2024 Olympic Footy: Final

Mario: Welcome to Casual FC and Angel City
preview pod, and our final Olympic preview

pod, and we are just having some fun.

I'm your host, Mario Salazar, with
my giggly co host, Angela Morales.

Angela: This is what happens when you to
do a podcast with one of your friends.

Oh, man.


Mario: so,

Angela: back for the ninth time this week.

Mario: yeah, yeah, there's usually a
lot that I cut out, preamble, A lot of

times we preamble and then we hit record.

Sometimes we hit record and then
remember something and just keep

talking and then I have to cut it out.

but a lot of times if you hear us
halfway laughing already it's probably

because we hit record too soon.

but yes, we are back to you with I don't
know how many episodes it's been in the

last couple weeks, but we are now Finally

Angela: I feel like we need everybody,
every Warm up song, like every jock

jam, every pump up song, like pump,
pump the jam, pump it up, like going

into this episode and then I'm a, yeah,

Mario: Yeah.

Angela: like I can, Eva found out a
couple weeks ago that I can recite with

and without the music, the entire jock
jam mega mix that came out in like 1998.

Mario: Yes.

Angela: actually, maybe 1987,
the entire thing to the,

millisecond I know this thing.

And she, we were in the car, and
I was like, you gotta listen to

this, you totally have heard it.

And she's I have no idea what you're
talking about, and I put it on, and

she was like, oh yeah, this song.

And she was like, why did it change?

She had, no idea there's,
40 songs mixed in.

She's just looking at me at a signal
at, Canyon and Riverside or something.

She's are you okay?

And I'm just like, listen to my
baby, aggressive, be aggressive.

She's oh my God.

It you ever

Mario: Okay.

Angela: make my day, play that song.

Mario: Yeah, so we're, we're trying to
figure out stuff for the watch party.

what are we going to do?

How do we host?

what do we even have to do anything?

That might be some like,
halftime entertainment.

Angela: A talent show?


Mario: Oh man, this one is definitely
going to fall in shenanigans territory.


Okay, so the number one
thing we have about.

About where we're at in the Olympics
is everyone is so goddamn tired.

Angela: Including the viewers.

Mario: Yes, emotionally, physically,

Angela: Yes.

Mario: like we thought, and granted,
I am still super thankful for,

the ability to stream and watch
it whenever the hell I please.




But when you watch back to back to back,
and then we're now at the semifinal,

we're like, oh, there's only two matches.

Oh, no, guess what?

The Summer Cup is also going
to be playing right after it.

So it goes back to back to back.

Oh, geez.

Angela: book that just
keeps getting weirder,

Mario: Yeah.

Angela: But yeah, everyone's big tired.

Mario: And yeah.

Angela: but I'll get into that later.

Mario: yeah.

So yeah, that's where we're at.

again, it's probably going to be a little
bit loopy, a little bit of shenanigans,

but we'll get there eventually.

And thank you for sticking through it.


How to watch the final matches.

Check out NBC's Olympic website
for any of the TV broadcast stuff.

sorry, we didn't do that.

Just, it's easier to say, just go
on the Peacock app and watch it.


Angela: Yeah.

Mario: on select, it'll be on
Universo Telemundo if it's still

on one of those Spanish channels.

I know it got really spotty for
broadcast stuff at towards the end.

the USA Network most likely in
English, but again, just stream it

on the Peacock App, much easier.

You can stream it in both English
and Spanish, either one you want.

Angela: you can do multi view on the
Peacock app and watch four things at once.

Mario: Yeah,

Angela: somebody

Mario: although,

Angela: letting my eyes bleed.

After watching so many
Olympics, just do it.

It's the, you ever want to get overloaded
with sports in the best way, do that.

It's great.

Mario: although I will say that I will
say that at the moment, the implementation

of the multi screen is not my favorite.

there are other apps that let you multi
screen, multi stream, screen, whatever.

and you choose, I believe the ESPN app
lets you do it, where you can like, choose

the things you want to put on a multi
view and you do four of them at a time.

This one is, and I do appreciate it.

It's gold medal matches, and then it's
four different sports with gold medal

matches going on at the same time.

or just whatever combo that
they're doing at the moment.

Those are really cool.

Angela: track and field, four
different track events that are

happening at the same time, and I

become the happiest
Angela of all the Angelas.

This weekend, I kind of rotted and
watched six hours of track and field,

Saturday and Sunday, and Eva was like,
I knew you were intense, but dang, wow.

Mario: so yeah, Peacock App,
definitely the way to go.

the matches will be on Friday, August 9th.

The bronze medal match will be at 6 a.


Pacific time will be
Spain against Germany.

And we will get into kind
of what happened there.

and the gold medal match will
be on Saturday at a slightly

more reasonable time, 8 a.


It will be Brazil.

versus the U.


or as Ethan in our wonderful
discord gave us the brilliant aka

the Brazil Pride versus the U.


Gotham because basically that's

Angela: basically.

