2024 Olympic Footy: Semi Final

Angela: Hi, everyone.

Welcome to Casual FC, an
Angel City preview pod.

It is a very early Saturday morning.

I'm your host, Angela

Mario: Sunday morning,

Angela: who's also, oh, oops.

See, I don't know what day it is.

It's Sunday.

It's eight in the morning.

We're watching the Olympics.

Mario's here too.

Mario: hello, yeah, it's really
early after a busy Saturday,

a long, footy Saturday,

Angela: oh my god, 352
minutes or something like

Mario: yeah, if we sound a little, I
don't know, tired, nasally, drowsy,

One, I apologize for, having you sit
through our voices like this, but also,

I played nap roulette this morning when
we were supposed to record a little

bit earlier, and it wasn't really
nap roulette, it was snooze roulette.

Kept hitting the snooze button.

so it is, and we're here, and
we're doing the best we can

with the equipment we got, cause

Angela: Because Angela forgot all
of her headphones at home and Eva's

headphones are at her practice space.

So sorry if it's really
loud and my audio's crap.

Mario: I will do my magic and
it'll probably be okay, but yes.

so welcome everybody, this
is the semi final episode of

the Olympic footy coverage.

And we've still got some skin in the game.

the U.


Angela: Saturday soccer was intense

Mario: it was intense.

It was the, the fact that all
the games go back to back meant,

Angela: that alone was like,
oh wow, four soccer games

Mario: yeah,

Angela: back to back.

Mario: that alone, like 90 minutes,
basically, back to back to back.

But the first three did
not end in 90 minutes.

Angela: No, they did not.

First three games all went into extra
time, like both periods of extra time.

two of the three went into PKs.

So it was, like, it was
stressful Saturday soccer.

Mario: It was.

And you know what?

It's, you know why they, you
know why this happened, right?

they all knew that the
previous game went over.

So they're like, look, nobody's
watching us at the beginning of this.

So we're going to just give
them extra stuff at the end.

Angela: yeah, we'll just
get them some extras.

Those, man, they're tired.

Like all the teams are tired.

You can see it.

Mario: I think Julie Fowdy is one of
the commentators, or at least for the U.



and she mentioned like, How the Olympic
tournament, we've talked about this

before, but how the Olympic tournament
is a lot more brutal than the World Cup.

because in the Olympic,

Angela: more condensed.

Mario: it's, you've got two days
rest, usually, between each match,

you've got a smaller roster, right?

You've only got the 18.

That you get to bring along.

Whereas for the World Cup, you get
to bring like a 24, 26 person roster.

but yeah, that's only two days in
between rounds in between matches.

yeah, they're tired and
they just went 120 minutes.

Angela: And thankfully, Trin
scored before it went into PKs,

because we were getting close.

Mario: that,

Angela: have to keep in mind that Emily
Fox got injured at the end of the game.

Tierna Davidson's been out.

Jaden Shaw is still out.

I have thoughts about whether Jaden
Shaw should have made the roster,

given how injured she's been this
season, but we are where we are.


And Sam Coffey was out this game
because of card accumulation.

we basically I had four
subs, and that's it, so

Mario: the good thing is that I
believe, even though They still keep

track of cards in the semi final,

Angela: I

Mario: card accumulation will reset,
so even if they do get it, because

I believe Trinity and the one who
shall not be named are on, Cardwatch.

at least to the, on the Olympic website.

but then I, it almost doesn't matter
if they get a yellow in this one

because it won't affect the final.

So yeah.

Angela: So just as a
quick recap, we had the U.


who played Japan, 1 then, who was next?

It was, I'm trying to go like
in order, and I have no idea,

Mario: don't know.

I just deleted them.

Angela: I know, Canada played Germany.

And Germany won in PKs.

Berger, Germany's keeper, took a page out
of a listener's goalkeeping, repertoire.

Just absolutely stuffed

Mario: Oh, just before that
one, Spain and Colombia.


Angela: Oh yeah.

but Spain and Colombia went to PKs.

And then,

Mario: And that one was.

Angela: I got

Mario: That one was wild too because
they, Spain was losing two to

nothing for a long time and then,

Angela: majority of the game,
Jenni Hermoso had, I forgot I

was texting you the whole time.

