10/12 North Carolina Courage Match Preview

Mario Salazar: if the, if the red stars
win, they clinch with the wi the, the,

Angela Morales: The Wed

Mario Salazar: the

Angela Morales: With a Capri Sun?

I'm so sorry!

trying so hard to hold it together,
I don't think the Wed Stars.

Mario Salazar: Okay.

Welcome to Casual FC, an
Angel City preview pod.

I'm your host, Mario Salazar,
with my ramen loving, just got

home, co host, Angela Morales.

Angela Morales: Hello, hello.

I just made some kind
of fancy homemade ramen.

Mario Salazar: Yeah,

Angela Morales: Like it's, it's legit.

It's, I say kind of fancy
because it's not just noodles.

Like it, there's vegetables and cheese

Mario Salazar: didn't just do

Angela Morales: and

Mario Salazar: one packet with the,
sprinkle on the, the, the flavoring.

Angela Morales: Like I, I put
multiple seasonings in there.

There's some, chili oil,
but it's chili de arbol.


Mario Salazar: Yeah.

Angela Morales: I had four bites before we
started recording, so I will be sustained

after an eight and a half hour drive.

Mario Salazar: Yeah, you had a
long on the road type of weekend.

Yeah, and so did Angel City.

So, before we get started with everything,
remember, it's that voting time.

I got my, my book A little book.

Angela Morales: Yeah, I got

Mario Salazar: I got it today and
you know, starting to read up.

Get, get yourself all figured out.

October 21st is the deadline to
register online in California.

So if you haven't do that or you need
to check it, go ahead and do that.

Do Get yourself situated.

Get yourself ready to do something.

Angela Morales: Congratulations to
one of our listener, Katy's husband,

whose name she did not put in

Mario Salazar: Now.

Angela Morales: but he just became a
citizen, took and passed the test last

week, has already probably registered to
vote, or they were doing it when they got

back from their trip, something like that.

But so pumped for you guys.

What an

Mario Salazar: Yes.

Angela Morales: that's generally
such a difficult thing to do for

a variety of reasons, because
we don't make it easy here in

Mario Salazar: Yeah.

Angela Morales: to do anything.

But especially,

Mario Salazar: it.

Angela Morales: to become a

Mario Salazar: That test is harder
than the stuff that I learned in

elementary school, like it's stupid hard.


Angela Morales: I don't remember the 27th
president of the United States, who cares?

He's dead.

I don't know.

Mario Salazar: I, sometimes I wonder,
I'm like, how many, of our current

senators and, and politicians, if
you made them take the citizenship

test, would actually pass, right?

Angela Morales: have assumptions.

Mario Salazar: All right, well,
this is our match preview, which I

kind of like your intro last time,
and, and, I changed it somewhere.

I don't know if I changed it in
all the places yet, but, we are the

Match Preview and At Times Footy
Therapy Session Podcast because,

Angela Morales: Second half of the season
turns into footy therapy more often

Mario Salazar: yeah,

Angela Morales: than not.

Mario Salazar: today we are
celebrating with our footy therapy, a

Angela Morales: Woohoo.


Mario Salazar: we'll talk about
all the other stuff that went

along with those three points.

And this is our Match Preview
episode for the match against North

Carolina Courage, so wake Mead.



Angela Morales: me up before you go, go.


Mario Salazar: WakeMed.


and this is the preview for the soccer
match on Saturday, October 12th.

angel City will be traveling to North
Carolina, to, for the courage, which.

Yeah, no, the hurricane's
not hitting there.

I mean, everybody that's in the path of
the hurricane, fingers crossed from you,

Angela Morales: I,

Mario Salazar: the warnings.

If you're listening to us from the
East Coast and the path around Florida,

Angela Morales: We don't know
what to do or how to help you.

Get your ass out of there.


Mario Salazar: just listen to the
officials when they say, Let's evacuate.

Okay, I digress.

North Carolina Courage match
that Angel City will be traveling

to Wake Med Soccer Park.

The game is going to be at 4.

30 Pacific time.

It's going to be on ION TV
and also broadcasting on

the radio with iHeartRadio.

So listen to Isaac and Tracey.

There is an official Angel City
Watch Party at Drumroll, brrr.

Angela Morales: Brrr.

Mario Salazar: Watch Me
Sports Bar in Long Beach.

Our favorite place, we're so excited.

And there's a private,
not so private screening

of the Surrender to the Sound documentary,
which is a student documentary

about the Angel City supporters.

we've heard amazing things about it.

We're excited to be able
to see it at some point.

And they will be doing a screening of
that at the bar, before the game starts.

So everything starts at 3.


They're going to have a screening.

And then the game starts at 4.


So go down there.

We've been getting requests, actually.

I don't know if you've been noticing our

Angela Morales: No?

Mario Salazar: but there's been
requests as if we were going to be

there, if we're going to be showing up.

Angela Morales: Oh,

Mario Salazar: got one request
of, will we be doing bingo cards?

Angela Morales: I think at
every watch party we're going

to have to do bingo from now on.

it's, it's a,

Mario Salazar: Yeah.

Angela Morales: I will not be there.

I have to rest and unpack and be a human.

Like I kind of need to rot
on the couch for a day.

So I will be watching from home.

It's also WNBA playoff time and there's
just a lot and I want to do very little.

Mario Salazar: Yeah, I, My
daughter was sick all last weekend,

Angela Morales: No.

Mario Salazar: and we
didn't get to do much.

And this weekend we don't know if
we're going to be able to do, I mean,

she's fine now, but again, you know,
do we, do we catch up on stuff that

we were supposed to do last week?

You're like all that stuff.

So we'll see.

also for me, Long Beach is really far, but
it is a great place to watch the match.

We had a ton of fun.

Angela Morales: going to be a packed,
packed house, especially now that

this is a ACFC sponsored watch party.

Get there way before

Mario Salazar: So

Angela Morales: 30.

Get there at noon.

Honestly, just

Mario Salazar: I will give you, I
will give you this piece of advice.

head to the watch party if you can early,
like Angela said, just sit, park it,

there's going to be plenty of sports
to watch while you're sitting there,

Angela Morales: Baseball playoffs, WNBA
playoffs, college sports are starting.

You got nothing to do but watch sports all

Mario Salazar: and, I will say, it is
a restaurant, it is a bar, Don't just

park yourself and not order stuff like

Angela Morales: Right.