Mario: So thank you, Ethan.


Angela: we're like, can we steal that?

We're recording tonight.

He was like, yeah.

So thanks, Ethan.

Mario: Oh wait, and then Janthony chimed
in with a little tidbit after that too.

What was it?


With the dash of courage because
of the two players, on Brazil

Angela: From Houston and

Mario: from the Houston
and from North Carolina.

Angela: English majors in this discord.

Mario: it's all fun and it's
all friendly and it's been great

being able to banter more in real
time than through the Instagram.

But hey, I'm still doing the
Instagram thing too, don't feel

like you're being left out.


And then, summer cup also happened, the
semi final round, which, real quick.

Angel City lost.

It's, we've been affectionately
calling it the summer camp.

in the Discord, it's, we lost to a
depleted Gotham team and a 14 year old.

Angela: hold on.

Yes, a 14 year old, but I would
not consider Gotham depleted.

I'm just saying.

They have a stacked squad, top to bottom.

Mario: They do, they do.

I'm saying depleted because they
have 7 or 9 players out on duty.

Yeah, no, I'm not saying they
don't have, great players.

I'm s

What I'm saying, though, is
that we have our entire 20 24

Angela: I don't

Mario: person roster.

Okay, alright.

as far as it is

Angela: I'm just trying to make us
all feel better know that yes, Gotham

has a lot of national team players
gone, but they're still stupid good.

And it's

Mario: Yeah.

Angela: I'm

Mario: so So, yeah, that's what happened.

we lost 1 0.

Like we said, it was, ultimately, I'm
gonna reiterate it, from my point of

view, even though we lost, if we make
it to the end of This tournament,

learning something, which it looked
like we did up until this game.

it looked like we were trying
stuff, we were having fun with

it, things were flowing better.

If a lot, if some of those learning
points are making their way to the

regular season, I'm all for it.

cool, we made it to the semifinals,
call it a learning experience, great.

I'm not.

I'm not shedding tears
because of this, right?

so it, it is what it is.

the final for the Summer Cup matches,
if you are interested in watching

them, will be held in San Antonio,
Texas on Friday, October 25th.

Because, that's the way tournaments work.

You just take a big ass break to a final.

Angela: We'll see what happens.

Who knows?

It's just Gotham and North Carolina.

So we

Mario: Amount Plus, eh, who cares?

Angela: might

Mario: not in it.

Angela: might forget, we don't know.

Mario: You don't know.

Angela: Like I

Mario: So that,

Angela: but I care about it
because I care about it for real.

But I also like, I don't have
vested interest is what I'm saying.

Mario: yes.

Angela: Now that

Mario: We will be the,

Angela: words are.


Mario: party, essentially.


as we do coming up to the finale of
the Olympics, coming up to what is

now our finale of the Summer Cup,
we have some footy therapy sessions.

I threw it out there about the Summer Cup.

My prompt was, Summer Camp is over.

What do you think we learned to
take into the regular season?


Vero, just straight up.

Angela: yeah, Vero came in hot, but
at the same time, she's not wrong.

She said, we didn't learn how to
score, and I think we learned,

and then we immediately forgot.

I wasn't able to watch the game because
I was at work, and it was bonkers, but

from everything I saw, it seemed like old
habits found their way back into the game.

And there was just a lot of like stress
and I don't know if it was because

the defense and the pressure or just,
in a not very cohesive on the pitch.

I don't know.

I'm just

Mario: I don't know.

Angela: a stab at a fan for the last
three seasons and making an assumption.

Mario: we also had the, we
also started posting these

questions on the Discord too.

And Max came in with, yeah, I think
it was rather good for the team.

I really like the Challenge Cup last
year as a way to try out new things.

And I attribute that To a lot of
our late season success last year.

I think at a smaller scale, this
will have the positive impact on how

we play the next couple of months.

Also glad we didn't make the final.

Give the players a little rest
and get them out of the swelter.

On the downside, couple really important
injuries happening just as we get CP back.

Angela: Yeah.

Mario: injured?


Gisele got injured.

Injured at the beginning.

I don't think I saw her
playing since the first match.

Angela: not back

Mario: Yeah.



Angela: injured.

Mario: yeah.

Look, we've got a couple
weeks off till the NWSL season

restarts, so I think we're good.

And then, the beauty of answering
stuff on the Discord is that you

can answer things with images.

And David coming in with.

Which, if, sorry you didn't see
this because you were at work, but

there was a cute little trash panda

Angela: though.

Yeah, oh yeah, I heard so much

Mario: that, that was like running
around the stadium and so there's a

really good picture of like it running
across people's feet and everybody

just whoa And that was his response.



Angela: Anyway.

Mario: because I got it.

I think I got it wrong and I said
CPK Stadium, California Beach Kids,

Angela: Stadium for a hot minute.

Mario: yeah, okay, that was
the responses we got for this.

like we said,

people were even responding with I
half watched it or I watched it when

I could or I caught up afterwards.

