesley: a spider monkey.


Mario: I think we're gonna,
we're gonna wrap this thing up.

we've said what we've said.

coming out.

It is what it is, cause

Ang: Yeah.

Sponsor Gal Pal

Mario: With the amazingness of
the fact that Peacock is going

to be streaming everything.

Honestly, Peacock, sponsor the
pod, because we've been hyping

this thing up like crazy.

Ang: all of us, just like us out.

Lesley: Just make us all affiliates, it'll

Mario: There

Ang: Yeah, it'll be great.

Mario: what other sports do you
like watching during the Olympics?

what are you looking forward to?

Lesley: gymnastics obviously, but,
to get really obscure Olympic brain,

the track cycling where they're on
like, that bank track and they've

Ang: Oh, yeah.

Lesley: bikes, love watching that.

It is one of my favorite sports that
I watch every four years and forget

about for the time in between, but

Ang: It's so stressful.

Lesley: bicycles.

Ang: It's like speed skating in the
sense of like, how do you stay upright?

How do you not crash into each other?

Lesley: lifted on to the

Ang: Yeah.

It's yeah, it's insane.

It's so fun to watch though.


Lesley: me a velodrome?

I think it's called velodrome.

Ang: I think so.

Lesley: But yeah, that one's, gymnastics,
swimming, skateboarding is, was a

lot of fun the last time around.

I love watching rugby.

I am generally a fan of the Olympics,
so I'm gonna have an excellent time.

I'm really excited that the
time changes aren't as severe as

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: for the last time around.

Yeah, I'm so excited.

Mario: velodrome thing is hence why we
called our, Syd Leroux bicycle shirt that

we have the veloroux is, it's basically
a Sydney Leroux bike shop t shirt.

Ang: We've both been wearing it
out in public and people are like,

oh, where's that shop located?

I'm like, it's soccer.

Mario: I

Ang: they're like, what?

it's a, it's not, it's about
a soccer thing that happened.

They're like, what do you mean?

I was like, like a bicycle kick?

And they're like, what's that?

So then I get to talk about it.

Lesley: that you don't know,

Mario: Yeah.

Lesley: become aware of if

Ang: Let me

Lesley: this

Ang: just airdrop you this highlight and
then I'll see you at BMO in two weeks.

Mario: also, I think we, we definitely run
in different circles because I've worn it

many times and not a soul has asked me.

And it's been one of those
things where I'm like, purposely

don't wear a jacket because it's

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: ask me about my shirt.

Ang: Yeah.

Mario: I'm going to just start wearing
a pin that says, ask me about my shirt.

Alright, Angela, any other sports you're
thinking about besides, the ones we've

been saying on the other episodes?

Ang: it's track and field, women's
basketball, volleyball, swimming,

especially the relays in swimming.

Lesley: Oh,

Ang: Those are just so cool.

I want Katie Ledecky to just.

Just to run the table again,
break more of her own records,

Lesley: medleys in

Ang: yes,

Lesley: switch it up in the

Ang: yeah, medleys, and then the, oh,
for track and field and for, I think

for swimming now, they have the mixed
relays, but track and field, the four,

4x1 or 400 relay, they have a mixed
version, which is really cool to watch,

I just like you, I love the Olympics.

I will watch everything I can.

I get in trouble.

Mario: Yeah.

Ang: it with Casey on another episode
where I was like this, the Olympics

were the benchmark of me realizing I
was a grownup and I was no longer in

school because it was summertime and
I was at work and the Olympics were on

and I'm like, this should be illegal.

Lesley: No, I'm supposed to watch these.

Ang: Yes.

I'm like, what am I supposed to do?

My friends are texting me and
I'm like, no, I'm at work.


Mario: So

Ang: yeah.

Mario: think it

the World Cup in France, maybe.

One of the ones where, the time wasn't
stupid and, the around lunchtime for us

Ang: Yeah.

Mario: L.


Ang: Yeah, they were.

Mario: my office Actually
turned on the TV on a couple of

the conference rooms and like

Ang: Ooh.

Mario: like, it was just like, it was the
ability for you to okay, because it was

around lunchtime, heat up your lunch, go
grab your lunch or whatever, and then you

can sit in one of the conference rooms
to watch the game and a bunch of people

would crowd in there watching whatever
game was on at noon, basically, because,

it was like sanctioned sports watching
while we were out at, So hopefully,

Lesley: duty.

I have to.

Mario: But,

Lesley: Yeah.

Mario: I was looking at the list again
recently, and I was like, I know I've

mentioned that I'm into some of the
new sports and seeing how it really

develops in a kind of Olympic mindset,
like skateboarding and BMX bike.

But then I noticed that they
also have, the mountain biking.