Jenni Hermoso had been on the bench, they
brought her in, Spain then equalized.

to bring it to they leveled out at 2
goes to extras and then it goes to PKs

Mario: yeah.

Angela: win wins

Mario: And also guys, texting is hard
while you're watching a game because,

I was at my kid's swim practice so I
was like half watching it on my phone

but then I had to get up and text.

Angela: kid doesn't

Mario: Exactly.

Like all the, good dad stuff, good
parents stuff that we needed to do.

so I'm getting texts for certain parts of
it and, while I was watching, I was able

to respond and be like, yeah, I see this.

Oh yeah.

Oh no.

And then the part that I wasn't watching,
was right when that first goal went

in from Spain and you're like, oh
yeah, Jenny Hermos is on the bench.

And then the next thing I
get is Jen Irimosa scored.

I was like, God damn, from the bench?

That's sick.

just said here, let me try it from here.

but yeah, it's, it was a
lot of footy really fast.

And then the last one was,
which this is how tired I was.

We got home.

All these matches went into extra time.

We had all this stuff
to go do with the kids.

I had a really late Friday that
I knocked out, and Jen, bless

her heart, she left me alone.

I knocked out on the couch
and I completely missed the

Brazil France match, 100%.

Angela: watching it because I
was watching track and field

I'm like following on Twitter while I have
the track and field multi view up because,

God forbid, I miss a track event, but I'm
like seeing, oh my God, Brazil, and it's

just oh my God, and then at the end of the
game, they threw up a heart, a hand heart

to Marta, who was up, in the box because
she couldn't play, and she's like sobbing,

and I'm like, I love soccer so much.

Mario: Her career's, her
international career's not over.

It's, there has to be a better way to,
say that, because it sounds so harsh.

it sounds

Angela: cause,

Mario: she got a, yeah, but it sounds
like she got, a, a career ending injury.

It's international
career's over, and it's no.

It's just because there was
a card involved, because it

was a very dangerous play card

But yes, okay, so let's, it is wild.

We semi already talked about what
happened, but we'll keep going.

Let's talk about how to
watch and what to watch next.

Again, check everything out
on the NBC Olympic website

for TV broadcast schedules.

I don't know exactly where they're
going to be broadcasting on air,

but of course all matches will
be available on the Peacock app.

Whenever you want and you can stream
them live and that's the best thing ever.

Matchups will be on Tuesday.

Correction from our group stage
podcast because I screwed that up

and I said Wednesday last time.

apparently I can't get my days straight.

So Tuesday,

Angela: It's the Olympics,
no time makes sense.

Mario: everything's just a big blur.

Angela: Yeah.

Mario: Tuesday, August 6th, we have the
first match will be USA versus Germany.

Now, If you look up the times
anywhere else, it'll say 9 a.


If you go to the Olympic
website for the U.

S., it says 8.

45, because, of course, we gotta
get some pre game coverage.

Angela: That's good though.

that's, there's pre game coverage
if you're watching it on TV, if

you're just streaming and it's 9.

Mario: yeah.

Basically, that's what it's gonna be.

and then at 12, we'll be Brazil vs.

Spain, also on August 6th.

So Semifinals, we're getting
down to the nitty gritty.

we'll most likely have another episode
covering what happened in those two

games and who's moving on from these
to the gold medal match and who's

moving on to the bronze medal match.

And because time is blurred together and
NWSL had to make their cash grab of the

Summer Cup, which we fully endorse and
have been following since the beginning.

Angela: are crossing.

Mario: Exactly.

the Summer Cup will also have its semi
final matches on Tuesday, August 6th.

And, as we've been talking about recently,
Angel City has been doing really well.

And we are in the semi finals.

at 2pm, we'll be Gotham vs.

Angel City.

And at 6pm, we'll be Kansas City vs.

North Carolina.

All of those are going to be on Paramount

So that's going to be a full day.

Angela: work?

Mario: Exactly.

Angela: am I supposed to do work?

Mario: I'm looking at this thinking
like, okay, I took Wednesday to,

I looked, I took the end of the
week off for child care reasons.

And, but I'm looking at this being
like, should I also take Tuesday off?

Or maybe just end Tuesday,
after the Brazil match.

Cause, you know, I can stream
that while I'm working.

don't tell my boss.