Angela: A 2:00 PM kickoff is difficult.


Mario: yeah, it was my work from
home day, so I was able to watch

it, but it is what it is, and

Angela: Yeah.

Mario: we'll go from there.

And we have the U.


women's national team back
in the gold medal final.


Angela: for the first time in a minute.

Mario: yeah.

again, same thing.

Post it up.

I post it up.

That those last minute, those last
five minutes were so stressful.

But How does everybody feel
going into that gold medal match?

And, we have a couple of,

Angela: about

Mario: we,

Angela: Just,

Mario: there,

Angela: I haven't talked
about it in the Discord.

I kept it secret, But, yeah.

Let's read everybody else's, and
then I will put my two cents in.

Mario: okay.

So Barrow also coming in with.

I'm so excited.

I'm so scared.

And I had to laugh.

I had to.

Angela: by the Bell, Jessie
Spano reference, and I love it.

Mario: Yeah.

Myrna came with excited in Emma we trust.

honestly, she's really turned
around the team or like at least

Angela: She's

Mario: whipped everyone into shape.


Zach came with let's go all the way.

I believe in Hayes.

I probably said that really
weird, but, it's, he meant it.

he had some gusto behind it.

And then, Aaron came with,
pretty stoked, maybe a gold.

Those were our Instagram responses.

Angela: yeah, I'm gonna, I'm gonna
throw maybe a wrench in this.

we just played two back to
back games with extra time.

has not.

Mario: Yes.

Angela: a week's worth of rest.

I'm very much gold medal
for Marta at this point.

Mario: Yeah.


Angela: Alyssa Naeher and Naomi
Girma right now deserve the world.

I saw one thing that, France is
border, is like the northern part

of France is covered by something.

The rest is covered by Naomi Germa.

America's left foot is Alyssa Naeher.

Just, those two alone
our ass every game in

Mario: was, there was a meme that
said like the planet is covered

in like 80 percent water and the
rest of it's covered by a listener.

Angela: gold?

But you know how I feel right
now about the national team.

It's very difficult for me.

I want them to have a good
tournament and stand for something

and to, win gold, ideally.

But it's Marta's very probable
last international game.

And just said, nah.

To the world, basically,

Mario: To being eliminated twice.

Angela: by Spain, the reigning
World Cup champions, who have had a

weird tournament, but, it's Marta.

Yes, she had a red card, and it was
a dumb decision, and she knew it,

and I don't know how I feel about
two game suspension, but, like I

just, can two things both be true?

can we win the gold and Brazil?

This is like the only time I think I've
ever been like, but can both teams win?

Normally I'm like, can they both lose?

Mario: medals, yay!

Angela: yeah.

this one, I.

am getting, my American fan card
probably revoked by a lot of people, but

think Brazil has this one just because
they have not played as many minutes.


Mario: They've,

Angela: has

Mario: rotated.

Angela: I was gonna say their team
has maybe been managed a little bit

better in the sense of playing time and
notations and subs and all of that, I just

Mario: Not always by choice.

Angela: in their, yeah.

But I think it sways a little
in their favor right now.

Mario: Yeah, so the,

Angela: but set pieces, who knows?


Mario: responses that we ended
up getting on the Discord all had

the same sentiment, basically.

Eva said, I want Marta to get her gold.

Angela: like, Marta.

Mario: yeah, Katie came in with, I'm
feeling ambivalent about who wins.

That's the 10, 000 therapy term for you.

Angela: Yep.

Mario: And then you came in with, to
be honest, Hoping a rested and Feisty

Brazilian Team, gets gold for Marta,
like Gotham for Kriegs, basically.



I think I'm still gonna go,
bleed red, white, and blue.

The U.


is gonna take all.

beat all challengers that,
you know, I gotta find a big

ass flag to wave outside, um,

Angela: you know, screech ah, freedom.


Mario: yeah, but I do think it's
gonna be a pretty good match and

I don't think I would be completely
disappointed if Brazil pulls it out.

I would be completely disappointed if it
ends up being, like, a stupid ass goal.

Like, basically the first Brazilian
goal, which was like an own goal.

and if the game ended at 1 0
there, then that would have been

like, that was a shitty game, but

Angela: Same.

Mario: I, it's gonna be good.

yeah, but I will, put my finger
on the scale towards the U.


if I could.

sorry Marta, you're a legend,
but, legends live in our memories.


Angela: The, right

Mario: we'll see if we keep that in.

Angela: yeah, I was gonna say, the
competitor in me is just like, I

hope Brazil wins, and you, I, it's
one of those where I'm like, please,

Mario: You're gonna eat your words!

Angela: goals from Brazil,
I want to be right so bad.

Mario: yeah, okay, let's, okay, so,

Angela: be a

Mario: got our little fruity,

Angela: it'll be good, I think.

Mario: yeah.

Okay, so let's go through the bits,
interesting bits that happened

that might be a part of what
this next match is going to be.

So we had the U.


versus Germany in a 1 0 game.