Mario Salazar: stuff because or else you
know, you're kind of taking up a seat

that somebody else would be ordering.

But if you are going to
be ordering, then great.

Park yourself, wait for the game, wait for
the game, wait for everybody to show up.

If you get there and they're really
full, they're really Pretty nice

about opening up some kind of
standing room only spaces, especially

out, especially outdoors, right?

Indoors usually causes a problem,
like they can get in, they can get

in trouble with the fire department.

Outdoors, they just kind
of scoot the little, little

velvet rope back a little bit.


Angela Morales: back.

Mario Salazar: there was a huge group that
came during our watch party that like,

unfortunately, they were not prepared
and they left, but they offered, Jax

offered to like, Move the stanchions
back and kind of give them some space

to stand to stand around but you know
They were all dressed to the nines

Angela Morales: There was like
30 some people there, too.

It wasn't just like a group of

Mario Salazar: Yeah, it was like they
were like in church clothes or something

like but either way get there early
If not get there on time if you're

gonna be there like at watch party time

It's a small space give them some
grace with trying to order food

Angela Morales: Yeah.

Mario Salazar: order drinks, you know
Like order your food But don't go hungry.

if you go hungry and then you're
going to get hangry about it.


Angela Morales: And then be mean?

Mario Salazar: don't do that.

Or get upset that the food took a while.

Like it's going to take a long
time if there's, you know.

Angela Morales: If they're at

Mario Salazar: A hundred people there,
you know, it's, it's going to be insane.

word of warning, of caution,
really, be prepared for a fun time.

Angela Morales: Yeah.

It's a, it's a frickin
blast to watch me, in

Mario Salazar: If there,

Angela Morales: but especially for

Mario Salazar: if there is a way that
I could make it down there, I would,

I'm definitely going to try to, but

Angela Morales: Same.

Mario Salazar: we'll see.

Okay, well, again,
watch party starts at 3.

30, special screening of the
documentary, and the game starts at 4.



Angela Morales: The good news of the week.

Mario Salazar: Devil's trifecta

Angela Morales: We won.

Mario Salazar: is no more.

Angela Morales: Exactly.

Devil's trifecta, who's that?

Mario Salazar: I don't know.

Angela Morales: And then
the cool upcoming news.

The next match is Christen
Press's 100th NWSL appearance.

Mario Salazar: Asterisk
if she gets subbed in.

Angela Morales: Is she?

Oh, honest to God.

Mario Salazar: The next time she,

Angela Morales: played 30 some

Mario Salazar: the next

Angela Morales: in the last game.


Mario Salazar: this season,
she's played six matches and

she has a total of 90 minutes.

and I only know that because I was
verifying her a hundred, appearance of

NWSL, so next match, the next match that
she touches the pitch officially will be

one, her 100th appearance in the NWSL.

Angela Morales: Yay!

Mario Salazar: going to be pretty awesome.


Angela Morales: yeah,

It's a party, all kinds

Mario Salazar: yeah.

All right.

So what do we go for the chaos award?

Angela Morales: Lord help us.

That's what we got.

So everybody knows what happened
this week in the world of Angel City.

Mario Salazar: And if you don't,

Angela Morales: And if you
don't, this is what happened.

the league investigated us again,
and I'm assuming other teams

are going to be investigated

Mario Salazar: it's just going forward,
they will be, but it doesn't say that.

Angela Morales: so not

Mario Salazar: right now.

Angela Morales: Got it.

sounds about right.

So what happened was during the calendar
year last year, 2023, we apparently

I say we as the collective Angel City
we, not me and Mario because LOL.

We have not come up across
brand partnerships yet.

Angel City apparently
entered into five side

Mario Salazar: Letters.

Angela Morales: like agreements, little,
side deals directly with players that

impacted the multi year agreements.

with a team and that wasn't
disclosed to the league.

So these agreements included a combo
of like compensation or benefits.

that were reflected in the standard
player agreement, plus excess benefits

that were neither reported to the league
or clarified in that standard agreement.

Mario Salazar: they were juicing up
what a player can get by the CBA,

by the letter of the law of the CBA.

They were juicing it up just to be like,
this is, this is gonna be nicer for you.

The main, the reason the slap on the
wrist is so large was because they

were trying to be sneaky about it.

You know,

Angela Morales: and honestly, this team
runs like a tech startup, so I don't know

if they were being shady about it or not,
or they just weren't paying attention.

Because this isn't the first
time that we just haven't paid

Mario Salazar: it's not,
it's not an Angel City year.

Angela Morales: have

Mario Salazar: It's not an Angel
City year unless we get fined.


Angela Morales: But the thing is,
is the majority of these fines R

slash have been incredibly avoidable.

And this was said a lot in
the early days of Angel City

of what are they going to do?

Because team is not run by folks who
know soccer, this is what happens.

Mario Salazar: Yeah, this is what happens.

Angela Morales: you could put my hand
and just put the violation right here.

this is what happens.

When you don't pay attention to
the rules, there's direct impact.

Mario Salazar: And

Angela Morales: And

Mario Salazar: so like the way I'm
reading this, and again, when it comes

to certain news pieces, there's only so
much that everybody is regurgitating.

We're doing, we're doing it the same
way, you know, and everybody regurgitates

it, and then gives you their opinion.

And that's what we're doing, too.

So we can't tell you any more than
what's, you know, In the, the NWSL

press release, right, we're basically
reading the press release to you.

It's like additional side letters, you
know, who's my side, my side piece?

what the hell does that mean?

You know, and it basically just I
mean, and if you look it up, they're

using the legal term side letter is
something that adds to a collective

Angela Morales: a side

Mario Salazar: Yeah, basically,

Angela Morales: yeah.

Mario Salazar: what exactly those
deals were, who those players

were, how it actually impacted
the, salary cap, nobody knows.

It's all it says due to the undisclosed
benefits, thank you for being transparent,

ACFC exceeded the salary cap by
approximately 50, 000 for four weeks.

okay, one, NWSL themselves being shady
as fuck, you know, if you're gonna do

this, people are gonna be upset, people
are gonna be like, what the hell's

going on, and then you give no other
information, and so every media outlet,

Angela Morales: this is just press
release legality talk, though,

because they're not going to tell
you who, what, where, or how.

Because then that would get them
in bigger trouble for disclosing,

specific, oh my god, specific details
that aren't privy to everyone.