It's okay.


So yes.

so 9 AM we have Olympic
USA versus Germany.

12 PM will be, Brazil versus Spain.

Then we got Summer Cup matches
at 2 PM, Gotham versus ACFC.

6 PM, Kansas City versus North Carolina.

And then the weirdest thing
that, of course, completely

makes sense to everybody who's
paying attention and watching.

The final for the Summer
Cup will be in October.

Friday, October 25th,
in San Antonio, Texas.

I Okay, sure.

Angela: I don't know.

Woe gonna woe the cool thing is we talked
about it before, the Kristen Press is

back, and I think I texted four different
people in the last 15 minutes of the game,

if you're not watching this, turn this
on, otherwise you're gonna be so mad,

and it was a hysterical entrance for her.

Mario: Yeah.

Angela: gets sent over to
the sidelines to step in.

The referee's don't.

Bring her in,

Mario: Pro

Angela: they had plenty of time.

It was so silly.

Mario: to the, broadcast team
for, straight up, ignoring the

game for, two to three minutes.

Angela: Yeah,

Mario: they completely ignored it.

Angela: her on the sideline.

Mario: Yeah, all cameras were just
focused on her, and I, like, all

those directional mics were focused on
her, because we got some really clean

audio, almost like if she was mic'd up.

Angela: Yeah,

Mario: I wouldn't be surprised if
she was mic'd up, and it was like,

for some, documentary later, but
but she was, it was so clear, and

she's hello, can I be subbed in?


Angela: press, because this would have
been a really good time right now,

Mario: yeah.

Angela: and it's at the
87th minute, let her in.

Mario: you know what, and we've
talked about how I'm new to CP,

Angela: yeah,

Mario: and then her getting that
small clip of her, and then seeing

how she affected the game, I'm like,

Angela: had a look to
possibly score within

Mario: within like a minute, yeah, it
was like her first touch of the game.

Angela: that's Christon Press.

I almost said Candace Parker.

Cause I have the women's
basketball game on.

Oh my

Mario: Like, I don't want it to
Sound derogatory in any way, but

I'm like, Goddamn, that was so cute.

like her, the almost the innocence
of her just being like, I'd

like to be in the game now.

Angela: yeah, it was just like,
and that's how she is, she's

so just Hi, can it be my turn?

Mario: Yeah.

and then just like you were saying, she
was an assassin as soon as she walked in.

she's like, all cutesy,
Hi, can I be let in?

And then, bam, almost scored.

Angela: yeah, definitely, will take this
time to say I told you just because I

told you it's one of those where I don't
know how much she'll play, it'll be, her

minutes will gradually increase, but,

Mario: I will say that,

Angela: just different.

Mario: we had, we had a really fun time
on the Discord because we started doing,

watch alongs or, live banter and I threw
up a quick little poll thinking, like,

when does everybody think press will come
in and the options were, like, first half,

Angela: Like 80,

Mario: And then, yes,

Angela: 80th, 85th.

Mario: starting from like the 7th,
and then, just, we'll be let in during

stoppage if there's any stoppage
time, and just won't come in at all.

My semi pessimistic view of Osal
was like, she might not come in,

depending on how the game's going.


Angela: Yeah.

Mario: in my view, it was like,
okay, If this is ending up like it's

going to be tied towards the end,

do we want to risk putting CP in, in
the mix, haven't played like minutes

yet, when we're trying to get that last
goal, and then I completely forgot that

it didn't really matter because as long
as it's tied we go straight into pens.

that, yeah, that part I forgot.

Angela: is a penalty taker.

They've been, Angel City have been
practicing penalties for three days.

Before this game.


Mario: yeah.

Angela: They

Mario: they were ready for those pens.

Oh, so good.

Angela: you felt the juice.

Kristen's return gave new life.

Mario: yeah.

Although I love that Didi was in goal.

I love that she stopped that, that goal.

I feel bad.

I, like, why didn't Angelina just
get to finish off the tournament?


Angela: I don't know.

It may be just, either rest or because
DeeDee wouldn't be playing for two months,

they just need to get her a rep in.

Mario: yeah, but then, yeah, DeeDee's
probably playing the next one also.

because, the stakes are a little higher.

yeah, I don't know.

It, we'll see.