It was, you can tell,

Angela: Yeah.

Mario: a very exciting game.

Angela: Because they were all

Mario: At least to me,
because they're all exhausted.

Angela: played so many minutes.

Mario: And Julie Fowdy, as one of
the commentators was like, just

talking about the travel too.

they're playing all these minutes
yet they now have to travel

across France to another stadium.

there's just a bunch of things involved.

that are just not conducive to like,
it's if you're going to make them

travel, give them longer rest periods.

If you're not, then keep them together.

but you're combining both.

Now you're just getting a
worse product on the field.

but yeah, they,

Angela: when games are going into extra
time and PKs in the quarterfinals.

Mario: which this one did, they're,
so we were already saying that the U.


and Germany were both tired
because they were both coming off.

120 minute games, Germany coming off
of a full, going into PKs, right?

Then we get this game, and they go 120
minutes, they go into the extra time,

Angela: I was

Mario: and,

Angela: Yeah.



Mario: like it was
going towards PKs again.

and then they scored.

And then that's where I was like
telling her, I was just parked the bus.

You just, you parked that bus,
parked the bus, double decker bus.

Like you hold it.

and yeah, like it, it's
just, they're tired.

They're gassed.

There weren't, there's not
a ton of rotation happening.

So going into this next
match, we now have the U.


on short rest.

Just playing two, two hour matches,
and then we had Brazil, Spain, which

was crazy shenanigans on the field.

That was just, at one point
it was four, four to nothing.

Angela: not even details.

Just holy crap.

Mario: Brazil dominated that entire game.

And again, if we start looking at
what has happened, Spain went the full

120 the match before and into PKs.

Brazil, yeah, no, they
won it in regular time.

And so they played a normal match.

They got to rest.

They didn't have to
run an extra half hour.

Spain's went into PKs.

They were coming in on short
rest, tired, playing all of that.

Brazil was like, yeah, cool.

We had a nice night rest.

And then, and they dominated.

Angela: Yeah.

Mario: They dominated most of that match.

And then it was this late surge.

Kind of what Spain did with Colombia.

It was a very late game surge
where they started coming back.

They scored two, so you're like, are they,
did they flip the momentum 100 percent

and just be like, we're gonna score
the other two and we're gonna take this

into PKs or into overtime or whatever.

but yeah, no, it was too
little, too late for Spain.


Angela: Yeah.


Mario: if you want, if you want
that masterclass of shithousery,

those Brazilian players,

Angela: doing.

Mario: yep, lots of being on the
ground, lots of, a couple of them were

real, like the goalie at one point,
like she got her ankle like smashed,

and the Spanish player that was like
next to her, she's what is this?

Not knowing that because she shoved.

the defender or, whoever it
was from Brazil that like

smashed her goalie's ankle.

Yeah, so she was down for a bit.

there was a beautiful little moment
and in a corner kick for Spain.

Where they were near where the Brazilian
players were warming up, and they just

got a little bit closer to that corner
and started warming up doing high knees

or doing whatever right next to the
Spanish player and the ref said nothing.

They just went for the corner kick, so

Angela: tournament has
felt very CONCACAF y.

Like, in the chaos, in the chaos.

Extra time in the abundance
of PKs and stoppage time.

It was like very NWSL, CONCACAF y overlap

Mario: yes.

And if you're new to the shenanigans
and the term CONCACAF y or you've been

CONCACAF ed, meaning you just got, punked
by a CONCACAF team when we're playing

these international matches, it, I like
to think if you were watching any of the

summer men's tournaments where it was
like the Euros and then Copa America,

that was being held in the U S there
is so much content being, being done

on social media about the differences
between the Euros and Copa America.

And then I think one of my favorite
ones was like the guy, it was like

dribbling the ball and then he gets
fouled and he's Oh, I'm sorry, dude.

I'm like, and the ref gives them
a card, like all nice and quiet.

It'd be like, you got a
card and then walks away.

And then it's It's like Copa
America, the guy gets fouled, the

ref like pulls out his card, and
then someone kicks the ref, Like

Angela: player's

Mario: it's just so

Angela: around, like doing 50

Mario: Like,

Angela: Yep.

Mario: There's legendary CONCACAF
moments of other countries

leaving their grass really la

Angela: Yeah

It's a vibe,

Mario: I remember all the complaints, and
I laughed just because I'm, like, heritage

wise I'm from El Salvador, but like the U.


playing down El Salvador and they're
like, the grass is too long, and

it's motherfucker, kids play on
the streets with, rocks, and you're

complaining that the grass is too long?

you're a little suburban, right?

Like, Come on.

it is what it is.

Angela: it's

Mario: the same.

Angela: every country has priced
everybody out of the sport that

costs like zero dollars to play.


Mario: Exactly.

Angela: not

Mario: another,

Angela: about the lamest.


Mario: another version of
CONCACAF is, when the U.


had to play some Central
American, maybe it was Colombia,

maybe, I don't know who it was.