So that

Mario Salazar: I mean, I, I
kind of understand, but it, it,

Angela Morales: It's

Mario Salazar: it's also you know, you
hear us talking about this, and it's

exactly the same that, CBS Sports picked
up, and just Women's Sports, and ESPN,

they're all basically writing the same
bit, I feel like all of them basically

Try to put something into JATDBT to try
to differ it a little bit and be like,

Angela Morales: Mm

Mario Salazar: this is
how they talked about it.

Angela Morales: Yeah.

Mario Salazar: and then

Angela Morales: Yeah.

And I, with this whole thing is I wonder,
too, was this, was that, cap overage,

when somebody was getting traded and
somebody else is coming in, like, when

Mario Salazar: that's, cause that's
the, that's the peculiar thing where

it's like, The salary cap, so the
side letters were completed in 2023,

but the violation of the
salary cap was during 2024.

So it was during this current season,
and it was 50, 000 for four weeks.

That's a very it's bleep, you know?


Angela Morales: Yeah.

And I'm like, oh, that's
an overlap of a trade.

Like that's, that's somebody
was there, somebody wasn't.

So either somebody on SEI, somebody
was and then somebody else was

brought on and their, their contracts
overlapped at a weird point.

Something like that.

And there's multiple points
in the season that that could

have happened, which is wild.

Mario Salazar: in the grand
scheme of the monopoly money.


When we, when we talk, we
talk about I mean, it's real

money, but sometimes these,

Angela Morales: of us have that kind of

Mario Salazar: but then sometimes
these teams treat it as monopoly money.


especially when, especially with
all the kind of arbitrary roles

that, American sports place.

On leagues, you know, with salary caps,
with, trade deals, with, trading my, my

college, drafts position, it's like all
of those are made up things, assets that

you're just going to pay me a hundred
K for my number three pick, you know,

it's monopoly money in that sense.

Angela Morales: Mm

Mario Salazar: So when it comes
down to it, 50 K for four weeks,

yes, they did a no, no.

Should, could they, Pay
it back plus a fine?


But a three point deduction?

And the first ever, first
ever deduction in the NWSL.

Angela Morales: Yeah.

And the thing is, is that team
themselves were not necessarily

at fault, like the players, and
that's the part that I don't like.

The fine?


The suspensions?


Because people aren't
doing their job correctly.

But the team who isn't directly,
the impact on the field is not,

this doesn't impact the play.

This, none of this, if you do
an ad and get paid 25 million, I

don't know, whatever, for the ad.

That doesn't determine that you're going
to have a great game two days later.

Like none of that, it correlates,
none of that contributes.

I mean, I guess like sanity,
cause now you have more money, but

Mario Salazar: So if, if they said, the
violation was because we went, you know,

okay, so this is the part that gets me.

Angela Morales: did we even
win the game in that month?

Mario Salazar: Not even that, it's
more because it's such a little blip,

it's because of some weird, like
you said, accounting overlap, that

Angela Morales: Yep.

Mario Salazar: a lot of this comes down to
the, one of the kind of mission statements

that Angel City has about paying our
players what they're worth, right?

And the fact that.

Angela Morales: And they can't
even do that because of the

Mario Salazar: Yeah, and the fact that
Angel City players were supposed to be

getting a cut of, ticket sales, right,
so when we sell in the stadium, you're,

you're putting money in the players
pockets, things like that, what, what kind

of annoys me is that the way everything
is written, it makes it sound like, okay,

there was an accounting overlap, it wasn't
intentional, Again, I'm reading into this.

It wasn't intentional.

It looks like it was an accounting mishap.

or like you said, in the middle of a
trade, someone going in, someone going

out, something didn't quite add up.

So it was only four weeks of 50k.

Now, if you told me For the entire

Angela Morales: 200k total.

Mario Salazar: and that's what they
got fined, but if you told me that for

the entirety of the 2024 season, they
were over, you know, 135K because that

is the salary of a player, then I'd be
like, okay, well, that fucking sucks

because you straight up went over the
salary cap Do you get the advantage?

Angela Morales: and
basketball, men's basketball,

Mario Salazar: Do you get the advantage?

Angela Morales: And if we're
going to play that game, we

might as well institute that.

Because then teams can play,
like pay players properly.

That's hard to say.

Pay players properly.

And if they go over, they go over
and they're willing to take that hit.


Mario Salazar: I mean, the MLS kind of
has that with with the DP rule, right?

Or the Beckham rule, which is, which is
if a player goes over the salary, right,

you, you have to use your general money
to pay their salary down to the max.

And then that's what hits your,
but you're only allowed to do that

with Up to three players, and then
there's others, but you're only

allowed to do that with up to three.

Angela Morales: there's ways,
because it doesn't make sense.

And when you have a salary cap, the salary
cap, the goal is to make sure that players

Mario Salazar: It's for parity.

Angela Morales: equitably.

Mario Salazar: for, it,

Angela Morales: And for

Mario Salazar: and for parity, yeah.

Angela Morales: But the cost of
living in Los Angeles, it Valley, or

closer to down here, is astronomically
more than half of the cities of this

Mario Salazar: It's expensive out here.

Angela Morales: And I know how much some
of the players are slash were making here,

and it's the same, it's the same I make.

it's normal people money.

you can live off of it, but it's not
like you're doing a whole hell of a lot.

it's, it's okay, cool, I
can pay my bills, but what?


Mario Salazar: I was, I
was, I, I checked GPT,

the old CBA, cause I was gonna do,
you know, when I was, I was already

starting to prep for a CBA breakdown
during the offseason, but I, I grabbed

the old one and I was creating some
stuff and got some really good info.

All of it is old now because
of the new CBA that got signed.

But the part that got me was, housing,
you know, basically the team pays

for housing up to a certain extent.

And if, and if the player has complete
autonomy, if they don't want to take

housing, you know what they get?

Whatever, whatever, the team
was going to pay for a double

occupancy, like two bedroom.

Angela Morales: mhm,

Mario Salazar: You get half of that.

so you get a stipend for half
of whatever they were, what,

whatever they deemed to be paid.

Now I know, and then when I say deemed
to be paid or, or you know, what their

market rate is, I know at times it's It's
not really the market rate because if they

set up a deal where it's well, we're going
to only pay 1, 500 for this, these rooms,

Angela Morales: this like block of

Mario Salazar: but you're guaranteed
to have us here for, for four years or

whatever, then it's okay, okay, cool.

But now you're artificially changed.

you know, like any apartment in LA is
going to be like two grand, you know?