Angela: They're switching
stuff up all over the place at

Mario: It's Let's Get Weird
season, so that's great.

We're having fun with that.

Angela: season.

Mario: And, you know what?

That just means we've got,
we've got it all set up for

the return when we have to go.

Our watch party for the return of
the NWSL season against the San

Diego Wave on the 24th of August.

mark that on your calendars,
quick little plug for ourselves.

And we'll be at WatchMeSportsBar.

Angela: promoting it big time this after

Mario: Yeah.

Angela: over.

we want to pack that place as much as
we can, help them out as much as we can.

They're still going

Mario: Yes.

Angela: we just opened growing pains,
but you got to push them through

it and they just deserve the world.

Mario: Yes.


okay, guys, we're totally
winging this episode.

Angela: I don't know if you can tell,

Mario: yeah, everything's been
all topsy turvy and out of

order, which is completely fine.

It's not

getting to me at any point.

Angela: my brain isn't itchy right now,

Mario: Yeah, it's fine.

All right.

And I think, what we want to finish
off here is, let's, Semi preview

these matches, off the dome, fresh
in the morning, USA versus Germany.



Angela: Meeting a team for
the second time is tough.


yeah, I hope they pull it out,
but is on the come up again.

They're rebuilding, they're
re, reinstating themselves as a

powerhouse in Moso, which is great
for them, but I'm just curious

how injuries are gonna impact us.

I hope Emily Fox is okay, I haven't
seen anything since yesterday.

Since she came out of the game
with a knee issue, I hope she's

okay because she's fantastic.

I'm curious how Germany is going
to just come out and how injuries

are going to impact our team.

I think we're down a couple extra
people than anyone anticipated.

But, like I said, healthy Jayden
Shaw deserves to be there.

I hope she gets to see a game.

okay, I don't know, we'll see.

And Germany is

fired up, I think is
the best way to put it.

After knocking Canada out.

Mario: I think they're fired up.

but we also got to remember that both
of these teams went the full one 20.

So they both played.

A solid two hour match.

so they're gonna be tired.

they just did this yesterday and
they're gonna be playing on Tuesday.

that's a lot, So we'll, it'll be

Angela: And

Mario: interesting matchup for sure.

Angela: a couple extra days of rest.

So hopefully that'll

Mario: Yeah.


And then the second matchup will be
Brazil and Spain and you know what?

It's the return of Marta.

She's gonna get one final crack at this.

Mario-Insert: Hey everyone.

This is Mario.

Post recording.

Of course.


Not 15 minutes later after we
were done recording, we see.

The reports of Marta.

Possibly being.

Suspended for this semi-final match also.


So I know that the
Brazilian team is appealing.


So that's the latest we know.

Though it was important enough that.

We needed to do a little.

Insert of sorts.

And everything else we say
from here on still rings.


Marta's amazing.


back to it.

Angela: Yeah.

I think this is the, I don't
know if Brazil pulls this out.

I think they could,

Mario: yeah, I don't,

Angela: Spain is

Mario: yeah,

Angela: Brazil is young.

And Brazil, and Spain is more
tenured in these bigger games.

Mario: but, okay, just going off of,

Angela: both teams to win.

It's there,

Mario: going, they, they will at
some point, whoever loses from this

gets to go to a bronze medal match.

Angela: it's there.

Mario: so there's three of these
teams are going to get a medal.

Angela: Mhmm.

Which is wild.

Mario: the, the part that I'm, the
part that brings me hope is seeing how

Spain was playing against, Colombia.

Angela: Yeah.

Mario: how.

They got bodied.

They got.

Pushed around and dominated a little bit.

For the most part of that game,
and it wasn't until they made

their subs that the game changed.

So it kind of points to like,
look, you've got a solid team, but

really your core like two players
are the ones that are important.


again, if Hermoso starts on the bench,
then they might have a tough time again.

If she doesn't, they might be surrounding
her and then still give them a tough time.

But the same can be said
about Brazil, right?

they had a

Angela: Brazil is

Mario: they have a yeah,
and Marta is Marta.

Angela: Yep.

Mario: the Brazil we saw

In kind of panic mode, right?

to scramble and get that win

is going to be different
when Marta's on the field.


Angela: Yeah.

And helping to control the tempo,
helping to manage the game.