So One of the Central American, South
American countries and they're like,

oh, yeah, and we get to host Oh,
so we're gonna be playing in like

the northernest stadium we can and
we're gonna be playing in snow the

Angela: Southern Argentina
or something like that?

Like into Arctic Circle, Antarctic
Circle now that I'm thinking about

Mario: one

Angela: it?

Mario: the one where it was like
the men's US team versus whoever

it's Gibson, whoever this was they
ended up playing in New York or

something like that, close, in, yeah,

Angela: In

Mario: it's the other, it's the infamous,

Angela: Yeah.

Mario: yeah, it's like the infamous, snow
match, yeah, so that's what we mean, yeah,

you give us long grass, we give you snow,

Angela: wild.

Mario: so yes, that is a brief lesson
on CONCACAF, or being CONCACAFed.

but yes, this tournament has
had real CONCACAF y vibes.

it's been very physical.

The refs have been
letting a lot of stuff go.

Which, we've talked about this.

Angela: games, too.

Mario: Yeah.


Angela: the refs were so bad, it was
like, Oh, the game is getting unsafe.

Maybe, toot that whistle
just a little bit.

Mario: a little bit.

Angela: here's a random stat that Eva
told me not about the, Olympics, but

was watching the ACFC game and texted
me and said, did you know McCall has

the most fouls in the NWSL collectively
over the entirety of the league?

The second person is.

Carli Lloyd with a hundred
less, hundred less fouls

Zerboni so many fouls!

And she is that player.

Just as Carl is, but,

Mario: Fouls.

Angela: yeah.

Mario: I'll have to look up,

Angela: to make sure I said.

Mario: I'll have to look this
player up because I am not

familiar and I might learn.

Angela: You gon learn today.

McCall Zerboni is known for
being a very physical player.

She's been in the league for a long time.

Um, she is McCall Zerboni.

She's the one who, used language
that was, it's like outdated language

regarding Native Americans and Indigenous
folks, and Madison Hammond called her

out on it, and she's I didn't know.

And that's it.


Mario: it, that's,

Angela: that's not how that works.


Mario: alright,

Angela: I, my calls are bony

Mario: may.

Angela: are bony.

And that's it.

Mario: with the record she
has, then I guess I will find

out about her soon enough.

I don't have to
necessarily go look her up.

Okay, so quick

Angela: the pod.

That's what I'm saying.


Mario: Yeah.

Angela: lot of fans.

She's a very good soccer player.

She's just maybe not for me.

Mario: No.

and that, people, is what you
call a difference of opinion.

Angela: Oh, shit.

Because I'm not denying
anybody their human rights.

Mario: Shin na soad.

Alright, bronze medal match.

Spain vs.


What do you think is
gonna, who do you got?

or, what do you think
we should look out for?

Cause this is,

Angela: going to take this because I think
they have a better defense right now.

Spain has given up a lot of goals.

So unless they do something to
lock it down, I think Germany

has it just because Berger is.

The German version of
Alyssa Naeher at this point.

she's so good.


Mario: I don't know if, I don't know if
the fact that Spain didn't go Into extra

time, And Germany did for a second match.

is that gonna get, but although Germany,

I don't know, my, my perspective, I
think it's a little skewed, a little off.

Cause like the Germany USA match, they
looked evenly matched and really solid,

but they also looked super gassed, like
everybody on the field, both sides.

So it could be.

Angela: they have a couple,
like what, one more day of rest?

Mario: Yes.

Angela: So I think, honestly,
I think it's, I think it's

just gonna be a good game.

Mario: yeah.

Angela: is good, but they've
had a weird tournament.

Mario: They have, they've had a weird,

Angela: the opposite way that Germany is.

Mario: yeah, and they're the
in cup, they're the incoming

World Cup defending champs.

but yeah, their team,
they're surging too late.

They're surging.

Angela: management feels weird.

Like the, the roster, like
starting rosters versus subs.

And granted, what do I know,
but it feels like the team isn't

being used to its potential.

To start the game.

Mario: Yeah.

Angela: And Germany is
on the come up, truly.

they're coming back as like force to
be reckoned with as a national team.

I don't know.

I don't know if, captain,
if Kopp, will be available.

K O P P, not C O P.

if she'll be available.

Because two of their players
weren't available this game.

Mario: Yeah.

Angela: we won.

Honestly, so I think they loaded
up on defense for us because two of

their players weren't available and
held it in, which I don't blame them.

Mario: Yeah.

Alright, it'll be an interesting match.

The game is going to be at a stupid 6 a.


for us

Angela: I

Mario: here on the West
Coast on Friday, August 9th.

So at least maybe you'll get to
watch, if you're working that

day, half the match and then

Angela: yeah,

Mario: head to work.

Angela: and watch second half

Mario: Yeah.

Angela: cannot get up earlier than
I need to that day because I have

to be up very late on Friday night.

Mario: Oh,

Angela: I'm going to a Megadeth concert.