And I'm like,

Ang: Oh, yeah.

Mario: gonna, that looks like
it's gonna be pretty cool.

besides BMX like freestyle, they're
actually gonna have BMX racing too.

that can get a little squirrely.

and one of the, huh,

Lesley: Oh, sorry, those are, like,
we'll occasionally, get it on, my page.

For you Paige on TikTok for Bull

Mario: yeah,

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: this like

Mario: like the super
narrow and chilly and stuff.


Ang: Suicide Gulch.

Lesley: I don't know how you do this.


Ang: where there's a very high
risk of major injury and or

death like that's not for me

Lesley: Yeah.

Ang: like the ski jumping in winter
olympics absolutely not but i

watch it every time like i would

Lesley: to

Ang: yeah

Lesley: no part of

Mario: Yeah.

the canoe, canoe slalom,
basically, I think it's just,

Ang: oh yeah

Mario: the kayaking, like,
where, kayaking slalom,

sometimes, because they go backwards.

There's times where, like, uh, the,
the flag is purposely, not like step,

step, step going down, like one of
them will be stepped backwards and

like they're rushing against the water.

I'm like, dude, this is amazing.

Ang: The upper body strength,
like the core strength that

goes into paddling like that.


Mario: and I still think the fact
that it's oh, you're going to

have a surfing event this year.

Oh yeah.

Where is it?

Oh, it's like on the other side of the

Ang: Tahiti.

Mario: Tahiti.

Lesley: that is, I guess
it's France, but all

Mario: French Polynesia?

Ang: they're, the IOC, I only know
this because I just saw it for the

games that are going to be here in LA.

They're trying to make it more
environmentally friendly and not

build more stadiums and artificially
create things, which I get, but

it also sucks for those athletes

Lesley: Yeah.

Ang: because they don't get to be.

Lesley: in it with

Ang: yeah, women's, softball's gonna
be in Oklahoma, and I'm like, I get it,

Lesley: That's the best
stadium we have, arguably, for

Ang: but we have a lot of stadiums here.

Lesley: Yeah.

Ang: You could put a
mound in Dodger Stadium,

Mario: for the L.


Games, the,

Lesley: Yeah.

Ang: yeah,

Mario: softball's gonna be in Oklahoma.

Ang: in Oklahoma, and there's a couple
other things gonna be in different places,

Lesley: like a canoe one, too,

Ang: yeah, I think it's gonna
be in Colorado, or, yeah,

there's a couple things in
Oklahoma, some stuff in Colorado.

Mario: I think surfing's gonna be
down in like Baja California, right?

it's gonna

Ang: Probably, yeah,
where the surf is better.

Mario: I did, I do believe events
are gonna be out by me in the valley.

Ang: Yeah, they're supposed
to be out in Moorpark.

Mario: yeah, if my daughter's
into horses by that time, got,

Ang: You're going to turn Maddie.

Mario: she's seven.

Lesley: Ooh.

Ang: I know, it's dangerous territory.

Lesley: ears.

Ang: Yeah.

Mario: although she, it doesn't,
both can't exist at the same time,

she's starting soccer this fall,

Ang: Yeah, and she's a little fish.

She's a swimmer.



Mario: yeah, so she's starting
soccer, she wants to do gymnastics,

so it's one of those things where
you don't understand, mommy and

daddy don't have time to do all of

Ang: Yeah, all of these things cost money.

Lesley: one at a time,

Ang: yeah.

Yeah, and

Mario: soccer, that was it.

Ang: I got kicked out of gymnastics class
for being too tall, so I'm not I was

seven, and it was after the 96 Olympics.

like Carrie Strug, pre the Carrie
Strug injury, I remember so much

of that year, like Dominique Dawes,
Dominique Mostnow, that team.

And then I go to gymnastics class, have
the best cartwheel out of everybody, can

balance on the beam better than everyone.

And this teacher,

was like, why do you think you can
be in gymnastics, you're too tall.

I was also like, almost five feet tall.

I was a full grown gymnast at that point.

Lesley: It's

Ang: And I just, instant tears.

And I walk out, my mom's what happened?

what is, you were in there for 15 minutes.

what happened to you?

Lesley: someone?

what happened?

Ang: And then she found out, and I
have never, it is ingrained in my

memory, my mom laying into this guy.

she is a child!

Lesley: Get them.

Ang: Yeah, we got refunds,

Mario: Yeah,

Ang: center.

Yeah, that, it's still so wild to me.

I'm like, it's, this is a rec class.

calm down.

We're not even at, a gym for gymnastics.

It's a recreational center
that has after school programs.

Mario: no.

Ang: I could just do a cartwheel
because I was a Power Rangers fan,

Mario: yeah.