Angela Morales: for a one bedroom.

Things are insane out here, so it's like,

right now, and it's still
kind of antiquated, but the lo

Mario Salazar: basically it's, we cheated
and we got, and we're just dumb enough

to get caught, we didn't, and, and
we didn't even benefit from cheating,

Angela Morales: It's, it's what Midge
Purce said when Canada was caught.

If you're gonna cheat, or it was Lynn
or Midge, I don't remember, somebody

on Sam Mewis podcast, but she was like,
if you're gonna cheat, at least cheat

Mario Salazar: yeah.

Angela Morales: and it's not
even that we were cheating.

It's that we don't know how
to handle, Things properly.

Mario Salazar: Or
what's, what's the quote?

If you're gonna steal, if you're
gonna steal, art, steal from

the best or something like that?

Angela Morales: yes, honest to God.

And so we didn't really talk about it.

I mentioned suspensions, but for those
who don't know, Julie Uhrman, who's the

president and CEO of Angel City and Angela
Hucles Mangano, the general manager, have

been suspended effective immediately.

Mario Salazar: effective Friday.

Angela Morales: Yeah.

were effect or the, they were
suspended from conducting interviews.

Anything related to player
transactions for the rest of the year.

So don't count on many signings, don't
count on a lot of news out of Angel City,

even though we have an assistant GM.

Mario Salazar: unless with the
assistant GM and the sporting director,

if they now have, if they now have
the ability within the organization

to basically sign a contract.

Then we can still get stuff done,
but that's if that was already

set up in the first place, right?

Because technically the the league
can be like well You guys can't

approve them to do that because
that would be you getting involved.

you know, I but

Angela Morales: So we don't know
anything about the transition of power.

hierarchy of

Mario Salazar: I mean,

Angela Morales: within Angel

Mario Salazar: technically there
is like a board of directors.

There is a, you know, a whole other
group that can basically override

Julie Uhrman if they needed to, right?

so it's possible, but again,

Angela Morales: So I got a name, a list
of names we need to throw money at.

The first one is M.


Vignola, cause duh.

The second is Christian Press.

you know, like it's one of those
where I'm like, we got some

shit to do y'all effing around.

And this is year three and this is a
rookie mistake and it's disappointing.

Mario Salazar: was supposed to be title
ier, according to the documentary,

Angela Morales: Yeah, about that.

Anyway, thanks to the Utah
Royals and the baddies over in

Gotham for keeping us alive this

Mario Salazar: and also, All the memes
of Gotham, being next on all of this.

Angela Morales: Yeah.


they, they got some money over there.

Mario Salazar: Yeah.

Angela Morales: Yeah.

Anyway, what happened this weekend, Mario?

Mario Salazar: right.

Angela Morales: I'm
gonna Capri send it up.

Mario Salazar: All right.

Well, big congratulations to the
one and only Marta and Orlando

for winning the Supporter Shield.

they, with their win this weekend,
against the Spirit, they have clinched,

and not only have they clinched, they
still have got three more matches.

you know, there's been talk
about Orlando basically becoming

like the first invincibles, the
first invincibles in the NWSL.

If they go completely undefeated
to the end of the season.

They have a possible total
of 66 points right now though

Angela Morales: insane.

Mario Salazar: record is
57 and they have 57 points

Angela Morales: Yeah,

Mario Salazar: know, so

Angela Morales: this, that team, and,
like I said, I'm a homer, I love Angel

City, but that team has been through it.

That team has gone through so much
through, the early days of the NWSL.

Marta has been such a steward
of this league, her other

Brazilian players to come

Mario Salazar: Brazilambia,

Angela Morales: Ali, we are
so international because

of Marta as a league.

She has been through so much.

That team went through, their
fan base went through a lot when

the Pulse shooting happened.

fan base has been through hell
and back because of Florida.

there's just so much that's

Mario Salazar: they're about
to get hit by a freaking

Angela Morales: fan

Mario Salazar: Hurricane,

Angela Morales: Honestly, shit's bad
right now, weather wise, you guys.

so just, if you know anybody in
the Gulf, in the Florida East Coast

South area, send them well wishes,
keep an eye out, just be there for

your family, your friends, all that.

But, this team deserves this
in a way I cannot articulate.

cry about it.

Literally, I'm starting
to, so I'm stopping.

Mario Salazar: And I think
I've asked you this before.

If it comes down to us miraculously
making it to the final and March a

winning, you're not gonna answer?

Are you gonna answer this time?

Angela Morales: March all the way.

Orlando's gonna kick our
ass if that's the case.

Mario Salazar: Well, on that point,

Angela Morales: I want them to
win the champ I want them to win

Mario Salazar: on that point,
though, there have ever only been

Angela Morales: hmm.

Mario Salazar: Two SHIELD, two SHIELD
winners and championship winners that

have basically pulled the double,
and both of them were North Carolina.

if Orlando does pull off winning the
championship, to cap off a crazy,

amazing year, it's just that much
more, exciting and record breaking.

But, again, playoffs, they're different.

And, like Right now everybody's
kind of playing to survive and

playing to get into the playoffs.

Once you're there, every single
game is balls to the wall.

Like not, there's there's no tomorrow.

So you just, you go for it.

so with that being said, overall
scores, we had, Houston losing

to the Red Stars, zero to two.

We have the Courage beating
the Wave, thank you.

two to one.

We have Gotham beating
Bay FC, five to one.

We have racing, losing to KC.

Thank you, KC.

0 2.

We have Portland losing to Utah.

Thank you, Utah.

1 2.

And then, of course, we
have Orlando winning 2 0.

And then that brings us to the standings.

we got deducted 3, so we were in 11th
place with 22 points on Thursday.

By Friday, we were in 12th place
with 19 points because we got a three

point deduction effective immediately.

And then,

Angela Morales: think
that's just such bullshit.

I hate it.

that's the, honestly, the only part of
the entire SmackDown, that I disagree

Mario Salazar: if you listen to our pod,

Angela Morales: that's never
been done, and what the hell.

Mario Salazar: if you've listened to our
pod last week, I went down this rabbit

hole of the, the devil's trifecta of, and
it would only go into effect if we lost.

if we lost, then there was a possibility
of us being eliminated and three

things had to go in a particular order.

Because of the points deduction,
it didn't matter if we won or lost.

It was in effect.

Angela Morales: Yep.