Mario: yeah, that's right.

Angela: So I'm shadowing my mentor, who
works at the venue that this concert's at.

And she's Hey, do you want to do this?

And I'm like, sure.

Completely forgetting it's
the Olympics, whatevs.

It's going to be


Mario: Okay, so you will be waking up for
this match and also staying up Megadeth

concert on Friday and then Saturday

Angela: Yeah.

Mario: you will be
rolling out of bed at 759.

To 8 a.


is a lot more reasonable, to be
able to watch, but then we have

the gold medal match on Saturday,
August 10th, Brazil versus the U.


I think we've already
set our pieces on this.

Angela: We are split 50

Mario: split, so we will see what happens.

Again It's all a game.

It's all for sport.

Whoever wins, wins.

But, yeah.

Casual FCs split 50 50 on this one.

So, and that is not to say, It's,

Angela: this

Mario: and just like we've
said in, it is for all normals.

and yeah, just like we've said in a couple
of previous episodes, Totally not like

Angela is not red, white, and blue here.


Angela: I just want

Mario: it's yeah.


And guess what?

And guess what?

There's an entire Olympic tournament
with red, white, and blue in it.

So there you go.


Angela: have you been watching?

what's been your favorite
Olympic event so far?


Mario: So I've.

Started watching BMX cross, which

one like in my head, I was like, Oh, why?

Why isn't this just motocross?

And then I'm thinking, Oh,
yeah, the Olympics is all about

human achievement, human sports.

So you power the device, like you,
they're not in speedboats, they're

in sailing boats, they're in
they're rowing and they're kayaks.

They're, it's all human
powered, so it makes sense.

But, the, this BMX cross, it looks like
they're riding, like my daughter's bike.

It looks like they're riding little
kid bikes and they're doing all these,

Angela: BMX because it's stressful.

I'm like, you're riding
the bike of a child.

and I

Mario: exactly.


Angela: but it me out.

Mario: it's so funny.

And it, it feels like, The clown at the
at the circus when they get on the tiny

little bike in their big clown shoes,

Angela: It's

Mario: like that's what it feels like.

Angela: wheel.

Do you remember those?

Mario: Oh yeah, those people are awesome.

Angela: like to me.

I'm just like, because
the bike moves so much.

Mario: yeah.

the other thing that I've been watching in
little clips and highlights and stuff, I

haven't been able to watch anything live,
but the climbing events and the one that

they have where they go side by side.

They Freakin spider monkeys.

You know that kid that says, I'mma
come at you like a spider monkey?

That's that it's that kid, grown
up, do climbing on the wall.

It's insane.

And then the other one that I really
got into, another insert sport cross,

has been canoe cross or kayak cross.

Basically, it's four single kayakers
starting on an elevated platform

Angela: and they

Mario: and then they just get, they
drop them in and then they just they

all start paddling and then they
have to do their little like spin

around the buoys and things like that

Angela: have to

Mario: and yeah they have to flip under
a barrier so they have to flip upside

down into the water and you're allowed
because it's a race you're allowed to bump

into each other like it is Acceptable.

So as when I was watching one where
someone was going around a buoy and

the guy just came in and rammed him.

So pushed him out from
completing his little turn.

Angela: Oh my God.

Mario: I was just like, I was
like, Oh, what's happening?

Angela: so stressful

Mario: been amazing.

Angela: one of my big fears is,
not being able, if I'm trapped

underwater, not to be able to swim.

And, granted, I know they have,
their little zippy thing and they

can just pop out of their boats
really easy, but knowing that their

legs are folded and they're zippered
into their little tiny boats?


Hard pass.

Absolutely not.

Mario: but yeah, I love
watching the kayak events.

and actually a 17 year old,

Angela: Yes.

Mario: speaking red, white,
and blue, 17 year old, woman,

girl, young woman, won silver

Angela: Yeah,

Mario: this is her first
Olympics, her first,

Angela: her.

Mario: she made the final
heat, or the final run.

But she was the very first person to go
on that run, meaning she was the very

last qualifying spot for the finals.

And she made it, she was holding
first to the last two or three,

people, contestants, yeah.

Angela: oh, that was, it was amazing,
everybody that was supposed to beat

her either got DQ'd because they missed
a mark they were supposed to hit.

We're slower like all these things
happen and she's just sitting there

and you could like the camera was on
her eyes just got bigger and it was

Mario: Yeah.

Angela: Oh my God.

You I felt like a

Mario: The,

Angela: year old again watching
her being like, oh my God.

Like you just freaked out with her.

Mario: the greatest part of all
of that was the fact that the very

last person to run was the favorite.

Angela: Yeah.

Mario: to be like, they clean
this run, they've won gold.

they're just gonna, they're that fast.

And she's sitting in her like, silver
spot, and then this person starts

going, and then they get stuck in
a whirlpool, and then they miss

a buoy, and basically everything
that can go wrong, unfortunately

went wrong for this contest, this.