Ang: and I was running around
doing them every day at school.

Mario: Okay, with all those amazing
sports we just named, all of those are

going to be available on the Peacock app.

And like we mentioned before at the top,
all matches are going to be streaming.

And all the matches start.

before the actual opening game, so
just to recap real quick, July 25th,

Thursday, 10am will be Germany Australia,
12 will be USA Zambia, on the 28th,

Sunday, will be 10am Australia vs.

Zambia, 12pm US vs.

Germany, and then finally on the
31st, to wrap up group stages, both

games will be at 10am Australia,
or this is the US, and Zambia vs.


Ang: I really hope that those two
games, for all three groups, that

last game is at the same time.

I really hope there's no, super
decision makers in that last game.

let me watch, let me just
pick one or something.

I don't know.

I just hope it's not stressful.

Lesley: the normal amount of,
sportiness, no drawing of lots

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: just

Ang: Don't, please don't go into PKs.

Please don't.

Not that early anyway.

Lesley: no,

Mario: Oh, they won't in
the group stages, but still.

Ang: Oh, that's fair.

That's fair.

I forgot about that.

Lesley: they'll do a
PK at the 90th minute.

Mario: They're like, you know
what, this year we're gonna

introduce PKs in the group stages.

Ang: Oh my god.

Soccer collectively would implode.


Mario: the, in LA.

It's like it's in America now.

Ang: no.

We make our own rules.

Honestly, oh my gosh.

All right.

Leslie, thank you so much for
hanging out with us for an hour and

a half and talking soccer, talking
life, talking all the good stuff.

We greatly appreciate it.

And if you don't already, make sure
to follow Gal Pal Sports on just

about every major social platform.

Lesley: Yeah,

Ang: Yeah.

Lesley: there.

Our, I don't think our videos, get
the same distribution they used to.

And, we're suspended from
trying to promote them.


Tell a friend to tell a friend.

Ang: Just keep sharing all of
their TikTok videos to piss off

TikTok and get them more views.

That, it's your civic duty
to, as, normal people,

Lesley: That's

Ang: honestly,

Lesley: I'm sorry.

Ang: yeah, but at galpalsports.


Check them out.

Check out their website, all the
coverage, all the everything.

They're fantastic to interact with
online, to be friends with, to have

just as part of our WOSO community.

So thank you again for hanging out.

Tell Emily we said hi, pet the
dogs for us, all that good stuff.

Lesley: Will do.


Ang: make sure you subscribe
wherever you're listening.

If you aren't already, somebody
sent it to you, track it down,

or you can go to casualfc.

com for all of our podcast links.

You can support the pod by
sharing and liking and just

engaging with anything we post.

If you feed the algorithm
apparently gives you stuff back.

who really knows?

Because it's all just magic and

Mario: I

Ang: buttons and cords and
nobody knows what's going on.

Mario: even

Ang: do

Mario: don't know how the algorithm

Ang: Honestly, they've created a
monster and, yeah, and we're all just,

trying our best to see if it'll work.

But, you can shop our merch at shop.



I don't know when we'll
have new stuff out.

We have ideas, but time is weird,
and it's very easy to lose track of.

The head nods that are happening
between both Leslie and Mario, I'm

like, oh my gosh, it's so much.

these great ideas, and then three
weeks later, you're like, oh, my idea.

Mario: Yeah.

Ang: And then if you feel so inclined and
you wanna monetarily support the pod and

keep this thing going and keep the lights
on, you can do so by buying us a coffee.

You can click on the link in our bios
or go to buy me a coffee.com/casual

FC pod and throw some cash our way.

Obviously, it's like the last thing
on the list that we would love you

to do, but when it happens, we get
really excited and I usually cry.

I didn't cry on this
episode for the record.

Mario: Okay.

Ang: It's a miracle.

I cried this morning recording a
different episode, but who cares?

But I just love sports.

And you can follow us on social
media at casualfcpod on Instagram,

Twitter, TikTok, and threads,
but really mostly on Instagram.

So with that said, tell
a friend about the pod.

Tell a friend about Galpel Sports.

It brings us good luck.

It'll bring Leslie and Emily good luck.

We'll take our luck and give it to
Angel City and the national team.

What they do with their
luck is up to them.

It'll probably go to the
Red Stars, Who really knows?

Lesley: take some luck!

Ang: We're just trying to make
a playoff berth at this point.

We just got to win some
games, so we'll see.

Mario: Yeah.

Ang: We'll see what happens.

But with that said, enjoy the Olympics.

We'll see you soon.

Thanks for listening.

Mario: Bye.

Lesley: Bye!

2024 Paris Olympic Footy: Group B feat. Gal Pal Sports - Lesley
Broadcast by