She's basically, I think her role
right now is like, guard in the sense

of making a basketball analogy partly
because I'm watching a basketball game,

she helps what's happening on the pitch.

navigates the game.

I don't really know how to explain
this in soccer terms, but you,

every team has a player that kind
of guides where everything's going.

And I guess it's your 10, I don't

Mario: yeah, it's the 10.

It's the

Angela: it's that's not really
what I mean either though.

It's like your floor
general, your person who's

Mario: She's the conductor.

She's the So we gotta
step away from basketball.

We gotta go into something else and

Angela: I'm like, how do I
translate this in my brain?

It's not working.

Mario: she's definitely the,
conductor, of that Brazilian orchestra.

She's the one setting the tempo.

She's the one,

Angela: Thank you.

That's what I was trying to say.

Mario: she's the one,

Angela: tone.

Mario: she's the one that, that
initiates the sparks, initiates

the runs, the, So it, and.

Angela: Marta.

Mario: Yeah, exactly.

They're like, I reposted a really cool
video from, from a concert creator that

I don't remember his name right now,
but he was doing like, it was like a

mini doc of Marta of like where she
came from and how she's been playing

and how influential she's been.

And it like, it's awesome.

it's a cool little clip.

I'll repost it again.

Cause it was part of our stories
and it probably went away.


Angela: Yeah.

Mario: she definitely is that.


Angela: She's that girl.

Mario: yeah.

she's the um, when you're doing, when
you're doing a run, a longer run than like

a 5k, there's people, there's pace setters
that are running with a big flag that says

I'm running at this pace, keep up with me.


That's what she is.

And then she's basically
going to be like, you go.

Angela: Yeah.

Mario: and then it,
organized chaos breaks loose.

Angela: absolutely.

And I think Brazil's going
to put up a hell of a fight.

And in Spain, going to fight right back.

That's going to be.

That's gonna be a match.

Mario: going to be a good, yeah,

Angela: a hard game to watch
because it's just gonna be a lot.


Mario: And then with that also is
the fact that Spain is going to be

the one on, essentially shorter rest.

Spain went their full 120.

And Brazil did not.

So Brazil's got like a,

Angela: up.

Mario: half hour of not running around is

Angela: Is a lot

Mario: a lot.



So it'll be an interesting matchup.

for sure.

Angela: that's that everybody.

for a Sleepy Sunday recap episode with us.

Mario: Yeah, so one last time.

Tuesday, August 6th, we're
going to have 9am USA vs.

Germany, 12 will be Brazil vs.

Spain, and then the soccer continues
with the Summer Cup matches, Gotham vs.

ACFC at 2pm, and at 6pm, Kansas City vs.

North Carolina, Olympic matches on
Peacock, Summer Cup matches on Paramount

and Check out the TV broadcast schedule
on the Olympic website if you want

to find them on, actual TV signals.

Angela: Yeah, I think
they're going to be on USA.

That's where they've been.

But double check with that.

Mario: Yeah.

Angela: All right, everyone.

Thanks for listening.

Thanks for hanging out.

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All right, everybody, follow us
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And tell a friend, Team USA, I
guess we can No, I'm gonna send

my energy to Angel City, given my
feelings of certain situations.

Mario: Yeah.

Angela: also, before we completely
close this out, I want to say thank you

to everybody who DM'd me, messaged me
directly, texted me the last episode.

Thank you.

For the reassurance, the, support, and,
in most cases, I think all cases agreeing.

Mario: Yeah.

Angela: It's always
nice when people agree.

Mario: And if you haven't had a chance
to listen to the last episode and you're

like, Hey, those, the quarterfinals are
done with, I don't have to listen to this.

there's some really good

points of view and topics talked
about, that are relevant to life.

Go back and listen.

It starts around 25 minutes.

Angela: so yeah,

Mario: I,

Angela: through

Mario: because I had to, I sent it
to someone else and I was like, hey,

here's the conversation starts about 25
minutes if you want to just skip forward.

but yeah, thank you to everyone and,
we'll see you after this semi round.

Angela: see you before the gold medal

Mario: Woo!

Alright, Olympic footy, let's go.

Bye, everyone.

Angela: Bye!

2024 Olympic Footy: Semi Final
Broadcast by