Angela: it was like, oh, I want you
just to finish with a good time at

least but that's not what happened.

Mario: Yeah, and then they've In
the replay, they showed like the

cameras that were on her and when
she realizes that, oh, she just

majorly fucked up and I'm getting a
medal, like that type of excitement.

It's it was great.

It was like, those are the moments
where you're just like, this is amazing.

and then we were just watching,
actually, during dinner, we were

watching the women's skate, final.

Out of the Six, six people
playing, in the finals.

Two of them were 20 then
everybody else was under 15.

So I'm like, oh man.


Angela: the youth.

Mario: the part that I, the
part that got me doing the

like, head math of wait, what?

Is when they're like, oh, she's
Representing Japan, and she won

silver in Tokyo in the last Olympics,
and it's like she's only 14.

What do you mean she won silver in Tokyo?


Angela: they

Mario: they bounce when they fall?

Angela: Yeah.

Mario: Yeah, all right, what about you?

What have you, what have, since, okay,
this is gonna be an interesting question

because it's more for you than What
has either been a new sport to you

in the sense that you're watching it
and being like, I'm getting this, I'm

understanding this, or something that
you've never given, has, you're so

overflowed with sports that, this hasn't
gotten in that bucket yet, and you're

like, oh, this is cool, let me add that.

Angela: probably the kayak cross.

honestly, that is the most

Mario: That was really cool.

Angela: but I loved it.

it, the upper body and core strength
that's needed to navigate a boat

is bonkers.

Mario: That, yeah.

Angela: I haven't, unfortunately, been
able to watch too much of, the newer

sports or, the smaller sports because my
work schedule and, life has not allowed

me to, and I'm actually very upset about
it, but we're not going to talk about

Mario: hopefully the Olympic app just
stays around that you can watch it in the

next, go back and watch stuff the next

Angela: know, I'm

Mario: or so.


Angela: and track and field, which if
I have to pick any sports out of the

Olympics, that's what I'm picking.

I raced home from work yesterday.

I already knew the results and
turned on the women's discus.

Final, just to watch Valerie Ullman.

I follow her on Instagram.

I follow her on Twitter.

I love her.

She's a fantastic
representation of the sport.

Feng Bin from China, who's also
a discus thrower, is amazing.

you guys know I am a track and field
girl at heart, first and foremost,

before just about everything else,
aside from basketball and soccer.

track and field makes me sob.

I wept.

Over the weekend, multiple
times, I'm so proud of Team USA.

They're absolutely killing it on
the track and still more to come.

we still have four more
days of track and field.

hell yeah.

I, it's, this Olympics really has me
thinking that maybe I should try to

rehab myself back into shape to go into
Masters meets because I miss it that much

and I love it that much and I still have
all my stuff, We'll see what happens.

Mario: Yeah.

Angela: It'd be a but man, it's and
field is such a graceful, cool sport.

There's been so many world
records, Olympic records, personal

bests beaten this year, like
just in the last four days.

it's magnificent.

It's a magnificent feat of strength
and agility and all the things that

you want out of sport in general.

And I just love it.

I just love it so much.

were joking at work yesterday that like
for LA, does the company just shut down?

Cause like our crew is out, our tree
crew, they're like, our guys are out

there driving around, like they're
doing a bunch of stuff and we're

like, wait, that's going to suck like

Mario: Yeah.

Angela: the marathon is
going to shut down streets.

The road race is going
to shut down streets.

Triathlon is going to shut down.

LA is gonna be bonkers.

We all know traffic is bad already.

There's a gazillion people here.

There's gonna be two
gazillion for the Olympics.

Mario: Okay.


Angela: what if we just all volunteer?

Like we just all go work the Olympics
and we'll see you in a couple weeks.


Mario: Yeah, exactly.

Angela: I don't hate that idea.

So I

Mario: The,

Angela: the future of
the company I work for.


Mario: it.

All for it.

They, I think what was it?

Oh, someone's telling me that
like in the 84 Olympics like

everybody was told basically let's
just we can make this thing work.

So if you have an odd numbered license
plate, you know try to drive on these

days and if you don't if you have the
even ones try to drive on these days

and maybe we can reduce traffic and blah
blah blah and it like amazingly worked.

It was like the

Angela: was also in the 80s.

Mario: but I will say like more
recently, like the everybody freaking

out about Carmageddon when the 405
was shut down, but it was fine.

Angela: Yeah.

Mario: It actually worked,

Angela: major thoroughfares in LA
County as a whole have off streets,

like there's streets that parallel
freeways, and streets that can get you

to the same place without jumping on
the freeway, and you can get around

things a lot easier than most cities,

Mario: yeah.

And if and if you know it's gonna
be shit out there, like you, You

stay home, or you leave earlier,
or you like, account for it.

You account for anything in LA already, so

Angela: You're like, oh, I'm going
from Englewood to Culver City.

Normally that takes 20 minutes.

I'll probably be 45 minutes early
just in case there's an accident.

or just in case

Mario: yeah.