Mario Salazar: if we lost, then
it would have put us in an even

worse position because we would
have been down on 19 points.

So either way, all of that is
to say we are currently at 11th

place, 22 points, back in the spot
we were before this last game.

We've made up that three point
deduction and the Devil's

Trifecta did not come into effect.

Now into my Quick, into my permutation
corner, I don't know how I missed Orlando

clinching the shield, but I missed it.

Also my brain was fried with all the
other variations that we were doing.

The current, with a win or draw,
or with Angel City winning,

clinch home field advantage.

Seattle and Utah, if they both, if
they draw, they're both eliminated.

Angela Morales: Oof,
that's a hell of a matchup.

Mario Salazar: So whoever, and
then if someone wins, of course

the other one's eliminated.


Angela Morales: That's
a battle to the death.

Mario Salazar: If the red stars
win, they clinch the playoffs.

Okay, now we're down to ourselves.

Angela Morales: dun,

Mario Salazar: So while we are not
mathematically eliminated, this is the

Optimist podcast where we are holding

ever so tightly to the hope

Angela Morales: We have seven candles lit.

Mario Salazar: there's sage.

Next time we get to BMO, there's
gonna be sage going around yeah.

Angela Morales: honestly though,
somebody, somebody needs to cleanse the F.


and BMO.

Mario Salazar: okay, here's
the possibilities with us.

We're still, we're not mathematically
eliminated, we're still hoping out

for the universe to be like, smack,
you know, the wave down, smack Bay

FC, smack them all down so that we can
make it squeak in there, but, and then

lose in the first match, but either
way, we'll make it to the playoffs.

Angela Morales: Plain Orlando.

Come on.

Mario Salazar: Okay, I'm not going
to get into it now, but there is a

possibility of us getting 7th, which
means we would pay the Spirit, possibly.

Okay, so ACFC loss,

Angela Morales: Okay.

Mario Salazar: win, then
we've been eliminated.

an ACFC win, that we absolutely
need if we want any chance.

To make it to the playoffs.

needs a combination of other people
dropping points from here on to the end.

We can get a max of 31 points.

the teams, the Wave is the only other
team that has a max of 31 points.

So we're basically, you know,
all so much for watching, and

I'll see you in the next video.

Angela Morales: Please.

Mario Salazar: Need to drop six.

Angela Morales: Oof.

Mario Salazar: Thorns need to drop
six, and Racing need to drop six.

Now, our best bet are the Thorns.

One, because we play them, and we
have to win out all our matches,

so there you go, your three points.

And two, Thorns still play Orlando.

Angela Morales: Ooh,

Mario Salazar: So those
two matches right there

Angela Morales: Please.

Mario Salazar: might help us out.

honestly, all of this is going to
keep coming up every single episode.

If we keep surviving, we
cannot secure the playoffs.

Basically till Decision Day
at BMO versus the Royals.

So let's keep up hope, everyone.

Let's, let's keep it going.

And it's going to be like last year
again, where it came down to decision day

and I spent half the game on my phone.

Angela Morales: My


Mario Salazar: Yeah,

Angela Morales: I had a
re I had a backup battery.

like, Angela, what's the score?

Angela, what's happening?

Everybody just stood


Mario Salazar: I was,

Angela Morales: after

Mario Salazar: was getting so
many, text messages, WhatsApps,

and, Slack messages, from people
like trying to figure out scores.

Angela Morales: Permutation

Mario Salazar: Um,

Angela Morales: That's what you are.

You're the Permutation Primo.



Mario Salazar: hey, pretty much.

Hey, let me know.


Angela Morales: That's

Mario Salazar: let's, let's
celebrate when we can.

So, what happened this weekend?

Angela Morales: So this weekend,
uh, one of Viva's best friends

got married and it was fantastic.

So we were up in the Bay area.

So I had to watch the game on my
phone because our hotel's TV did

not have ability to stream Amazon
Prime, which is dumb, but whatever.

Um, by the time I was able to get my
phone pulled up, we had already scored

because our girl, our homegirl, M.


Vignola in the 33rd minute.

And let me tell you, that
was one of the most beautiful

fricking goals I have ever seen.

And we posted a reel Monday.

uh, the fact that we sometimes
don't know what we're talking about.

We just gotta holla ass up the pitch.

Mario Salazar: Yeah, we, you know, I,
I think if I can remember, I'm going

to try to do this more often because
we're, I want to say we're more spot

on than we think we are a couple times,
like there's been a handful of times.

And so,

yeah, like we've, we've talked about when.

When we get down to trying to hold the
ball too much, that's when we lose it.

That's when we start
getting into our heads.

when we start trying to, when we start
having, Alyssa trying to dribble and juke

out five players like you're like this
big you're like this big can you do it

yes but like most of the time no like
you this big and they're gonna body you

Angela Morales: got


Mario Salazar: exactly

Angela Morales: on you,
means we have four other


Mario Salazar: exactly and we've talked
about the best you Most beautiful

way we've ever seen goals scored
is whenever we keep everything free

flowing, free moving, one two touch,
you know, back and forth, kind of keep

the ball moving, don't stop the ball.

That's exactly what happened.

Angela Morales: exactly,
exactly what happened.

Alyssa had the ball.

Granted, I didn't really see the build
So, I just see Alyssa with the ball.

And she brings it up a little bit further,
threads the needle so perfectly to M.


who made a beautiful route.

Like, I don't know if she is learning
from the team her boyfriend plays for,

because he's a football player, what.

I'm here for it.


here for

Mario Salazar: It was,

Angela Morales: Like,

Mario Salazar: it was,

Angela Morales: that route was,
she just cut and as soon as she got

the ball, she, like, shifted her
weight, pulled their keeper out just

Mario Salazar: mm hmm,

Angela Morales: just a little lean
just shot the ball right past her.

It was, it,

Mario Salazar: and Alyssa's
assist, basically a no look

pass, no look pass, just

boop, right there, but it was
because they knew what was going on.

Angela Morales: yes, they
were on the same page.

They, they were like, I see you.

And this goal is nominated
for goal of the week.


Mario Salazar: Go Volk people.

Angela Morales: you haven't


Mario Salazar: Hopefully this comes out in
time for you, so go vote for goal of the

week and then get ready to actually vote.


Do both.

Angela Morales: Yeah, vote for everything.

Um, but no, this was a very, very,
very much needed three points

because it basically negated what
happened and kept us where we

were, which is so, we needed it.

super needed win for
morale, for mathematics, for


Like, just, we needed this so bad.

Mario Salazar: well

Angela Morales: So bad.

Mario Salazar: watching it, saw the goal.

It was amazing.

Then it was bedtime.

So I had to go do the bedtime stuff.

And then I came back out and kept with
the discord, and keeping up and, you

know, as soon as I got back out, is, is
Towards the end of the second half, and

then there was like a DD play that like
everybody just automatically went grrrr.

Angela Morales: was pissed.

Mario Salazar: Um, okay, so beyond that,
we're being happy about this match.

the prompt was three points.

Are you hopeful or not
holding your breath?

The prompt on the Discord was a lot more,
expletive ful, but it was, it was great.

It was great fun banter.

Come join us on Discord.

Ethan gave us our match haiku.

Alys carries beast.

Nola out of Controller

Angela Morales: I

Mario Salazar: I love it.

I was just saying it out loud too.

And then

Angela Morales: the

Mario Salazar: out for chance.

Angela Morales: Kay can
be in a good mood because

Mario Salazar: That's exactly
what we do on this podcast,

is we're holding out for hope.

We're holding, we're holding onto that
hope until it causes us mental anguish

and we are heartbroken and we need
to go, be by ourselves on the couch.


All right.

Nick came in.

The beauty of Discord, you don't
have to actually write anything.

You come in with a GIF and he came
in with the woot woot Spongebob

GIF and I freaking love it.

Dustin came in with big feelings
over here about the off field news.

But so happy for the win for the players.

The relief was palpable.

I thought we looked
pretty damn good tonight.

Yesi came in with hopeful with a ton of
exclamation points and let's fucking go.

Kaye, keep hope alive homies, which,

Angela Morales: European Adventure,
went to, uh, Iceland, saw the

Northern Lights, was in Ireland,
like all this kinds of cool shit.


Mario Salazar: and she got
to, she got back to, to a win.

So yeah, there you go.

Angela Morales: so she's fine.

I'm not jealous in the slightest.

She's gonna hear this and text me
and be like, what the hell, dude?

Zach came in and said, I'm hopeful,
holding my breath, and we still have

fire under us, and it's the fire emoji.

Oh, it's the arrow where
it says end underneath.

Let's end on our terms.

Zach is always going to


Mario Salazar: Yeah.

Angela Morales: he's he's committed
to the bit and I'm here for it.

Katie said, expectations
low, hopes are high.

On the discord she put, we evened
out our FO's three point deduction

for effing around and finding out.

Also, didn't get to watch the game, so
I'll go back and watch it at some point.

Mixed feelings, to be honest.

Super happy about the win,
sad we're showing up now.

And I'm not a mathy person, so I don't
know what this means in permutations, but

I think it means we still have a lot of
things that we, that need to go exactly


Mario Salazar: Yes.

see about five minutes ago.

Angela Morales: Yeah.

Mario Salazar: And

Angela Morales: Janelle,


Mario Salazar: well, I was going to say,

Angela Morales: Yeah.

Mario Salazar: Katy, not
only did her husband,

Angela Morales: saw

Mario Salazar: gain citizenship
and we're all excited for her.

She also flew down for her birthday
or an early birthday down to, Houston

to see the Dash to help us out.

Wait, no.

Dash lost.

Did they win?

Dash lost.

They lost.

either way, she flew down, she
flew down there to support Paige.

she got to get a picture
with Paige, got a picture,

Angela Morales: Oh,

Mario Salazar: yeah,

Angela Morales: I


Mario Salazar: she got a picture with,
Paige's sister, and, just good stuff.

Looks like she had a great time.

again, great trip, congratulations
for, your husband on the citizenship,

and, let's keep it going.


Angela Morales: so Janelle
came in and said, hope, always

hope, which, yeah, I'm trying.

And then Jeff said, was that the game?

Lumen is no BMO.

Vibes are unmatched at home.

This is probably our best
complete game of the season.

We had control most of the match, no
glaring mistakes and better defensively.

Need to finish?

Chances but overall, great game.

It's always nice to hear when
somebody is actually there like

the vibe is so different sometimes.

Like there's been games where
I'm there and you're watching

at home and we're watching a

Mario Salazar: completely

different game.

And I posted up a picture on the Discord
right as the match started and I was like,

Hey, you know, this is kind of sad to see.

I know Lumen Field is huge.

It's a football stadium.

Angela Morales: Yeah.

Mario Salazar: It looked so empty.


Angela Morales: It's also a
little bit out like the city.

It's like on the outskirts of
Seattle and it's kind of hard

to get

Mario Salazar: No, they have a train.

Angela Morales: well, yeah, like
if you're coming from work, you're


Mario Salazar: That's true.

It was a Friday.


Angela Morales: Mm hmm.


overall, everybody has some good, some
good vibes happening and that's fantastic.

up, we're playing the Courage and we
need courage to get through this one.

They are a very good team.

They're a storied team in the league.

Like Mario said, they have won.

They have won the Shield and
won the championship in the same

Mario Salazar: Back to back.

Angela Morales: a winning team.

Um, do want to say I'm so
frickin happy for them right

now because they're being sold.

And their stupid ass owner
and folks are getting out.

This is fantastic because that
fan base has been through hell and

back in the like, three seasons.

Had Homophobe on the team, the main
supporter group is like, what the hell?

You're now saying that this is
a safe place for us, but you're

encouraging somebody who actively
hates us to be on your team.

This is the same player who I don't think
deserves a name shout out, but was She's

very had been on and off the national
team, refused to wear the pride numbers.


That says


Mario Salazar: You can be a
good player and you can also

be a shit human, so I mean.

Angela Morales: we've got a
few of those still on the team.

uh, that's for a different conversation,

but no, they're, they're in the process
of selling the team and getting new

ownership and they're really, really,
really, really, really cool thing.

That makes me extremely happy is
that Lauren Holliday is involved.

I've talked about Chaney
on this podcast before.

She was a game changer.

Her maiden name is Chaney, sorry.

For those who don't know,
it's Lauren Chaney Holliday.

She's married to Drew Holliday, who
plays currently for the Celtics.

They are the family of sports
right now, and it's beautiful.

Um, she was one of the people on
the national team who effectively

changed the culture of the team.

Thank you.

make them what they are how they
prepared and how they treated each

other and how like, did everything.

She's just magnificent.

She has been through hell and
come out on the other side.

She wasn't seen in the
public for a long time.