Angela: a traffic, some, construction.

Mario: I kid you not, when I go
to my parents place, I ask Siri if

there's a Dodgers game going on.

Because I have to drive
near, near Dodger Stadium.

And if the game is Oh
yeah, the game's tonight.

I'm like, Oh yeah, that's fine.

But then it's Oh, it's an afternoon game.

I'm like, shit.

Like I'm going to have to go around.

Angela: Yeah, we have
to go a different way.


Mario: Yeah.

Angela: Yeah, LA28 is coming.

It's gonna be all over the
city, so start preparing now.

Save your

Mario: Yeah.

Angela: Go to LA28.

org to sign up on their mailing list
to get information on tickets and

volunteer opportunities as things

Mario: imagine our coverage that
we're going to have to do for LA

28 because it's in our backyard.

Angela: I can't.

on, I just, I can't even think about it.

I get too excited.

And I know there's a lot of
issues that come with hosting

an Olympic Games and it's very
controversial for a lot of reasons.

there's a lot of things that most
cities can do a hell of a lot

better in supporting the residents
of the city and those who and work

and all the things in the city.

But as an athlete, there are a few
better accomplishments and I think

there needs to be a better way
to Navigate through the Olympics.

Like cities and places need to do
better in supporting their communities

while bringing the games in.

I'm just going to stand on that because
there's a lot of things that come with

a lot of people coming to a city like
bad things need to be handled better

and, managed more thoroughly than
anybody really wants to think about

out loud and talk about out loud.

But I think.

hope, anyway, that L.


can really get a jump on stuff and
really work to navigate within the

confines of the city and represent,
to have an international city

represent the world is super dope.

So I'm excited for L.


28, if you can't tell.

Mario: yeah, I'm equally as excited.

to wrap up our Olympic footy coverage,
thank you everyone for listening to

this, these last couple of episodes.

making them, producing them, editing them
has been a whirlwind of stuff, something.

Angela: and, Kansas City had their
trash panda, Dodger Stadium tried to

one up them, and in the ninth inning
a possum invaded Dodger Stadium

and snuck into a hole in the wall.


It's like rodent revenge in sports day.


Mario: such a,

Angela: listening to
Shenanizotes, brought to you by

Mario: yes,

oh man, yes, thank you for, listening
if you've listened to any one of

these episodes, they are a whirlwind
to make, and edit, and get out in

the kind of weird, short schedule,
I'm not gonna say we're as tired

as the players, in the tournament
right now but we're pretty tired.

We were keeping up with them.

Angela: of tired.

Mario: But with that being
said, thank you for the support.

And remember that when the season
starts back up, on August 24th,

Casual FC will be having our own
watch party at WatchMeSportsBar for

the San Diego Wave versus ACFC match.

If you can't make your way all the way
down to San Diego, or don't want to sit

in a stadium with no shade at one o'clock
in the afternoon, come hang out with us.

we're just going to have a blast,
just honestly, shenanigans.

Like we just said, Angela's going
to do the jock jams during halftime.

we're just going to.

Angela: No, I will freak out and
get stage fright and probably

hide in the bathroom or something.

So don't do that.

Don't make me do it.

Mario: we'll at least play the song,

Angela: Oh,

Mario: if we get the
rights to it, I don't know.

alright, with all of that being said,
if you like what you hear, hit the

subscribe button wherever you're
listening, check out casualofc.

com for all the pod links, best way to
support the pod, always share, comment,

just engagement, do something on one
of our social media platforms, it

helps, and it helps spread the word.

if you want to help us monetarily,
you can always buy some merch at shop.


com and more stuff coming
throughout the year and maybe if

we're not Doing stuff this year.

We still have a few things that went out
this year and then you know We're always

banking stuff for the next season So we'll
see what's going on there And if you feel

so inclined and would like to help support
the pod and you don't need extra crap

in your house You don't need an extra t
shirt And you still want to support us

You can always buy us a coffee at the
link on our socials or go to buymeacoffee.

com casual FC pod It helps us
With what we're doing, we're doing

this really for fun out of our own
pocket and any little bit helps.

the, we're not hitting the thousands
of listeners, but we don't have to.

We're having fun with it and everybody
that listens You guys are amazing.

follow us on all the socials,
casualfcpod on Instagram,

Twitter, threads, and TikTok.

And tell a friend about the pod, please.

One, for the watch party.

Two, for the crazy content we
were doing for the Olympics.

And all of that's gonna just generate
good luck that we will bank and bring to

the team for the beginning of the season.

of the NWSL season again for the
restart and for This kind of last

hurrah towards the end of the season
and, hopefully gets us into the

playoffs and gets us more episodes.

Really selfishly just thinking
about playoffs and us having more

episodes, so that's what it is.

Angela: At least good luck
for us, but ideally the team.

Mario: Yes.

all right.

thank you everyone.

See you later.

2024 Olympic Footy: Final
Broadcast by