She had a couple different, all
kinds of health issues happening.

She had like, a lot has
happened in the last few years

to the, the Holliday family.

so so happy she's back out in the world.

the world needs Lauren Holliday.


And I'm, I'm so pumped, pumped for
North Carolina beating New Ownership.

Hopefully it's better and they
can do even more and rebuild the

relationship for their fan base.

Like, it went from packed stadiums
to nothing because of what happened

with the ownership group and what they
were, supporting and not supporting.

And it's been a lot,
but yeah, super happy.

I just wanted to talk about that because
it's majorly important to get, you

know, Um, how can I say this nicely?

Shitbags of ownership?

I'm just saying.

Maybe we don't do that


Mario Salazar: Yeah.


RIP Oakland.

Angela Morales: That's also a

Mario Salazar: Yeah.

Angela Morales: to sell the team because


Mario Salazar: Yeah.


Sorry, I digress.


Angela Morales: yes.

Um, regards to Angel City,
give me the Like, pump it


Mario Salazar: Oh, jeez.

Angela Morales: I said last,
I said last episode, 2?

Give me a 7 3 1.

Like, put, just have Sarah and then DiDi
in the back and just run everybody there.

Like, we got this.

Give it to me in my Like,
This is what I meant.

Just skip the midfield, from
defense to offense, and that's it.

Just everybody push.

Everybody crash the box.

I almost said crash the boards,
like this is rebounding.

just freaking do it.

What do we have to lose at this point?



Mario Salazar: I'm gonna, I'm gonna have,
I'm, again, me being me, I'm preparing

stuff for our, end of year analysis.


Whenever that actually comes, whether
it's sooner rather than later.

But, with all of that, I have
been looking into how often we've

been using the same starting 11.

Angela Morales: Yeah,
this has been a, this is

Mario Salazar: Yeah, it's

Angela Morales: I

Mario Salazar: very
telling, and it's very low.

I'm just gonna say it right now.

It's very low.

Lower than you might think.

Maybe not as low as some of you think.


Angela Morales: Yeah.

Mario Salazar: yeah, so it's

When things work, let's not mess with it.

And there's been a lot of times
where things worked and then

we go ahead and mess with it.

Angela Morales: we messed


Mario Salazar: And then, and
then it fucks everything up.

we had, everybody looked really good
in this last game, start the same 11.

You know where we stand on the number
one, we can switch that one out in

the, in the starting 11, but, you know,

give or take at this point.

and yeah, we said, run up there.

Right now, it's

scramble and paw and claw your way
into the playoffs, because then

everything changes from there.

so, if we do have to play some boring
ball where it's score first and then, and

then sit back and hold it for 45 minutes,

I'm not gonna be mad.

Everybody else might be mad.

I'm not gonna be mad.

It's gonna gain us.

Angela Morales: If we have to park
the bus, we're gonna, it's like the

opposite of the Extreme Home Makeover
where they're like, move that bus.

I'm like, no, park that shit.

Mario Salazar: But, on the other
side, a tie doesn't do us any good.

A loss doesn't do us any good.

So if it's coming down to it,
send DiDi the fuck up there

for every single corner kick.

she is going to be another
player in that, she's tall,

Angela Morales: Yes.

Mario Salazar: her,
you know, like, use it.


Angela Morales: Just get everybody


Mario Salazar: if we went for it, and then
they lobbed one over and it got into the

goal, we were gonna lose the game anyways.

It doesn't matter if we lose by two
or by one, it's not gonna matter.

A loss is a loss, go for it.

Angela Morales: just go for
Like there's not, there's

nothing to lose at this point.

Either we don't make the playoffs
or we do on a hope and a prayer.

like, cool, there are a couple
familiar faces on The Courage

who I think a lot of people miss,

Mario Salazar: Yeah.

Angela Morales: Myself included.

Tyler Lussi is one of them.

You may remember her from Season
1 with her pink headband and pink

boots and her rolled up sleeves.

She is part of No Sleeves FC, where
she These women just show their

guns off, and nobody hates it.

Tyler Lussi is a goal scoring machine.

you may remember, too, that she
kinda transitioned to defense.

Since we had no defenders our
first season, everybody was hurt.

she transitioned the game we played,
The Spirit, and she guarded Trinity

Rodman and essentially shut her down.

that was dope.

But, she is very good,
very crafty, very fast.

Um, kind of a streak on the
field, just like pew pew.



Mario Salazar: Oh man.

Angela Morales: her very well.

Put M.


or Maddie Curry on her.

We need legs.

Like, she's got speed
and she's got stamina.

Give, give her to the youth.

Mario Salazar: Yeah.

Angela Morales: and then, one, the only
Dani Weatherholt, who I just miss much.


even I were joking when this
trade happened like, this is Tyler

Lussi's Like, she recruited her.

How dare she?

No, we, I genuinely miss Dani's
leadership and her presence in

the midfield and the, The vibes.

She is a fantastic human.

She builds relationships in the community.

She it down in the midfield for her team.

She's just fantastic and
fun to watch and just nice.

She's gritty as shit too.

She like, will throw you to
the ground and be like, what?

And then be like, oh my god, it
was so good to see you after the


Mario Salazar: I think that's,

Angela Morales: she's


Mario Salazar: I think that's my
favorite point or part of all of this.

And it's something that I just wish
more people paid attention to where like

when the players lose, they,
they, they absolutely feel it.

They are absolutely 100 percent
pissed off that they just lost.

Angela Morales: mm hmm.

Mario Salazar: But they also understand
that they just lost a game, and

those are their colleagues, those
are their friends, those are their,

Angela Morales: Those are people they went


Mario Salazar: those are
family, extended family,

Angela Morales: yeah,

Mario Salazar: they've played on
teams together for, you know, Years.

So again, it's just a game.

It's 90 minutes.

Angela Morales: Mario says this because
he never competed at a super high level.

And I don't know what it
means to say it's just a game.

I'm like, it's not though.

Mario Salazar: hey, I take that
as a dig at my personal ability.

Angela Morales: okay, and

Mario Salazar: Okay, Miss School Record
Holder, geez, that's still standing.

Angela Morales: I'm just
saying, yeah, what about it?

High school and

Mario Salazar: It's
just, it's just a game.

Angela Morales: It's not, no, it, the
hard thing is, is that it is just a and

like, I fully understand that, like,
abide by that, but also, I'm just like,

no, not when you feel it in your bones,
you're mad about it for three days

because you know when you messed up.

know, like, or you know what happened
or what broke down it's a whole thing,


Mario Salazar: Yeah, I mean, it's not that
big of a deal in NWSL, I don't think I've

ever seen stuff being thrown on the pitch
for an NWSL match, but everything else.

Angela Morales: think it's happened, but
nothing, it's one of those, like, why

did you do Like, that's embarrassing.

Don't act like that.

Mario Salazar: He doesn't even go here.

Angela Morales: honestly, that's
what would Like, eww, go away.

Um, but for Angel City, I just,
I just want to talk about M.

Like, genuinely, after this week, I'm
just like, that's our, first of all,

that's our we here at Casual FC, I can
essentially speak for the both of us and

our pseudo producer Eva, throw money at M.


to get


Mario Salazar: Yes.

Angela Morales: Throw money at her.

She deserves it.


Mario Salazar: Yeah.

Angela Morales: and who
else is doing what she does?

Mario Salazar: Also, We
have merch ideas for M.


that we want to use next year.

Angela Morales: let us do
it, because then it's cooler.

don't mess with the we have plans.

Mario Salazar: I mean, we've, we've
talked, there's, you know, there's

a handful of players that we've
talked about where we're like,

we want to see them let loose.

And under a system like
Tweeds, at times they can't.

But then, but they can, it, it
seems to work when it, so I don't,

Angela Morales: when it works.

Mario Salazar: again, not a tactician,
I don't know how, why it's working at

one point and not working at the other,
but still, when you let her fly, and

when you let Curry fly, when you let
Sarah just, Boss down and be, be that

back wall, shit happens, you know,

Angela Morales: If we're going to play
through our defense, let the defense play.

Mario Salazar: when, when Alyssa
has someone to pass and bounce off

of, she will assist, she will score,
when Bright has someone to assist

and pass off of, she will score,

same thing with Syd, when,

Angela Morales: With Claire,

Mario Salazar: with, all of them, they
all have the ability, we all have the

ability, yeah, I, I believe, There's a
part of me, genuinely believes, if we

squeak into the playoffs, and we find
the mojo, which we've been trying to

fucking find all fucking year, if we find
that mojo, we could make it all the way.

We could.

Angela Morales: there's

Mario Salazar: there's
always a possibility.


Angela Morales: the probability might

Mario Salazar: Yes.

Angela Morales: And this is, you're
talking, you're looking at a girl who did

not pass statistics twice out of the three
times she took it, because she hates it.

But like the probability might be
low, but the possibility still exists.

Mario Salazar: I went into art.

Angela Morales: That's the
funniest thing you've ever said.

I went into art.

Mario Salazar: I mean, I took, I,
I, I took all the math classes.

But, and I took physics
and whatnot, but also

Angela Morales: Oh man.

Mario Salazar: one ear,
right out the other,

Angela Morales: into art.

Mario Salazar: you know,

Angela Morales: Yeah.

But, with this matchup, this
is actually a much different

uh, score line than I expected.


Mario Salazar: Oh, our matchup.



Angela Morales: our
matchup with the Courage.

We have one draw, one
loss, and three wins.

I did not, I had not put that together.

Now looking back, I know when those
games yeah, so we've won three times.

You know what would be dope?

If we do

Mario Salazar: do it for,

Angela Morales: One more.


Mario Salazar: do it again.

Angela Morales: One more again.

Just do it again.

That's all.

That's all I'm gonna say.

I just want us to ball out
same thing as last game.

All the offense.


Mario Salazar: It's like, what if
you put like a hundred in there?

Angela Morales: Honestly, what
if you just did this more?

Mario Salazar: okay.

And we're going to get that fourth
win Saturday, October 12th at Wake

Mead Soccer Park, North Carolina
Courage versus Angel City FC.

430 p.


Pacific time.

It's going to be on ION TV and
on iHeartRadio, on the radio

app with Isaac and Tracey.

And Angel City will be having
their official watch party at

Watch Me Sports Bar in Long Beach.

It starts at 3.

30 with a special screening
of Surrender to the Sound.

Documentary about all the supporters.

go support, an amazing filmmaker
and the game starts at 4 30.

and like I said,

be nice to the servers, be aware that if
it's packed, it's going to take longer

for you to get stuff, order a drink.

That's quicker.

Angela Morales: get to get there early,

Mario Salazar: If you want
to eat, get there early.

If you want to hang out with everybody
and have fun and watch the game,

you're probably going to be doing
more drinking than eating, or if you

do eat, it's going to take longer.


Um, and with all that being said,
if you're here with us so far, thank

you You probably like what you hear.

So hit subscribe wherever
you're listening.

If you need to find a special link
for a new app that you want to use

to listen to podcasts, for some
reason, go ahead and go to casualfc.


All the pod links are there.

We're also on YouTube in video
form and on Spotify in video form.

Not exactly right when the
episode comes out, usually a

couple hours later, because it's.

I have to manually do it.

It's a thing.

It's a thing.

follow us on socials, casual FC pod, on
Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and threads.

Angela Morales: And TikTok doesn't
hate us anymore because you get

to see

Mario Salazar: Yay.


Angela Morales: whatever.

Mario Salazar: Instagram for some
reason hates us because it's like

your video is too long, or we,
I'll talk to you about the notice.

Angela Morales: Yeah.

Mario Salazar: Best ways to support the
pod, the free way is to share, comment

on any one of our posts on social media
or, Better yet, on actual Apple podcasts

or Spotify or YouTube, engagement is
the best way for other people to find

it, and for the algorithm to share it.

grab some of our merch, at shop.



We have some fun stuff
that are still up there.

We're never taking it down until we

Angela Morales: Never

Mario Salazar: Until there's a reason to.

And if you feel so inclined, help
support the pod by buying us a coffee.

Check out our link on our socials.

Buy me a coffee.com/casual
fc pod a couple bucks.

Helps us keep the light on.

And helps us keep going.

Angela Morales: Just

Mario Salazar: Just

one light.

Angela Morales: just

Mario Salazar: Yeah,

this light, this light right here.

and then tell a friend about the pod.

It brings us good luck and we just
package that good luck, wrap it up

with a nice little bow and we send
it to ACFC and to the players so

that they can use it on the field.

So with all that being said, register
to vote, check your registration.

We'll see you on Saturday.


Angela Morales: Bye.

10/12 North Carolina Courage Match Preview
Broadcast by